• UniCredit – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere, Scienze

Impact Group Graduate Program - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 19/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Lettere, Scienze

Our vision is to be “One Bank, One UniCredit”. We are a simple successful pan-European commercial bank with a fully plugged in Corporate & Investment Banking, delivering our unique Western, Central and Eastern European network to our 26 million extensive client franchise.

Impact Group Graduate Program is a 18-months development path that offers a unique insight into UniCredit. During your journey, you will experience job rotations across the Group which will give you the opportunity to work for different business areas, learn fast and build your professional network.

Our offer to you

  • Target areas:
    • Corporate and Investment Banking
    • Commercial Banking
    • Central & Operating functions
  • 18 months on- and off-the-job learning
  • Job rotations defined according to your target area, career aspirations, academic background and business needs
  • Dedicated development path
  • International experience
  • Competitive compensation package and permanent contract

Our ideal candidate

  • Excellent university degree and academic records
  • Relevant work/internship experience
  • Relevant international experience
  • Fluency in English
  • Full-time availability
  • Availability for international mobility
  • Eager to start a career across the organization

Hiring Location: Milan, Munich, Vienna

Entry date: July 2019

Application from 25th February to 17th March 2019

Apply on line at www.unicreditgroup.eu/impact

Contact: impact@unicredit.eu

• Hays – Laureati in Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Scienze

Associate Consultant Trainee - Engineering Division

Pubblicato il: 13/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

Hays PLC, società quotata al London Stock Exchange, è uno dei leader mondiali nel Recruitment specializzato in ambito del Middle e Senior Management. Oltre 10.000 professionisti compongono il team Hays worldwide con uffici dislocati in 33 paesi nel mondo e 20 divisioni specializzate. In Italia siamo presenti a Milano, Roma, Bologna e Torino ed offriamo ogni giorno interessanti opportunità di lavoro nei diversi settori di mercato.

Una delle principali ragioni del successo di Hays sta nel fatto che siamo specializzati nelle diverse aree di mercato, per le quali abbiamo sviluppato nel corso degli anni divisioni dedicate: Accountancy & Finance, Banking & Insurance, Information Technology, Engineering, Human Resources, Legal, Life Sciences, Retail, Sales & Marketing.

Grazie al nostro network internazionale siamo in grado di essere efficienti e veloci nel risolvere le necessità di recruiting di ogni realtà aziendale.
Il nostro programma di tirocinio offre un’ampia visibilità al settore della consulenza attraverso l’affiancamento ai Manager Hays. In qualità di Associate Consultant Intern, farai parte del programma Hays Academy con una formazione strutturata e intensiva, d’aula e on the job, per la durata di 6 mesi; con l’opportunità al termine dei 6 mesi di entrare a far parte a pieno titolo nell’organico di Hays Italia nel ruolo di Consultant iniziando da qui il tuo percorso di carriera.

La risorsa, spinta da una forte vocazione alle relazioni e accompagnata dallo spirito consulenziale, sarà di supporto nella gestione dei progetti assegnati e in attività di business development attraverso l’identificazione e lo sviluppo di un nuovo portfolio clienti e la conseguente relazione con decisional maker con anche la partecipazione ad eventi di settore.

Inoltre, parteciperà attivamente ai processi di recruitment tramite attività di Head-Hunting spesso utilizzata in executive search, ovvero la ricerca di una figure professionale che risponda agli specifici requisiti concordati con i clienti.

La risorsa ideale deve aver conseguito una Laurea in Ingegneria e deve avere una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata.

Completano il profilo: buona gestione dello stress, orientamento agli obiettivi; eccellente standing e proprietà di linguaggio, dinamicità, spiccato senso commerciale ed alle relazioni, orientamento al lavoro e cliente interno/esterno, proattività, metodica e precisione, solarità; Volontà di approcciare un progetto di medio – lungo termine all’interno del settore.

Sede di Lavoro: Roma

Per candidarsi cliccare sul seguente link: https://hays-apply.hays-careers.com/hays_it_it/Search/Vacancy/all/1/3206054/Associate%20Consultant%20Trainee%20-%20Engineering%20Division%20Rome%20Italy.html

I candidati di ambo i sessi, dopo aver visionato l’informativa obbligatoria sulla privacy sul sito www.hays.it, sono pregati di inviare il proprio CV in formato Word, indicando il riferimento (Rif. 916365 ) nonchè il proprio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. LGS. 196/03. Aut. Min. N. 13/I/0007145/03.04 del 1 Aprile 2008.

Associate Consultant Trainee - Legal e Tax

Pubblicato il: 13/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Giurisprudenza

Hays PLC, società quotata al London Stock Exchange, è uno dei leader mondiali nel Recruitment specializzato in ambito del Middle e Senior Management. Oltre 10.000 professionisti compongono il team Hays worldwide con uffici dislocati in 33 paesi nel mondo e 20 divisioni specializzate. In Italia siamo presenti a Milano, Roma, Bologna e Torino ed offriamo ogni giorno interessanti opportunità di lavoro nei diversi settori di mercato.

Una delle principali ragioni del successo di Hays sta nel fatto che siamo specializzati nelle diverse aree di mercato, per le quali abbiamo sviluppato nel corso degli anni divisioni dedicate: Accountancy & Finance, Banking & Insurance, Information Technology, Engineering, Human Resources, Legal, Life Sciences, Retail, Sales & Marketing. Grazie al nostro network internazionale siamo in grado di essere efficienti e veloci nel risolvere le necessità di recruiting di ogni realtà aziendale.

Il nostro programma di tirocinio offre un’ampia visibilità al settore della consulenza attraverso l’affiancamento ai Manager Hays. In qualità di Associate Consultant trainee, farai parte del programma Hays Academy con una formazione strutturata e intensiva, d’aula e on the job, per la durata di 6 mesi; con l’opportunità al termine dei 6 mesi di entrare a far parte a pieno titolo nell’organico di Hays Italia nel ruolo di Consultant iniziando da qui il tuo percorso di carriera.
La risorsa, spinta da una forte vocazione alle relazioni e accompagnata dallo spirito consulenziale, sarà di supporto nella gestione dei progetti assegnati e in attività di business development attraverso l’identificazione e lo sviluppo di un nuovo portfolio clienti e la conseguente relazione con decisional maker con anche la partecipazione ad eventi di settore.
Inoltre, parteciperà attivamente ai processi di recruitment tramite attività di Head-Hunting spesso utilizzata in executive search, in particolare con un focus sulla ricerca di figure professionali in ambito Legal & Tax di società clienti e primari studi legali.

La risorsa ideale è un giovane neo laureato in Giurisprudenza, che ha eventualmente maturato una minima esperienza preferibilmente in studi legali di primaria importanza con focus in ambito Tax, ha un’ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata e un forte orientamento commerciale.
Completano il profilo: eccellente standing, proprietà di linguaggio, ottima gestione dello stress e del tempo, orientamento al risultato, volontà di approcciare un progetto di medio – lungo termine all’interno del settore.

Sede di Lavoro: Roma

Per candidarsi cliccare sul seguente link: https://hays-apply.hays-careers.com/hays_it_it/Search/Vacancy/all/1/3205811/Associate%20Consultant%20Trainee%20-%20Legal%20e%20Tax%20Rome%20Italy.html

I candidati di ambo i sessi, dopo aver visionato l’informativa obbligatoria sulla privacy sul sito www.hays.it, sono pregati di inviare il proprio CV in formato Word, indicando il riferimento (Rif. 916367) nonchè il proprio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. LGS. 196/03. Aut. Min. N. 13/I/0007145/03.04 del 1 Aprile 2008

Engineering Consultant Trainee

Pubblicato il: 13/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria gestionale, Ingegneria meccanica, Ingegneria elettrica, Ingegneria chimica, Ingegneria civile

Sei appassionato al mondo ingegneristico e desideri una realtà lavorativa dinamica, stimolante e desideri mettere al servizio degli altri le tue competenze? HAYS cerca te!

Hays PLC, società quotata al London Stock Exchange, è uno dei leader mondiali nel Recruitment specializzato in ambito del Middle e Senior Management. Oltre 10.000 professionisti compongono il team Hays worldwide con uffici dislocati in 33 paesi nel mondo e 20 divisioni specializzate. In Italia siamo presenti a Milano, Roma, Bologna e Torino ed offriamo ogni giorno interessanti opportunità di lavoro nei diversi settori di mercato.

Una delle principali ragioni del successo di Hays sta nel fatto che siamo specializzati nelle diverse aree di mercato, per le quali abbiamo sviluppato nel corso degli anni divisioni dedicate: Accountancy & Finance, Banking & Insurance, Information Technology, Engineering, Human Resources, Legal, Life Sciences, Retail, Sales & Marketing. Grazie al nostro network internazionale siamo in grado di essere efficienti e veloci nel risolvere le necessità di recruiting di ogni realtà aziendale.

La risorsa verrà inserita in un percorso di crescita professionale, in affiancamento al Manager della divisione IT, interfacciandosi con le società Clienti, dedicandosi allo sviluppo di un portfolio clienti e svolgendo attività di Head Hunting.

Il candidato ideale è un giovane laureato o laureando in ingegneria gestionale/meccanica/elettrica/chimica/civile o in materie scientifico-economiche, con una forte passione per il mondo ingegneristico e spiccato orientamento commerciale. Indispensabile è una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Si offre un programma di crescita strutturato, tirocinio di 6 mesi a finalità assuntiva.

Per candidarsi cliccare sul seguente link: https://hays-apply.hays-careers.com/hays_it_it/Search/Vacancy/all/2/3181218/ENGINEERING%20CONSULTANT%20TRAINEE%20Rome%20Italy.html

IT Consultant Trainee

Pubblicato il: 13/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Informatica, Ingegneria

Sei appassionato al mondo IT e desideri una realtà lavorativa dinamica, stimolante e desideri mettere al servizio degli altri le tue competenze? HAYS cerca te!

Hays PLC, società quotata al London Stock Exchange, è uno dei leader mondiali nel Recruitment specializzato in ambito del Middle e Senior Management. Oltre 10.000 professionisti compongono il team Hays worldwide con uffici dislocati in 33 paesi nel mondo e 20 divisioni specializzate. In Italia siamo presenti a Milano, Roma, Bologna e Torino ed offriamo ogni giorno interessanti opportunità di lavoro nei diversi settori di mercato.

Una delle principali ragioni del successo di Hays sta nel fatto che siamo specializzati nelle diverse aree di mercato, per le quali abbiamo sviluppato nel corso degli anni divisioni dedicate: Accountancy & Finance, Banking & Insurance, Information Technology, Engineering, Human Resources, Legal, Life Sciences, Retail, Sales & Marketing. Grazie al nostro network internazionale siamo in grado di essere efficienti e veloci nel risolvere le necessità di recruiting di ogni realtà aziendale.

La risorsa verrà inserita in un percorso di crescita professionale, in affiancamento al Manager della divisione IT, interfacciandosi con le società Clienti, dedicandosi allo sviluppo di un portfolio clienti e svolgendo attività di Head Hunting.

Il candidato ideale è un giovane laureato o laureando in materie informatiche, ingegneristiche o scientifico-economiche, con una forte passione per il mondo IT e spiccato orientamento commerciale. Indispensabile è una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Si offre un programma di crescita strutturato, tirocinio di 6 mesi a finalità assuntiva.

Per candidarsi cliccare sul seguente link: https://hays-apply.hays-careers.com/hays_it_it/Search/Vacancy/all/2/3181209/IT%20CONSULTANT%20TRAINEE%20Rome%20Italy.html

• Randstad seleziona per multinazionale – Laureati in Economia

Finance & Controlling Internship

Pubblicato il 12/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

For the Administration Finance and Control department of a multinational company we are looking for a STAGEUR in CONTROLLING  AREA.

The intern, for six months, will support the Controlling Dept. to manage:

  • the planning activities and processes;
  • issuing of timely and complete financial statements;
  • calculating variances from the budget and reporting significant issues to management;
  • costs analysis/performance measurement to support management decision.

Main Requirements: economics degree; good knowledge of  MSOffice; good knowledge of  English.

Soft Skills: positive approach; solution finding; accuracy; team working attitude; planning and organization skills.

The internship provides a reimbursement of expenses and free company canteen.

Location: Chieti Area – Italy

Contact: lanciano@randstad.it


Per importante azienda cliente, leader nel suo settore di riferimento, stiamo cercando una risorsa da inserire con un tirocino extracurriculare all’interno dell’ufficio amministrazione e finanza con un rimborso mensile di 600€.

Si richiede:

  • laurea magistrale indirizzo economico, oppure triennale con master in controllo di gestione
  • ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese parlata e scritta
  • ottimo standing, flessibilità e capacità relazionali

Sede di lavoro zona industriale di Atessa (Ch)

I candidati potranno inviare il loro curriculum al seguente indirizzo email: lanciano@randstad.it

• Siemens – Laureati in Ingegneria

Digital Industry Talent Program - Tempo indeterminato, Milano

Pubblicato il 11/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria dell’Automazione, Elettrica, Meccanica, Informatica, Gestionale, ICT and Internet Engineering

Are you passionate about latest Digital Trends and Technologies? This opportunity is for you: join Siemens Digital Industry Business in Italy. You will support the management in new digital objectives which will lead to increase productivity, efficiency, speed and quality, resulting in higher competitiveness for our customers on their way to the future of industry.

You will be hired with a permanent contract in Milan as from June 2019.

Your career in Siemens will start with an 18 months rotation program (3 assignments of 6 months each, covering 3 different digital industry roles) and a 1 month assignment abroad that will help you develop technical and leadership skills. The path includes mentoring and constant feedback moments.

You will be selected either for a:

  • Digital Sales Consulting Journey
  • Digital Portfolio Consulting Journey

After 18 months you will be ready to take in charge one of these possible landing roles:

  • Digital Business Developer
  • Digital Product Manager
  • Digital Technical Process Manager
  • Digital Technical Sales Consultant

Look at the requirements Siemens is looking for:

  • You are majoring or are a fresh graduate in Automation, Electrical, Mechanical, IT, Physical, Chemical or Management Engineering
  • You have a Full marks Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree (or expected Mark in Master’s Degree, if not yet accomplished)
  • You have been living at least 6 months abroad for a life, work or study experience
  • You are fluent in English and Italian (at least B2)
  • You are passionate about Innovation and latest technology trends.
  • You have an open and communicative mindset, with authentic interest and curiosity for people with different backgrounds and cultures
  • Energy, Proactivity, Open-Mindedness, “Start-up approach”, Intellectual Curiosity are some of the qualities of the Digital Talent Profile we will be hiring.

See what Siemens offers:

  • A flexible an responsible way of working;
  • An environment where business curiosity is highly appreciated and where we guarantee a continuous training and access to wide range of internal digital information to grow;
  • Professional and extraprofessional accident insurance;
  • Health insurance that can be extended to your family;
  • Meal totally paid by the company when in the office;
  • Personal Computer and Smartphone;

Sign up here: https://www.siemenstalentprogram.it

I candidati ambosessi (L.903/03) sono invitati a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy (art. 13, D. Lgs. 196/03 ed art. 13 GDPR 679/16)

• Wind Tre – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

New Graduate - Jr. App Developer - Tempo Indeterminato - Recruiting Day 28 Febbraio 2019 SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 05/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Matematica o simili

We are looking for Junior App Developers to join our Team of Applications Development based in Rome & Milan.

You will be working, with a permanent contract, with our engineers in an Agile environment to develop and maintain high quality mobile applications.

If you’re passionate about mobile platforms and translating code into user-friendly apps, if you enjoy collaborating in a fast-paced environment and you are eager to grow your skills under the mentorship of Senior Developers, we would like to meet you!

As a Jr. App Developer you will:

  • Support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support)
  • Produce fully functional mobile applications writing clean code
  • Collaborate in active way in our Agile teams to plan new features
  • Research and suggest new mobile products, applications and protocols
  • Stay up-to-date with new technology trends

What makes you special?

  • MSc degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics or relevant field
  • Preferable knowledge of Swift or Java for APP development practices
  • Attitude to actively perform in a team environment
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to change
  • Curiosity and positive attitude to continuous improvement and learning
  • Good English knowledge

Place of work: ROMA, RHO (MI)

Contract type: Permanent


New Graduate - Jr. Web Developer - Tempo Indeterminato - Recruiting Day 28 Febbraio 2019 SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 05/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Matematica o simili

We are looking for Junior Web Developers to join our Team of Applications Development based in Rome and Milan.

You will be working, with a permanent contract, with our engineers in an Agile environment to develop and maintain high quality web applications.

If you’re passionate about web site architecture and translating code into user-friendly webapps, if you enjoy collaborating in a fast-paced environment and you are eager to grow your skills under the mentorship of Senior Developers, we would like to meet you!

 As Jr. Web Developer you will:

  • Support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support)
  • Produce fully functional web applications writing clean code
  • Collaborate in active way in our Agile Teams to plan new features
  • Research and suggest new products, applications and protocols
  • Stay up-to-date with new technology trends

What makes you special?

  • MSc degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics or relevant field
  • Preferable knowledge of Angular Framework developments and Spring Framework
  • Ability to actively perform in a team environment
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to change
  • Curiosity and positive attitude to continuous improvement and learning
  • Good English knowledge

Place of work: ROMA, RHO (MI)

Contract type: Permanent


• Salini Impregilo – Laureati in Ingegneria

Internship - Market Intelligence Analyst in Vendor Management Team

salini-impregilo_logo-200px-794x397.png (794×397)

Pubblicato il: 31/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, Ingegneria Civile

Location: Milano, Italy

Company: Salini Impregilo Spa

Salini Impregilo is an industrial group specializing in the construction of major, complex projects, a dynamic Italian company capable of competing with leading global players. Operating in over 50 countries with 35,000 employees, revenues of € 6.5 billion and a total backlog of € 34.4 billion*, Salini Impregilo is a global player in the construction sector and a leading global infrastructure company in the water segment. The Group bases its activities on a strong passion for construction which is reflected in its wealth of international projects. Dams and hydroelectric plants, hydraulic works, railways and metro systems, airports and motorways, civil and industrial buildings are the sectors in which the Group has been operating in for over 110 years.

*Consolidated Financial Results 2017

We are looking for a young new graduate for a 6-month internship in the Group’s Procurement Department in Milan (HQ), starting from February/March 2019.

The internship will be carried out under the guidance of a Company Tutor, and will focus on the following activities:

  • Market scouting activities of products and services in international and national markets based on Business Lines requirements and needs;
  • Supporting  Country analysis activities, based on the Company’s Strategic Plan (economic and political environment, supply chain, foreign investments attractiveness);
  • Supporting our Procurement Commodity Managers in developing and implementing strategic sourcing, in terms of market understanding, expected future trends and structured suppliers baseline;
  • Supporting reporting activities related to the Market Intelligence area and Vendor Management in general;
  • Participating in corporate development projects related to market intelligence.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • University Degree in Management, Building or Civil Engineering;
  • Fluent English;
  • Knowledge of MS Office (Excel, Power Point, Word); the knowledge of SAP will be considered as a plus;
  • Excellent analytical and methodological skills, ability to prioritize and work towards the deadlines:


  • Results-oriented
  • Proactive, highly energetic and enthusiast with a “hands-on” and determined approach;
  • Excellent time management skills, high accuracy, thoroughness, and reliability levels, even under pressure
  • Capable of interacting with different internal and external stakeholders

Willingness to travel and to be relocated in Italy and abroad

To Apply: https://jobs.salini-impregilo.com/job/Milano-Internship-Market-Intelligence-Analyst-in-Vendor-Management-Team/508245801/

• Vodafone Italia – Laureati in Ingegneria

Enterprise Solutions (Permanent Contract)

Pubblicato il 29/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, ICT & Internet Engineering, Ingegneria di Internet

The Pre-Sales role is in charge of designing the integrated solutions that meet the current and future needs of medium-sized and big-sized clients. He is responsible to increase the profitability and the volume of the sales, as well as developing new opportunities in the market. Working closely to the corporate sales account managers, he must be able to identify customers’ needs and customize the solution.

Key Accountabilities And Decision Ownership

  • Ensuring the technical support to the Corporate Sales Force in the proposition of the solution portfolio.
  • Design of technical solution for customers, in respect of the feasibility of practical applications, corporate standards, the timing and the project budget. Engineering of bids for major national and international clients.
  • Support the transformation of customer requirements into customized solutions. Development of knowledge and effectiveness of the sale of Vodafone services, through evangelization of the sales structure, sharing of best practices and the promotion of new solutions and services.
  • Monitoring the level of customer satisfaction and market evolution to identify new trends and opportunities, promote enhancement to existing services or develop new ones.

Accademic background

  • Telecommunications engineering

Core Competencies, Knowledge And Experience

  • Good communication and relationship skills.
  • Problem solving.
  • Business skills appropriate to the size and complexity of customers.
  • Fluent English.
  • Must Have Technical / Professional Qualifications Deep knowledge of TLC services.
  • Knowledge of ICT services;
  • Deep knowledge of Large and Multinational Enterprise and Public Sectors market. We offer a permanent contract with competitive salary.

What are you waiting for? Let’s apply!

Send your CV: monica.dotolo@vodafone.comlucia.bravaccini@vodafoneomnitel.it

web site link: https://careers.vodafone.it/

The future is exciting. Ready?

• McKinsey & Company – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Cost Engineering Analyst - Product Development (Italian fluency) - Permanent Contract, Poland

Pubblicato il 22/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

McKinsey & Company:

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a broad mix of private, public and social sector institutions. We help our clients make significant and lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. With nearly a century of experience, we’ve built a firm uniquely equipped to this task.

Cost Engineering Analyst – Product Development (Italian fluency)

Position description:


You will be part of our Product Development and Procurement team. Your base location will be in Wroclaw and you will work with our clients in Italy.

This group strives to improve productivity and effectiveness of our clients by working to develop products and services that fit market needs, are produced with attractive margins, provide platforms for add-on offerings, and enhance the reputation of the brand for future business growth.

The team serves clients in different industry sectors with a concentration in Automotive & Assembly, Aerospace, Heavy Industries, High-Tech, Telecom, Consumer Goods, Pharma, and Medical Products.


You will act as a knowledge consultant in Product Development related projects.

In this role, you will develop concrete product improvements within our value engineering approach and target costing projects and you’ll contribute to creating innovative product ideas.

You will work jointly with our clients on putting these changes into practice. You’ll also work in our Design-to-Value laboratories by physically disassembling and redesigning products. Along with working on client projects, you will have the opportunity to contribute to our way of working, our knowledge and skills and thus continually expand your expertise. This work includes conducting consumer insight analysis to better understand product improvement aspects as well as enhancing product design effectiveness and quality attributes. Additionally, you will analyze the cost modeling of products, conduct competitive analysis with competitors’ products and build sustainable capabilities for R&D.

At McKinsey, you will have the opportunity to work in an intellectually-challenging business environment, build strong problem-solving skills and develop team and client leadership capabilities. You will also work with McKinsey’s network of industry and functional practices on developing cutting-edge knowledge related to the product development domain, leading various initiatives, and building the firm’s proprietary knowledge on product development related topics.

You’ll gain new skills and build on the strengths you bring to the firm.  As an analyst, you will receive exceptional training as well as frequent coaching and mentoring.  This support includes a senior member from the practice to guide your career. You’ll receive guidance and support from your local office in the selection of client projects, helping you to further develop your skills and build your network.

We are recruiting both junior and senior profiles, so the role will be calibrated during the recruiting process based on candidate’s experience.


  • Master’s degree of Engineering
  • Experience in product development, including product cost optimization, product design, value engineering, DFMA, R&D prototyping, supplier management, negotiation, target cost setting
  • Demonstrated analytic and quantitative skills with the ability to structure and solve problems
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and effectively with people at all levels in an organization
  • Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English and Italian
  • Willingness to travel and work in two locations: Wroclaw and on the client’s side in Italy

Type of contract: Permanent

Place of work: Wroclaw, Lower Silesia, Poland

E-mail address for applications: Aleksandra_Konopacka@external.mckinsey.com

Junior Research Analyst - Capital Projects & Infrastructure - Permanent Contract, Poland

Pubblicato il 22/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia,Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, Ingegneria Civile

McKinsey & Company:

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a broad mix of private, public and social sector institutions. We help our clients make significant and lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. With nearly a century of experience, we’ve built a firm uniquely equipped to this task.

Junior Research Analyst – Capital Projects & Infrastructure

Position description:


You’ll work in our McKinsey Knowledge Centre in Wroclaw as part of our Capital Projects & Infrastructure (CP&I) practice.

Capital Projects and Infrastructure is a fast-growing practice, advising stakeholders in the public and private sectors on plan, finance, deliver and operate major capital projects. CP&I is a global practice with deep expertise, proprietary tools, and distinctive practitioners.


You’ll assist our consulting teams in sourcing, analyzing and synthesizing information to address specific issues faced by our clients. With your research colleagues from around the world, you will conduct end-to-end research in response to specific questions. You’ll source information from internal and secondary data sources to create well-organized, concise end products. You will develop expertise in capital projects and by gaining experience, you’ll contribute to the development of our team by coaching and training less experienced colleagues.


  • Master’s degree, preferably in Architecture, Construction, Civil Engineering, economics, finance, business
  • Good understanding of economic, financial, and general business concepts and terminology
  • Proactive, high-energy and entrepreneurial person
  • Passionate about research work
  • Strong interest and ability in collection, analysis, synthesis and development of knowledge
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment with people at all levels of an organization
  • Professional attitude and service orientation; superb team player
  • Skills to communicate complex ideas effectively
  • Excellent written and verbal command of English

Type of contract: Permanent

Place of work: Wroclaw, Lower Silesia, Poland

E-mail address for applications: Aleksandra_Konopacka@external.mckinsey.com

Research Analyst - Cost Engineering - Permanent Contract, Poland

Pubblicato il 22/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

McKinsey & Company:

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a broad mix of private, public and social sector institutions. We help our clients make significant and lasting improvements to their performance and realize their most important goals. With nearly a century of experience, we’ve built a firm uniquely equipped to this task.

Research Analyst – Cost Engineering

Position description:


You will be based in our Wroclaw office and will be part of our Cost Engineering / Product Development practice.

This group strives to improve productivity and effectiveness of our clients by working to develop products and services that fit market needs, are produced with attractive margins, provide platforms for add-on offerings, and enhance the reputation of the brand for future business growth.

The team serves clients in different industry sectors with a concentration in Automotive & Assembly, Aerospace, Heavy Industries, High-Tech, Telecom, Consumer Goods, Pharma, and Medical Products.


You will be responsible for developing and applying advanced analytics and innovative machine-learning algorithms across large and complex product portfolios to identify technical standardization, opportunities, and commercial saving potentials.

As an Analytics Analyst, you will be using X-Ray – a proprietary tool – that generates insights from bills of materials or spend data through advanced analytics and machine-learning algorithms.

You will work jointly with McKinsey clients on adapting their product portfolios or category purchasing strategy in practice, as well as with our Analytics teams and Design-to-Value laboratories to turn data into insights, and insights into action. You will be working on client projects, you will have the opportunity to contribute to our way of working, our knowledge and skills and thus continually expand your expertise.

At McKinsey, you will have the opportunity to work in an intellectually-challenging business environment, build strong problem-solving skills and develop team and client leadership capabilities. You will also work with McKinsey’s network of industry and functional practices on developing cutting-edge knowledge related to the product development domain, leading various initiatives, and building the firm’s proprietary knowledge on product development related topics.

You’ll gain new skills and build on the strengths you bring to the firm. As an analyst, you will receive exceptional training as well as frequent coaching and mentoring. This support includes a senior member from the practice to guide your career. You’ll receive guidance and support from your local office in the selection of client projects, helping you to further develop your skills and build your network.

We are recruiting both junior and senior profiles, so the role will be calibrated during the recruiting process based on candidate’s experience.


  • Master’s degree, ideally in product development or other Engineering field
  • Minimum 1-5 years of professional experience as cost engineer, category manager or in business intelligence
  • Outstanding analytical skills and demonstrated ability to create insights from large data sets; experience with statistics and/ or regression analytics
  • Interest in product designs, technical solutions, efficient supplier management, and problem solving in a wide array of industries
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and effectively with people at all levels in an organization
  • Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English
  • Willingness to travel

Type of contract: Permanent

Place of work: Wroclaw, Lower Silesia, Poland

E-mail address for applications: Aleksandra_Konopacka@external.mckinsey.com

• Merck – Laureati in Economia

Customer Care Representative Intern – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Pubblicato il 21/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Merck is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Around 40,000 employees in 66 countries work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life – from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions.

Your role: In this position you are responsible for the after sales service of the order processed, from the moment that the order is shipped to taking care of after sales service. You guarantee the quality of our supply chain and you are therefore in contact with key accounts, sales colleagues and manufacturing sites. An eye for detail and passion for the job make you the best at your work. You’re always looking for a way to optimize Merck’s service and like to share these ideas with your team.

Who you are

  • An (educational) background in Business
  • Customer service experience in a similar international environment is a plus.
  • Experience with SAP and Oracle systems is a plus
  • Fluency in Italian both conversational and written plus fluent English. Speaking Spanish would be a plus.
  • A positive outlook on dealing with customers and know how to organize/prioritize your work.
  • Enjoy working in an international team.
  • Driven to provide outstanding customer service.
  • Flexible – open to change and able to adjust accordingly.

What we offer: Your possibilities to develop in our growing company are just as manifold as our product portfolio. We offer a modern and international working environment to unleash your innovative potential in diverse teams, and take responsibility for our employees, products, the environment and society.

Location: Merck Chemicals Amsterdam Office

If interested send your CV to: enrico.verdolotti@merckgroup.com and in c.c.: enricoverdolotti.ev@gmail.com

• Bulgari – Laureati in Ingegneria

Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist - Tempo determinato

Pubblicato il 17/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria dell’Informazione

Descrizione azienda

Founded in 1884 by Sotirio Bulgari as a single jewellery shop in the capital city of Rome, Bulgari’s name has today become emblematic of Italian excellence. Creating a highly distinctive style that celebrates its rich Roman history, Bulgari is ableto blend modernity with classicism.

Descrizione annuncio


Bulgari SPA, within its Corporate Social Responsibility Department based in Rome, is searching for a Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist Specialist – Definite Position / 12 months


Make sure that Company’s practices, processes, products and procedures are ethical, sustainable and environmentally in compliance with national and international rules and practices. To enhance Company’s reputation and thus maximize its profitability through the deployment of projects and initiatives of CSR.

Main Accountabilities:

  • Analyze current Company policies and operations in order to identify current or potential risks and define recovery and improvement actions.
  • Develop actions towards the Community (local and global)
  • Conduct projects and Implement actions to increase the CSR awareness within Company culture and employees.
  • Manage internal and external (the latter in cooperation with External Relations dept.) CSR-related communication through web and innovative media.
  • Monitor budget and spending relevant to CSR initiatives.
  • Participate to CSR related external committees or associations.
  • Conduct audits in the frame of the Company suppliers risk management in order to improve the company’s supply chain social environmentalperformance/sustainability
  • Implement specific KPI’s (also integrating the LVMH ones) to analyze Company performances in CSR actions, defining and implementing specific recoveryactions if needed.
  • Manage data collection and reports on CSR subjects according to LVMH guidelines
  • Act as Bulgari interface of the assigned LVMH CSR related (Social & Environmental) initiatives, directly participating to specific LVMH projects, teams andforums.
  • Implement, within Bulgari, all LVMH CSR initiatives, coordinating all involved people and departments.
  • Drive and support all CSR certification projects (RJC, ISO, etc.).
  • Conduct specific internal trainings on CSR related subjects (Social and Environmental) in order to improve employees awareness and to communicate specific guidelines
  • Constantly update Company knowledge and expertise on CSR issues, also benchmarking best in class and identifying and implementing improvementactions.

Profilo ricercato

Technical skills

  • Engineering degree
  • 2-3 years of experience in similar roles
  • CSR principles, trends, tools and methodologies (environmental, social, ISO 14001, SA8000, OHSAS18001, LCA, RJC…)
  • Project Management
  • Risk analysis
  • Budget techniques
  • Data analysis
  • Training and presentation skills

Soft Skills

  • Analysis
  • Excellence Orientation
  • Communication
  • Customer Orientation
  • Flexibility
  • Integrity & Trust
  • Impact
  • Innovation
  • Role Competencies


Per candidarsi a questa posizione inviare il proprio CV, autorizzando il trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/2003), all’indirizzo e-mail: recruiting@bulgari.com

Data Quality - Internship

Pubblicato il 17/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Descrizione azienda

Founded in 1884 by Sotirio Bulgari as a single jewellery shop in the capital city of Rome, Bulgari’s name has today become emblematic of Italian excellence. Creating a highly distinctive style that celebrates its rich Roman history, Bulgari is able to blend modernity with classicism. The original pioneering spirit of the Bulgari family helped to evolve the company into a successful and global Maison, while its roots in jewellery and watches have grown into new expressions of accessories, perfumes and luxury resorts.

Becoming a Bulgari team member means being part of an authentic, passionate work environment, while working for a brand of worldwide renown. Though aesthetic beauty is at its very heart, Bulgari’s people are its soul, the living part of our brand.

Descrizione annuncio

Data Quality Internship


Ensure data quality across the company, spreading a data governance culture while participating in the Identification and solving of data quality issues; integrate data quality requirements, ensuring the best use of current tools

Main Accountabilities

  • Contribute to the improvement and innovate data quality monitoring efficiency andeffectiveness
  • Support the identification of data quality needs and requirements contributing to the spreadinga data governance culture
  • Monitor the Data Quality level by exploiting available instruments (databases, SAP modules,BW etc.)
  • Ensuring the maintenance of Master Data in order to guarantee processes and reporting dataconsistency and readability
  • Providing contribution to Information chain analysis and management
  • Analyze data quality issues and verify the process by performing a specific root-causeanalysis and propose solutions and improvements
  • Support IT implementation in order to effectively manage master data and processes dataquality

Profilo ricercato

Technical skills

  • Proficiency in Excel
  • Other Microsoft Office programs
  • Project Management
  • Business procedure/process re-engineering
  • Fluency in Italian and English

Soft Skills

  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Business Awareness
  • Excellence Orientation
  • Customer Orientation
  • Operational Effectiveness
  • Role Competencies


Per candidarsi a questa posizione inviare il proprio CV, autorizzando il trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/2003), all’indirizzo e-mail: recruiting@bulgari.com