Evento Universi – I edizione

Scadenza invio candidature: 10 luglio 2024

Data evento: 29 ottobre 2024

Organizzatore: Rete del Placement per il Lazio

Invia la tua candidatura entro il 30 giugno 2024 allegando il tuo CV a 


Negli ultimi anni, il concetto di lavoro ha subito una trasformazione radicale. Ma cosa sta accadendo? Perché i giovani sembrano allontanarsi dal mondo del lavoro? In sintesi, il significato del lavoro sta cambiando. È importante che i giovani riflettano su ciò che vogliono davvero dal loro percorso professionale e che trovino un equilibrio tra realizzazione personale e contributo alla collettività.


L’evento Universi organizzato dalla Rete del Placement per il Lazio, mira a coinvolgere studenti/studentesse e laureandi/laureande, laureati/laureate, ribaltando gli schemi tradizionali. Seguendo la formula dello speech contest teatrale, si darà spazio sul palco a talk e performance individuali.

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• Octo Telematics – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza, Lettere



Pubblicato il 12/03/2021

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Giurisprudenza, Lettere

Octo Telematics researches an intern to be included in the HR team.

His/her role will be focused on recruiting, training and internal communications activities.

He/she will support the HR Team in:

  • Supporting all hiring processes: job posting, interview calendar, monitoring and reporting on hiring process status
  • Tracking training activities
  • Collecting and reporting feedback from the attendees
  • Support the organization of virtual classes
  • Up date and write contents to be published in the company intranet

During his/her assignment he/she:

  • will work with colleagues across different Departments
  • will support activities to improve employees’ engagement.

Required skills: excellent knowledge of English language, writing skills, excel skills, accuracy and organizational skills. Recruiting pest experience will be a plus.

Period: maximum 6 months

Place of work: Rome

Reimbursement: 600€ per month (laureandi)/800€ per month (laureati)

Other facilities: ticket restaurant € 7

University Degree: Social Science, Communication, Education


• Octo Telematics – Laureati in Economia, Scienze

Internship in Data & Analytics team


Pubblicato il 19/02/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Matematica, Statistica, Master in Data Science, Biga Data o similari

Octo Telematics researches an intern to be included in “Data & Analytics” team.

Octo is looking for quantitative modeling experts with good leadership skills to engage on analytics development activities to support use cases across the telematics space. Her/His activity will be focused on the development, automation, and deployment of analytical models leveraging data acquired and processed via telematics platforms.  There are many exciting use cases to engage upon throughout the “Connected Ecosystem”, as Octo grows cross-vertically.

You will have strong modeling skills and comfortable procuring and harmonizing disparate datasets for analytic development purposes.  This role will also build tools and deployment mechanisms needed to present findings to business partners to drive better decisions.

Applicants should have a demonstrated ability to manage low level modeling projects, identify requirements, and build methodology and utilize tools to execute with excellence.  The Analytics Development team will operate crossfunctionally, so you will have experience collaborating across organizational boundaries.
The candidate must be oriented towards achieving important goals of professional growth. relational skills, predisposition to group work, organizational skills combined with excellent interpersonal and communication skills are fundamental requisites.

Basic knowledge of English language and analytical skills are needed.

Enrolled in Master’s degree in math, statistics, data science, or related field.

Technical Qualifications

  • Experience with machine-learning algorithms (e.g., supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, etc.) and their application
  • Experience with clustered data processing (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Map-reduce, and Hive).
  • Experience with regression modeling, forecasting, and time series analysis.
  • Experience using one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, R, etc.).

Locations may vary by team, and include regions globally.

Please send an updated CV to  with reference to the Internship in “Data & Analytics”.

• Telecom Italia Finance – Laureati in Economia

Junior Treasury Analyst - Internship, Luxembourg

Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Description of the role:

As Junior Treasury Analyst you will actively support the management of the group’s liquidity. As part of the treasury front office team, you will be involved in:

  • managing a corporate and government bond portfolio;
  • assessing interest rate, FX and counterparty exposure of the company;
  • borrowing and lending activities to group’s companies.

Knowledge & skills:

  • Analytical skills, problem solving, critical and fast thinking, flexibility, proactivity.
  • Good MS Office (Excel, Access and Power Point in particular) knowledge.
  • Good knowledge of SAP/VBA /SQL/Python would be a plus. Good knowledge of Bloomberg/Reuters would be a plus.

Tasks of the trainee:

  • identifying, analyzing and proposing new financial instruments;
  • updating internal reporting on the performance of investments made;
  • analyzing the performance of the company’s funding and investments;
  • managing the cash flow planning process;
  • managing deposit and financing activities with other group companies.

In order to apply for this position, we kindly ask you to fill the form you can find at the following link:

Please be advised that only the candidates that have filled the form will be considered in the selection process.

Junior Accounting & Financial Analyst - Internship, Luxembourg

Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Description of the role:

As Junior Accounting & Financial Analyst you will actively support the Accounting & Reporting team and you will be involved in:

  • Analysis for daily bookkeeping, including derivatives, current account, prepaid expenses, interest accrual, commissions and fees, guarantees, MTM valuation and any other transaction.
  • Timely preparation of financial reporting.
  • Definition of the annual Financial Statement (prepared both under IAS/IFRS and LUXGAAP), including cooperation with Independent Auditors.
  • Files monthly and annual tax return (VAT, CIT, MBT, NWT).
  • Definition and monitoring of the Budget and the multi-annual plan.

Knowledge & skills:

  • Analytical skills, critical thinking, good organization and proactivity.
  • Good knowledge of MS Office (Excel in particular, Access would be a plus).
  • Good knowledge of SAP (VBA/SQL is a plus).
  • Good knowledge of LUX GAAP or IAS/IFRS.

Tasks of the trainee:

  • Daily accounting and bank accounts reconciliation.
  • Identifying, analyzing and controlling financial instrument impacts.
  • updating internal and external reporting.
  • managing the financial planning process.

In order to apply for this position, we kindly ask you to fill the form you can find at the following link:

Please be advised that only the candidates that have filled the form will be considered in the selection process.

• DG Natural Silhoutte – Laureati in Biologia, CTF, Farmacia, Scienze dell’Alimentazione, Tecniche Erboristiche, Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Dietistica

Consulente Nutrizionale

Pubblicato il 22/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magitrale): Biologia, CTF, Farmacia, Scienze dell’Alimentazione, Tecniche Erboristiche, Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Dietistica

DG NATURAL SILHOUETTE SRL, presente nel territorio nazionale da circa quattordici anni con centri a Roma e Aprilia, cerca 2 laureandi o neolaureati per un percorso di tirocinio extracurriculare della durata di sei mesi che prevede la formazione alla professione di CONSULENTE NUTRIZIONALE.

Descrizione Percorso Formativo

Il tirocinante verrà formato alla professione di Consulente Nutrizionale.

Sarà formato e supervisionato dai titolari dell’azienda e verrà inserito in un team di professionisti.

Il percorso formativo prevede apprendimenti teorici sull’alimentazione, la cura e il benessere della persona e un apprendimento pratico che si esplica nella gestione del cliente presso i centri di Aprilia e Roma.

La gestione del cliente prevede le seguenti fasi:

  • accoglienza clienti;
  • cura del cliente presente nel centro;
  • fidelizzazione della clientela esistente

Titolo di studio

Laurea (anche triennale) in Biologia, CTF, Farmacia, Scienze dell’Alimentazione, Tecniche Erboristiche, Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Dietistica.


  • Orientamento al risultato
  • Organizzazione e pianificazione personale
  • Flessibilità
  • Passione per il settore


• Octo Telematics – Laureati in Economia, Scienze

Internship Pricing Area


Pubblicato il 19/02/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Matematica, Statistica

Octo Telematics researches an intern to be included in Pricing Team.  

His/her role will be focused on providing technical support and proposing pricing solutions to the Pricing Manager. 

Be a part of a team where He/She will be involved in supporting planning, developing and drafting business cases for pricing decisions for different products, services and geographies. 

Act as bridge between Customer Managers and Sales Team by supporting the development and implementation of pricing strategies and tactical promotions with specific focus on volumes, profitability and user retention. 

Work with cross-functional Teams (Customer Managers, Sales Team, Marketing, Technology, Finance) to support the design and implementation of battery of test in order to evaluate optimal level of the different pricing levers. 

Work with Global Teams to design dashboards and tools to keep track of key content performance indicators and monitor industry trends to identify insights on competitive pricing. 

Required skills:  

  • Analytical and process thinking capabilities 
  • Excellent knowledge of English language (B2 level minimum) – PC literate, specifically MS Excel. 

Period: maximum 6 months  

Place of work: Rome  

Reimbursement: 600€ per month (laureandi)/800€ per month (laureati) Other facilities: ticket restaurant € 5.29 

University Degree: Business Economics or Statistical disciplines 

 Please send an updated CV to with reference to the Internship in Pricing area.

• Telecom Italia Finance (Lussemburgo) – Laureati in Economia

Junior Treasury Analyst - Internship

Pubblicato il 21/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Description of the role:

As junior Treasury Analyst you will actively support the management of the group’s liquidity. As part of the treasury front office team, you will be involved in: 

  • managing a corporate and govies bond portfolio;
  • assessing interest rate, FX and counterparty exposure of the company;
  • borrowing and lending activities to group’s companies.

Knowledge & skills:

Analytical skills, problem solving, critical and fast thinking, flexibility, proactivity.

Good MS Office (Excel, Access and Power Point in particular) knowledge. 

Good knowledge of SAP/VBA /SQL/Python would be a plus.

Good knowledge of Bloomberg/Reuters would be a plus.

Tasks of the trainee:

  • identifying, analyzing and proposing new financial instruments;
  • updating internal reporting on the performance of investments made;
  • analyzing the performance of the company’s funding and investments;
  • managing the cash flow planning process;
  • managing deposit and financing activities with other group companies.

In order to apply for this position, we kindly ask you to fill the form you can find at the following link:

Please be advised that only the candidates that have filled the form will be considered in the selection process.

• Associazione di rappresentanza di imprese – Laureati in Economia

Stage Analisi economia di impresa presso Ufficio studi Associazione imprenditoriale (ROMA)

Pubblicato il 16/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Primaria Associazione di rappresentanza di imprese offre un tirocinio presso il proprio Ufficio Studi – localizzato in zona centrale a Roma – il quale svolge attività di analisi prevalentemente centrate sull’economia di impresa e in particolare:

  • dinamica e struttura imprese,
  • mercati del lavoro,
  • credito energia e commodities,
  • tendenze del commercio estero, con confronti internazionali e territoriali.

Inoltre sono esaminate le condizioni di contesto e in particolare quelle di quadro macroeconomico e di finanza pubblica con analisi di dettaglio su pressione fiscale, spesa pubblica e offerta di servizi pubblici. L’Ufficio svolge attività desk con analisi basate su elaborazioni di dati provenienti da fonti statistiche ufficiali.

Le attività di ricerca prevedono la redazione di report economico-statistici e la gestione di alcune attività di comunicazione, con particolare riferimento al web e ai social network.

Il candidato ideale ha conseguito la laurea in economia da meno di 12 mesi all’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata“, con tesi di economia politica, politica economica, statistica, possiede solide basi di statistica descrittiva, buone capacità nella stesura di testi, conoscenza del pacchetto Office – in particolare di Excel e Powerpoint –  e di pacchetti statistici per l’elaborazione di microdati.

Gli interessati possono inviare il proprio cv specificando in oggetto il Rif. tirocinio 02/2017 al seguente indirizzo: