• Nimis Consulting – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Sistemista Linux/Unix - Tempo determinato con possibilità di assunzione - Roma

Pubblicato il 01/04/2021

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Matematica, Fisica o similari


NIMIS CONSULTING è una società Oracle Gold Partner che offre servizi professionali in ambito IT di progettazione e outsourcing ad alto livello di specializzazione relativamente a sistemi operativi (Linux e Unix), storage, networking, database e middleware.

L’azienda nasce con il preciso obiettivo di dare vita ad un Centro di Competenza per la gestione e l’implementazione di infrastrutture IT, in prevalenza su tecnologia Oracle ma non solo, in grado di assicurare il livello di conoscenza necessario per poter progettare, realizzare ed evolvere sistemi basati su tecnologie avanzate e con un grado di complessità sempre più elevato.

Siamo costantemente impegnati in progetti che ci vedono coinvolti in modo trasversale nei settori energia, telecomunicazioni, aerospaziale, bancario e industriale.
L’individuazione di soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate, scalabili ed affidabili è l’obiettivo primario che ci prefiggiamo ogni qual volta siamo chiamati alla realizzazione di un nuovo progetto.

La sede di lavoro è Roma. Contiamo su circa 30 dipendenti, la quasi totalità ingegneri informatici (o titoli equivalenti). Web: WWW.NIMISCONSULTING.COM


Per l’avvio di un nuovo progetto stiamo ricercando, con carattere di urgenza, neolaureati interessati alla progettazione, gestione ed evoluzione di infrastrutture IT, con un forte interesse per gli aspetti sistemistici in ambito database, middleware e cloud computing. I candidati avranno accesso ai corsi di formazione interna nonché ai corsi di erogati dalla Oracle University e Red Hat Academy con la possibilità di accedere a certificazioni professionali. Si procederà ad un affiancamento graduale con figure senior.

Sono fondamentali l’attitudine al lavoro in team, la capacità di ascolto e apprendimento, le capacità relazionali e comunicative, il problem solving e la capacità di apprendere mediante training on the job.

RUOLO :  SISTEMISTA LINUX/UNIX (anche prima esperienza)

Durata contrattuale iniziale : 12 mesi, con probabile passaggio successivo a tempo indeterminato.

Sede : Roma

Di seguito il profilo sommario della figura ricercata:

  • Laurea magistrale in ingegneria informatica (o equivalente)
  • minima esperienza lavorativa pregressa
  • buona conoscenza dell’inglese (livello minimo B1, meglio se B2)
  • Capacità di lavoro in team
  • Autonomia e attitudine al problem solving.
  • Abilità comunicative e capacità interpersonali.
  • Vivo interesse per il mondo IT e problematiche tecniche informatiche

Competenze utili (ma non obbligatorie):

  • Oracle WEBLOGIC
  • Architettura J2EE

La ricerca ha carattere di urgenza.

Per candidature inviare il cv a angelo.blasi@nimisconsulting.com.

• Oracle – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Internship in Presales Team


Pubblicato il 26/10/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale, Matematica

Oracle Oracle is leading the digital revolution. We are empowering nearly half a million businesses across the globe to turn untapped potential into real business value. Kick-start your career with some real responsibility and an incredible learning experience.


What You’ll Do

During the internship you will be working providing support to the Cloud Technology Solutions Architect teams. As you learn about the Oracle Cloud portfolio and the sales and presales activity in a large and complex vendor like Oracle, you will support the team of senior Architects in:

  • Data preparation, Cleaning dataset to aid the training of machine learning models,
  • support for the migration of custom ML solutions on Oracle Cloud Data Platform benchmarking of Oracle ML solutions vs Open Source frameworks support for the implementation of reusable demos for customers
  • support for the preparation of workshops and presentations

We are looking for a young talent passionate about technology with greatsense of responsibility. The interns will collaborate with the  Cloud Architects team to increase  the cloud consumption for AI/ML related solutions, the main task for the role are:

  • support for data preparation / cleaning of datasets to aid in the training of machine learning models

Required Skills/Experience

What You’ll Bring

  • We will be interested in a graduate student or recently graduated in Mathematical, Management or Computer Engineering.
  • Strong knowledge of statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning preferred
  • Strong organizational and planning skills.
  • Fluency in English.
  • High level of energy, drive, enthusiasm, commitment, self-belief and achievement-orientation.
  • Self- motivated to continuously expand personal and professional knowledge.
  • The ability to work with a dynamic and multinational team in addition to the ability to work alone at times.

A career at Oracle is defined by you. We give you the freedom—and the skills—to write your own success story. Whatever avenue you go down, you’ll gain priceless learning experiences and be supported to do your best work.

Apply Now

Create the future with us. Apply now.

Visit oracle.com/careers and search for this Title or contact assela.villar@oracle.com to apply.

• Oracle – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Application Consulting team Internship - Milano/Roma

Pubblicato il 14/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale o similari

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle solutions where Consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a Consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing our business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are Oracle Consulting’s most important asset.

We are looking for Young Talents to join our highly experienced Application Consulting team in Italy. This intern will work on projects implementing the range of Oracle SaaS Applications in our main practices: ERP/M, HCM, CX.


  • 6-month Full-Time paid internship
  • A network of talented and motivated colleagues striving to excellence
  • A stimulating, challenging and dynamic environment
  • Professional development, training, and tools that enable you to grow.


  • Ideally a Degree in Management Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology or other comparable qualification
  • Ability to work with programming languages and modern browser technologies
  • Capacity to analyze and address complex business cases and processes
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational Consulting environment
  • Fluency in English and Italian
  • Team Working and Cross-Collaboration as a must
  • Availability for an immediate start

To apply send a copy of your CV to rossella.consonni@oracle.com

Technology Consulting team Internship - Milano/Roma

Pubblicato il 14/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica  o similari

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions where Consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing our business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are Oracle Consulting’s most important asset.

We are looking for Young Talents to join our highly experienced Technology Consulting team in Italy.

This is an excellent opportunity allowing you to work with complex and rapidly evolving technologies, where you will be constantly challenged and stimulated to growth in an international and multicultural context.


  • 6-month Full-Time paid internship
  • A network of talented and motivated colleagues striving to excellence
  • A stimulating, challenging and dynamic environment
  • Professional development, training and tools that enable you to grow


  • Ideally a Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology or other comparable qualification
  • Genuine passion for technology and innovation
  • Familiarity with Advanced Analytics such as Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python
  • Understanding of Datawarehouse Concepts/Design and implementation including Data Analysis, Data Modeling, Data Architecture and Data Integration
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational Consulting environment
  • Fluency in English and Italian
  • Team Working and Cross-Collaboration as a must
  • Availability for an immediate start

To apply send a copy of your CV to rossella.consonni@oracle.com

• Nimis Consulting – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Gestione e implementazione di infrastrutture IT - Tempo indeterminato - Roma

Pubblicato il 20/05/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Elettronica, ICT & Internet Engineering, Ingegneria dei Sistemi, Ingegneria Gestionale, Matematica o Fisica

Nimis Consulting è una società Oracle Gold Partner che offre servizi professionali di progettazione e outsourcing ad alto livello di specializzazione in ambito sistemistico relativamente a sistemi operativi (Linux e Unix), storage, networking, database e middleware. L’azienda nasce con il preciso obiettivo di dare vita ad un Centro di Competenza per la gestione e l’implementazione di infrastrutture IT, in prevalenza su tecnologia Oracle ma non solo,  in grado di assicurare il livello di conoscenza necessario per poter progettare, realizzare ed evolvere sistemi basati su tecnologie avanzate e con un grado di complessità sempre più elevato.

Siamo costantemente impegnati in progetti che ci vedono coinvolti in modo trasversale nei settori energia, telecomunicazioni, aerospaziale,bancario e industriale.
L’individuazione di soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate, scalabili ed affidabili è l’obiettivo primario che ci prefiggiamo ogni qual volta siamo chiamati alla realizzazione di un nuovo progetto.

Proposta di lavoro:

A questo proposito si ricerca persone interessate agli aspetti di gestione e implementazione di infrastrutture IT, con una forte passione per la tecnologia e gli aspetti sistemistici. Il candidato avrà accesso alla formazione Oracle University e RedHat Academy al fine di ottenere le relative certificazioni professionali. Verra’ quindi inserito nella realta’ lavorativa. E’ richiesto spirito di intraprendenza, curiosita’ e attitudine al continuo aggiornamento delle proprie competenze.

Contratto a tempo indeterminato,  compenso mensile tra 1000 e 1500 euro, sede di lavoro Roma.

I curriculum possono essere inviati a questo indirizzo email: careers@nimisconsulting.com

• Oracle – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Stage Technical Consultant Cloud Solutions - Milano/Roma


Pubblicato il: 25/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions. Technology and Applications consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their
business and value objectives. As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing Oracle business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are a key asset for Oracle.
As a member of the Oracle Platform as a Service Team, the candidate will assist in tasks associated with the design, configuration, development, debugging, test and roll-out in production of software applications based on Oracle Cloud Platform (“Platform as a Service), with a particular focus on Data Integration, Process Orchestration, Mobile, Internet of Things topics. Attitude for continuous learning is essential for this role.
What we offer:

  • 6-month Full-time internship (last year of study) with opportunity to join Oracle as regular consultant after the internship
  • Challenging, dynamic and fun working environment
  • To start between March or April
  • This is a paid Internship: 800€/month + meal tickets

What we are looking for:

  • Ideally a Degree in Computer Science, IT Engineering or other comparable qualification
  • Good knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operating systems and distributed systems fundamentals
  • Knowledge of Java or other object oriented language.
  •  Understanding of web services, distributed systems, and web application development.
  • Understanding of data integration, Internet of Things & mobile topics
  • Good knowledge of UNIX/Linux based distributed systems
  • Understanding of Python, Perl, Ruby and/or other dynamic languages.
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational team
  • Fluency in English and Italian are requested.

Oracle – Like no one else:

  • A challenging job in a positive atmosphere within an international organization with a dynamic team
  • The opportunity to influence your job and your workplace and to become part of a innovative business unit
  • To apply send a copy of your CV in English to sara.diaz@oracle.com

• Nimis Consulting – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Corso gratuito in Oracle Database Administrator finalizzato all'assunzione a tempo indeterminato - Roma

Pubblicato l’11/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria dei Sistemi, Ingegneria Gestionale, Matematica o Fisica

Nimis Consulting è una società Oracle Gold Partner che offre servizi professionali di progettazione e outsourcing ad alto livello di specializzazione in ambito database e middleware; con l’obiettivo di ampliare il proprio team di Analisi e Progettazione Basi di Dati, selezioniamo neolaureati in Informatica e Ingegneria Informatica (o discipline scientifiche) per corso di formazione in ambito Oracle Database Administrator finalizzato all’assunzione.
Il corso di formazione sarà erogato a titolo gratuito ed avrà durata 30 giorni. Il corso non presuppone conoscenze che non siano quelle già acquisite in ambito universitario e sarà finalizzato all’acquisizione di conoscenze base sui fondamenti dell’architettura e degli internals di un sistema RDBMS Oracle e della metodologie idonee ad una corretta ed efficiente gestione del sistema. Sono richieste ottime capacità di analisi, comunicative e attitudine al lavoro in team.
Al termine delle attività formative per i candidati che dimostreranno di aver raggiunto gli obiettivi prefissati è previsto l’inserimento in azienda con assunzione a tempo indeterminato full-time con sede di lavoro Roma e potranno nel contempo proseguire il percorso di formazione concordando tempi e modalità con il proprio referente.

Topic del corso:

  • Relational Data Structures
  • Physical Data Structures
  • Logical Data Structures
  • Memory Architecture
  • Process Architecture
  • Networking Architecture
  • Data concurrency and consistency
  • Transaction Control
  • Diagnostics and Tuning

L’indirizzo email per l’invio del curriculum è hr@nimisconsulting.com.

• Oracle – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Internship (with further possible regular contract): Technical Consultant Cloud Solutions -- based in Milan or Rome

oraclePubblicato il 09/02/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o similari

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit oracle.com.

Internship Technical Consultant Cloud Solutions — based in Milan or Rome

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions. Technology and Applications consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing Oracle business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are a key asset for Oracle.

As a member of the Oracle Platform as a Service Team, the candidate will assist in tasks associated with the design, configuration, development, debugging, test and roll-out in production of software applications based on Oracle Cloud Platform (“Platform as a Service), with a particular focus on Data Integration, Process Orchestration, Mobile, Internet of Things topics. Attitude for continuous learning is essential for this role.

What we offer:

  • 6-month Full-time internship
  • Challenging, dynamic and fun working environment
  • To start in October

What we are looking for:

  • Ideally a Degree in Computer Science, IT Engineering or other comparable qualification
  • Good knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operating systems and distributed systems fundamentals
  • Knowledge of Java or other object oriented
  • Understanding of web services, distributed systems, and web application
  • Understanding of data integration, Internet of Things & mobile
  • Good knowledge of UNIX/Linux based distributed systems
  • Understanding of Python, Perl, Ruby and/or other dynamic
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational team
  • Fluency in English and Italian are

Oracle – Like no one else:

  • A challenging job in a positive atmosphere within an international organization with a dynamic team
  • The opportunity to influence your job and your workplace and to become part of a innovative business unit

Oracle Recruiting: “Continuously selected by our clients as the exclusive vendor of preeminent talent”

To apply send a copy of your CV in English to vincent.rinner@oracle.com.

• Oracle – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Internship in Consulting, based in Rome


Pubblicato il 17/10/2017

Tipo Laurea: Finanza Quantitativa, Ingegneria, Matematica o similari

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit oracle.com

Internship in Consulting, based in Rome

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions. Technology and Applications consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing our business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are Oracle Consulting’s most important asset.

We are looking to add an Intern for our Data Analyst team to support our competitive growth within the Advanced Analytics tech industry.

The Candidate will work mainly on framing and expanding the advanced analytics capability of the Practice. Passion and ability for data exploration, analysis and modeling is mandatory. Our people design and develop systems to support strategic business decisions.

As a member of the Oracle BA Team, the candidate will assist in defining and supporting the development of Advanced Analytics capability.

What we offer:

  • 6-month Full-time internship
  • Remuneration
  • Challenging, dynamic and fun working environment
  • To start asap

What we are looking for:

  • Bachelor’s or Master degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or other quantitative field
  • Knowledge of machine learning techniques, algorithms  (k-NN, Naive Bayes, Hidden Markov and others) and approaches (supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning)
  • Data mining and Statistical analysis languages such as R, Python, SQL
  • Deep understanding of regression techniques
  • Highly analytical and quantitative, with strong attention to details
  • Self-starter attitude, with excellent written and verbal communication
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment
  • Enthusiasm about learning!

To apply send your CV to patricia.naranjo@oracle.com

Oracle Recruiting: “Continuously selected by our clients as the exclusive vendor of preeminent talent”

• Oracle – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Internship opportunities in Consulting, based in Rome


Pubblicato l’11/09/2017

Tipo Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale o similari

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit oracle.com.

Internship opportunities in Consulting, based in Rome

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions. Technology and Applications consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing our business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are Oracle Consulting’s most important asset.

We are looking to add two interns to our highly experienced Consulting team in Italy. These interns will work on projects implementing the full range of EPM, HCM or CX solutions.

This is an exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of the OCS transformation to SaaS Cloud Services.

What we offer:

  • 6-month Full-time internship
  • Challenging, dynamic and fun working environment
  • To start asap
  • The internship will be located in Rome

What we are looking for:

  • Ideally a Degree in Management Engineering, Economics and Finance science, Managerial Engineering or other comparable qualification
  • Capacity to address/Analyze administrative procedures/process/tools
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational team
  • Willingness to develop your skills in Consulting and Oracle Cloud Applications
  • Fluency in English and Italian are requested
  • Knowledge of following area will be a plus:
    • Budgeting and Forecasting Process
    • Multidimensional Models
    • Programming Languages (VBA, VBS, SQL, PL/SQL, Java, …)
    • MsOffice Excel or OpenOffice Calc (Pivot, Formula, Macro, …)
    • Reporting and Consolidation processes
    • Jythoon as plus

Oracle – Like no one else:

  • A challenging job in a positive atmosphere within an international organization with a dynamic team
  • The opportunity to influence your job and your workplace and to become part of a innovative business unit

Oracle Recruiting: “Continuously selected by our clients as the exclusive vendor of preeminent talent”

To apply send a copy of your CV in English to carmen.gonzalez@oracle.com.

• Oracle – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Internship in Consulting Business Analytics


Pubblicato il: 18/01/2017

Tipo Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale, Informatica o similari

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit oracle.com.

Internship in Consulting, based in Rome

Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) has an extremely high profile with customers. We understand and analyze their IT problems and opportunities, then provide the best Oracle technology solutions. Technology and Applications consultants act as trusted advisors for customers, and do whatever it takes to deliver solutions that meet their business and value objectives.

As a consulting business, customer relationships are the heart of growing our business. We are ambassadors at the customer site both to create the right relationship and trust from the customers and to deliver high quality projects, services and advices. Our skills and capabilities are Oracle Consulting’s most important asset.

We are looking to add an intern to our highly experienced Business Analytics team in Italy. This intern will work on projects implementing the full range of Oracle Business Analytics Products.

What we offer:

  • 6-month Full-time internship
  • retribution: 775€/month
  • Challenging, dynamic and fun working environment
  • To start in April

What we are looking for:

  • Ideally a Degree in Business Engineering, Computer Engineering, Economics or other comparable qualification
  • Professional attitude, with ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Passion for technology and innovation
  • Willingness to succeed in a dynamic Consulting Environment
  • Willingness to join a dynamic, multinational team
  • Willingness to develop your skills in Consulting and Technology
  • Fluency in English and Italian are requested
  • Knowledge of following area will be a plus

Oracle – Like no one else:

  • A challenging job in a positive atmosphere within an international organization with a dynamic team
  • The opportunity to influence your job and your workplace and to become part of a innovative business unit

Most important is an eagerness to learn!

To apply, send a copy of your cv to patricia.naranjo@oracle.com.

Oracle Recruiting: “Continuously selected by our clients as the exclusive vendor of preeminent talent”.