• Georgeson – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza

Junior Analyst - Stage o tempo determinato finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 17/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Giurisprudenza

Georgeson, società del Gruppo Computershare, è una società di consulenza e servizi per società quotate, specializzata nella gestione dei rapporti con l’azionariato, dell’engagement con fondi di investimento, delle assemblee dei soci e della consulenza in materia di corporate governance, con sedi e strutture affiliate a Roma, Milano, Madrid.

La società è attualmente alla ricerca di una figura di Junior Analyst da inserire strutturalmente nel Dipartimento di Corporate Governance dell’ufficio di Roma.

La risorsa si occuperà di supportare il Team dedicato alla Consulenza a società emittenti ed investitori istituzionali, avendo riguardo a:

  • l’allineamento alle migliori pratiche di governo societario, avendo riguardo a codici di autodisciplina, normativa europea e nazionale; linee guida dei fondi di investimento ed altri attori del mercato;
  • la gestione dei rapporti con gli investitori istituzionali sulle tematiche predette;
  • l’assistenza agli emittenti nella gestione delle proprie assemblee;
  • analisi sulle politiche di remunerazione;
  • analisi sulle pratiche di responsabilità di impresa e sostenibilità del business;
  • sollecitazione alla partecipazione assembleare;
  • consulenza strategica in contesti assembleari ostili.

La risorsa dovrà possedere:

  • capacità di sintesi di risultanze analitica;
  • buona conoscenza dei principi GRI per la rendicontazione non finanziaria;
  • buona conoscenza dei principi di Corporate Governance inclusi nel codice di autodisciplina;
  • competenze nell’uso di Excel;
  • conoscenza della lingua inglese.

L’attività si incentrerà in una prima fase nella raccolta ed elaborazione di dati dai bilanci degli emittenti e dai prospetti dei fondi di investimento. Una volta che sia stata acquisita familiarità con le modalità di rendicontazione e sintesi, nonché con la produzione di report informativi e con l’attività usualmente svolta da Georgeson a supporto dei propri clienti, vi sarà un maggiore coinvolgimento nelle attività di confronto e dialogo con i clienti stessi.

L’attività lavorativa si volgerà in misura predominante a Roma con la possibilità di trasferte sul territorio nazionale.


La ricerca è rivolta a candidati di ambosessi (L.903/77)

I candidati interessati possono inviare il proprio C.V. rilasciando specifica autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Regolamento 679/2016 (GDPR) all’email: humanresource@computershare.it

I dati saranno trattati e conservati per selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al Regolamento 679/2016 (GDPR).

• Agic Technology – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Junior Software Developer - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 16/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o similari

Agic Technology ricerca, per consolidare un gruppo di lavoro per la sede di Roma, delle risorse per un percorso iniziale di Stage nel settore della consulenza informatica, con un focus sulla Programmazione e sullo Sviluppo di Software Gestionali mediante tecnologie Microsoft.

La risorsa sarà affiancata da un tutor per un percorso di formazione on-the-job sulle nostre tecnologie di programmazione Microsoft. Inoltre, lavorerà in un team consolidato per lo sviluppo e la manutenzione di differenti applicativi implementati per i nostri clienti.

La risorsa sarà inserita in un sistema di Performance Management. Il percorso di crescita sarà monitorato e gestito dai responsabili e dal team HR. Parteciperà ad eventi formativi, conseguirà certificazioni Microsoft utili per essere aggiornato sulle nuove release!

Il nostro candidato ideale…

  • Una risorsa con una buona conoscenza dei principali linguaggi di programmazione. Tramite una formazione on the job, avrà modo di conoscere nel dettaglio anche le nostre tecnologie!
  • Un Team Player. Partecipare ai nostri progetti e costruire una cultura di team positiva!
  • Un comunicatore. Condividere con il team funzionale e tecnico la documentazione relativa allo svolgimento del progetto!
  • Un risolutore di problemi. Ricercare le soluzioni migliori in situazioni critiche affrontate sia in fase di sviluppo sia nei momenti dedicati al supporto del cliente!

Il tutto dovrà essere supportato da alcuni requisiti fondamentali…

  • possesso del Titolo di Studio: laurea in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica o similari;
  • conoscenza di base dei linguaggi di programmazione derivante dal percorso formativo;
  • buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata.

E da altri requisiti graditi…

  • Possesso di Certificazioni Microsoft;
  • Laurea Magistrale/Triennale in Ingegneria Informatica o Informatica o similari.


  • Tipologia di Contratto: 6 mesi di Stage 800 euro netti mensili + contratto apprendistato.
  • Sedi di Lavoro: via di Castel Giubileo, 62 – 00138 Roma (RM)

Inviare CV a recruting@agictech.com

Consulente Customer Service - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 16/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Agic Technology ricerca una figura junior da formare come addetto al Customer Service al fine di consolidare il team di lavoro per la sede di Roma.

  • La risorsa sarà affiancata da un Consulente Senior per un percorso di formazione on the job, e acquisirà le competenze necessarie per lavorare sulle seguenti attività:
  • supporto sulle diverse mansioni del team di Customer Service;
  • fornire assistenza sui processi e sulle piattaforme gestionali agli utenti aziendali sia on site sia da remoto nelle varie sedi del gruppo;
  • evasione dei ticket assegnati secondo le SLA previste per lo specifico servizio;
  • supporto e consulenza on site presso il cliente.

La risorsa sarà inserita in un sistema di Performance Management, monitorato e gestito dai responsabili e dal team HR. L’obiettivo dello stage è di formare una risorsa capace di fornire assistenza mirata al cliente, ascoltando e gestendo le sue richieste ed esigenze, al fine di diventare un Responsabile del Customer Service a 360°!

Il nostro candidato ideale:

  • Una risorsa motivata nel suo percorso formativo volto ad acquisire competenze trasversali sugli aspetti relativi ai gestionali informatici, di processo e relativi alle soft skill!
  • Un Team Player. Partecipare ai nostri progetti e costruire una cultura di team positiva!
  • Un comunicatore. Condividere con il team la documentazione relativa allo svolgimento del progetto!
  • Una persona empatica. Supportare il cliente, ascoltarlo e gestire le sue necessità!

Il tutto dovrà essere supportato da alcuni requisiti fondamentali…

  • laurea in Economia o di cultura equivalente
  • buona capacità di comprensione, comunicazione e problem solving
  • attitudine al lavoro in team
  • precisione nella gestione del timing

Tipologia di Contratto: 6 mesi di Stage 800 euro netti mensili + contratto apprendistato.
Sede di lavoro: Roma – Via di Castel Giubileo, 62.

Inviare CV a recruting@agictech.com

ERP Microsoft Functional Consulting - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 16/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale

Agic Technology ricerca, per consolidare alcuni gruppi di lavoro delle sedi di Roma, delle risorse per un percorso iniziale di Stage nel ruolo di Consulenti ERP.

Le risorse saranno affiancate da un Consulente Senior per un percorso di formazione on the job. Nello specifico si occuperanno di:

  • “nella fase di analisi”- partecipare alle riunioni di allineamento con il cliente e redigere documenti di gap analysis e process analysis;
  • “nella fase di testing” – valutare attentamente tutti i problemi potenziali e/o reali dell’ERP implementato;
  • “nella fase del golive” – configurare la piattaforma;
  • “nel processo di formazione” degli utenti finali – aiutare nella redazione del materiale.

I nostri stage sono finalizzati ad un percorso di carriera!

Le nostre risorse sono inserite in un sistema di Performance Management che garantisce una crescita costante sotto la guida del Team HR e dei propri Responsabili.

I nostri candidati ideali…

  • Persone motivate ad intraprendere un percorso formativo volto all’acquisizione di competenze trasversali. Aggiornare costantemente il proprio Know-How rispetto agli ERP di riferimento, ai processi aziendali e alle soft skills sarà un’attività quotidiana!
  • Team Players. Partecipare ai nostri progetti e costruire una cultura di team positiva!
  • Comunicatori. Condividere con il team la documentazione relativa allo svolgimento del progetto!
  • Persone empatiche. Supportare il cliente, ascoltarlo e gestire le sue necessità!

Il tutto dovrà essere supportato da alcuni requisiti fondamentali

  • possesso del Titolo di Studio: Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale/Economia e similari;
  • buona conoscenza o interesse nell’acquisizione delle tematiche relative ai processi Finance;
  • buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata;
  • disponibilità a trasferte.


  • Tipologia di Contratto: 6 mesi di Stage 800 euro netti mensili + contratto apprendistato.
  • Sedi di Lavoro: Roma – Via di Castel Giubileo, 62

Inviare CV a recruting@agictech.com

Procter & Gamble: Future Female Leaders in Finance

LOCATION: P&G offices in Rome

Looking for a job or Internship in Finance?

Do you want to:

  • Work where the importance of diversity is recognized?
  • Learn from our inspiring Female Finance Leaders?
  • Get insights into how finance helps shape strategy?
  • Manage million dollar budgets and projects?


Date: November 27th, 2019

Where: P&G offices in Rome

Apply by: November 10th, 2019

APPLY NOW to join our recruiting event: https://www.pgcareers.com/Future-Female-Leaders-in-Finance-Rome

• Wayfair – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Business Associate - Tempo indeterminato, Berlino (Germania)

Pubblicato il 26/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Wayfair Business Graduate Opportunities (f/m)

Full-time, permanent position based at our European Headquarters in Berlin

Wayfair believes everyone should live in a home they love. Through technology and innovation, Wayfair makes it possible for shoppers to quickly and easily find exactly what they want from a selection of more than 10 million items across home furnishings, décor, home improvement, housewares and more. Committed to delighting its customers every step of the way, Wayfair is reinventing the way people shop for their homes – from product discovery to final delivery.

Wayfair generated $6.8 billion in net revenue for the twelve months ending Dec. 31, 2018. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts with operations throughout North America and Europe, the company employs more than 13.000 people.

Wayfair is growing and committed to hiring analytical, entrepreneurial, and results-oriented graduates to become the next generation of leaders across the business. These individuals will demonstrate their leadership skills, quantitative mindset, and will execute strategic and cross-functional projects for their respective teams.

Successful candidates will be placed into key functions across the business dependent on a combination of interest, skills and experience. Functional Areas of Interest and potential team placements include:

Category Management

We currently operate in Germany and the UK and aim to offer an unparalleled selection of great value products for the home, paired with excellent customer experience. Each Category Management team is responsible for a specific vertical (e.g., lighting, décor, bedding, kitchen), knowing the respective market / industry, and maintaining relationships with suppliers. By working with key suppliers on a daily basis, the team’s ultimate objective is to grow the category by expanding the selection on our website, aligning promotions and operations, merchandising, and marketing activities with the respective teams, and ensuring price competitiveness throughout the catalogue. Cross-functional collaboration is key in this role, since the category management teams are in daily contact with internal teams to advance the aforementioned business drivers.


The merchandising department is responsible for the creation and maintenance of our product catalogs. We add tens of thousands of new products each month, both for limited-time events and for ongoing product selection. We also continually improve the catalog – fixing issues and increasing the content to improve customer experience in a joint effort with our suppliers. Our goal is to provide inspirational and engaging content to drive customer engagement and increase conversion. We also understand where the customer is shopping on site – where they are most / least engaged through the funnel, and we create customized landing pages based on an analytical approach, supported by new merchandising tools.


The promotions department is responsible for producing exciting flash sales events for our German website. This is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurial, focused, and analytical graduates who have a flair and passion for the home and are interested in a role with a rapid growth trajectory. You will work across multiple categories including furniture, home accessories, home improvement and much more.

 Detailed responsibilities will vary by team; however typical responsibilities include:

  • Managing communication with internal and external stakeholders
  • Targeting opportunity areas and recommending solutions to drive results
  • Using creative strategy and data to communicate efficiently
  • Analyzing high level business trends to improve conversion on site
  • Identify new, profitable opportunities for targeting and segmentation
  • Driving negotiations
  • Collaborating frequently with other Wayfair departments
  • Researching categories and vendors to build out selection
  • Running competitive landscape analysis
  • Representing Wayfair at various offsite events such as trade shows
  • Competitive shopping analysis
  • Report on performance trends and improvements


  • Strong academic background in a Business or Technical related field
  • Exceptional problem solving and analytical skills and a desire to make processes better
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Fluency in English and in another European language such as Italian
  • An entrepreneurial spirit and mindset
  • Ability to multi-task, work in a team and thrive in a fast-paced environment
  • Proficient with MS Office and especially MS Excel
  • Enthusiastic, with proven ability to rapidly get up to speed with job knowledge

And finally, our proposition to you!

  • A competitive salary and bonus
  • A company culture driven by pioneer thinking and talent that moves between departments and hierarchies
  • Great mentors and career development opportunities through our learn@work program
  • We contribute to your gym membership and offer free Yoga classes, as well as Wellness Weeks with massages, workshops and other exciting events
  • Of course fresh fruits, snacks and drinks every day!
  • Discounted lunch program
  • We’re in the heart of the Berlin startup scene with space to encourage collaboration and teamwork
  • Let’s not forget the chance to join the next global giant in e-commerce

Please apply in English via this link with your cover letter and CV or on www.wayfaircareers.com

• Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

CDP Graduate Program (Roma/Milano)

Pubblicato il 26/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, in collaborazione cond Adecco SpA, ricerca talenti da inserire in un percorso di Graduate Program di 1 anno su Roma e Milano.

Sei un talento che vuole crescere? Vuoi contribuire allo sviluppo dell’Italia?
Candidati al CDP Graduate Program!

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) ha avviato una grande trasformazione, per sostenere crescita, innovazione e sviluppo sostenibile dell’Italia.
Per noi di CDP le persone sono il motore della trasformazione. Per questo, cerchiamo talenti che vogliono affrontare nuove sfide e cogliere le opportunità di un percorso strutturato e stimolante in un ambiente che incoraggia idee e lavoro di squadra.
Entrando nel nostro mondo avrai la possibilità di accrescere le tue competenze tecnico-specialistiche e trasversali e di ricoprire ruoli sfidanti nei principali settori che promuovono lo sviluppo economico del Paese, tra cui finanza, imprese, infrastrutture e cooperazione internazionale.

Le candidature sono aperte a ragazze e ragazzi neolaureati e/o laureandi (data discussione tesi entro il 31/12/2019) in Economia e Ingegneria Gestionale, con un eccellente percorso accademico, dotati di entusiasmo, attitudine al team working e all’innovazione e in possesso di ottime conoscenze linguistiche, informatiche e tecnologiche.
I candidati parteciperanno ad un processo di selezione interattivo durante il quale si metteranno in gioco attraverso business game, video interviste e giornate di assessment con l’obiettivo di valorizzare competenze e potenzialità personali.

Le risorse selezionate avranno la possibilità di vivere un percorso di sviluppo di 1 anno*, che comprende anche un’esperienza di job rotation in una società del Gruppo.

Scopo del programma è di conoscere e formare talenti da inserire in azienda.

Il termine per la presentazione della candidatura è il 07/10/2019.

La ricerca è destinata ad entrambi i sessi nel rispetto della normativa sulle pari opportunità Legge 903/77.

Sede di lavoro: Roma – Milano

*Tipo di contratto: Contratto a tempo determinato di 1 anno

Per candidarsi: https://adecco.ncoreplat.com/jobposition/34113/cassa-depositi-e-prestiti-graduate-program-it/cassa-depositi-e-prestiti

I curricula ricevuti potranno essere comunicati all’azienda nostra cliente o ad altre che ne facciano richiesta per valutare un’eventuale assunzione, salvo diversa volontà del candidato. I candidati ambosessi (L.903/77) sono invitati a leggere sul sito aziendale l’informativa sulla privacy. (art.13, D.Lgs. 196/03).Facsimile di domanda disponibile al seguente link Facsimile domanda candidatura.
Adecco Italia S.p.A (Aut. Min. Prot. N. 1100-SG del 26/11/2004)

• DGS – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

SAP Academy - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 25/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Informatica, Matematica, Economia

DGS è un noto gruppo a livello italiano che opera da oltre venti anni nel settore ICT.

Il gruppo lavora su grandi clienti operando a 360 gradi sull’area ICT, nei settori Energy & Utilities, Settore Pubblico, Servizi Finanziari, Industria e Manufacturing.

Opera sul mercato tramite la capogruppo DGS S.p.A. e le controllate Network Integration and Solutions S.r.l., Infodue S.r.l., VISTA Technology S.r.l. e Maneat S.r.l., impiega ad oggi oltre 750 professionisti di elevata seniority, distribuiti tra le 9 sedi di Roma (HQ), Torino, Sesto San Giovanni, Genova, Savona, Napoli, Foggia, Bari e Rende.

DGS è lieta di presentare il percorso della SAP Academy per preparare i migliori neolaureati in ambito SAP.

Il corso partirà a metà ottobre e le risorse verranno inserite nel percorso mediante un processo di selezione. Al termine della formazione i migliori talenti avranno la possibilità di seguire progetti per importanti clienti.


  • Laurea magistrale / triennale in materie tecnico-scientifiche (ingegneria gestionale / ingegneria informatica / matematica / economia)
  • Conoscenza del mondo informatico
  • Lingua inglese

Sede: Roma

Ai fini della selezione verranno prese in considerazione solo le candidature più qualificate. La ricerca è rivolta a donne e uomini (L. 903/77).I candidati possono inviare il proprio Curriculum Vitae con autorizzazione ai sensi del GDPR e del D.lgs 196/03 a recruitment@dgsspa.com (oggetto: DGS Sap Academy)

• Whirlpool – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria

Fast Track Management Program (EMEA Locations) - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 23/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria

About us

Fast Track Management Program (February session) applications are now open!

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is the leading major appliance manufacturer in the world, with approximately $21 billion in annual sales, 92,000 employees and 65 manufacturing and technology research centers in 2018. The company markets Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Maytag, Consul, Brastemp, Amana, Bauknecht, Jenn-Air, Indesit, Hotpoint and other major brand names in nearly every country throughout the world.
In Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) it has approximately 21,000 employees, a sales presence in more than 30 countries and manufacturing sites in seven countries. Whirlpool EMEA is an operating segment of Whirlpool Corporation. Whirlpool Corp.’s EMEA Headquarters are located in Pero (MI), Italy. Additional information about the company can be found at WhirlpoolCorp.com or find us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Job description

Have you ever heard of Whirlpool’s Fast Track Management Program?

Whirlpool’s Fast Track Management Program is an international graduate program aimed at developing the future leaders of the company: international and diverse people who will drive change by rolling up their sleeves to get the best results together.
Fast Track Management Program is designed to create Whirlpool leaders of tomorrow in all our functions (Industrial, Corporate and Commercial) providing them Training & Development, Mentorship and Career opportunity.

It is a 30-months accelerated Leadership Program where you will experience cross-country rotations within Whirlpool’s EMEA locations. You will have an active role in challenging projects that will allow you to grow further in the function that best fits your background, interests and career expectations.

Besides your area of choice, you will have at the beginning of the Program a 6-months long assignment of orientation. You will get 360° understanding of overall business and the full Whirlpool experience. The program will continue with two long rotations (one year each) in your area of choice, focusing on building strong competencies for your career development.



Let’s talk about you!

Are you:

  • a Master’s Degree student or a new graduate?
  • a proficient English speaker who’s lived abroad for at least 6 months?
  • an early professional with at least 6 months of relevant work/internship experience?
  • a flexible and curious individual who’s into challenging and sharing ideas?
  • a team player willing to become one of Whirlpool’s future leaders?

If you checked all the boxes, you could have the chance to join our Company through our Fast Track Management Program, in one of the following functions: Finance, Engineering, Marketing & Sales, Supply Chain, Procurement, IT and Legal.

Further Information

In each job rotation, you can expect to gain so much more than a job:

  • hands-on experience
  • permanent position from day 1
  • accelerated professional and personal growth
  • international environment and networking with other top talents
  • great exposure to the key parts of our business
  • constant support and interaction with our senior leaders
  • a tailored development and mentoring plan

Sounds interesting?

Apply now, we are waiting for you! http://emea.whirlpoolcareers.com/job-description?nPostingID=2591&nPostingTargetID=3741&option=52&sort=ASC&respnr=1&ID=PNJFK026203F3VBQB7VV4V4Z5&LOV15=10101&keywords=fast%20track%20managemant%20program&Resultsperpage=10&lg=UK&mask=wpext

Selection Process

  • CV Screening
  • Online Test
  • Phone Interview
  • 2 Days Assessment Center
Algorithm and Product Software Engineer (Fabriano) - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 23/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Elettronica

The Opportunity

Whirlpool Corporation is consistently recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the World’s Most Admired Companies. We are proud to be a recognized Top Employer Europe. Our values are the driving force behind everything we do. Respect, integrity, diversity and inclusion, teamwork and the spirit of winning propel our teams to excellence. Get to know us and see what it’s like to be part of the world’s leading major home appliance company.

In this role you will join the Global Engineering Team in Wash System Organization, the team spread in three countries (Italy, Slovakia, US). You will be responsible for development, validation and maintenance of Washing/Drying Machine Software.

In this role you will have the opportunity to learn how the product works from a 360° perspective and you can drive product improvement implementing new and smart solutions and ideating new features.

You will participate to the whole development process from marketing requests up to the final production, being exposed to all the activities and challenges present during the design definition, development phase and production introduction.

Because Washing/Drying Machine Product Software drives the entire behaviour of the appliance as The Brain, this role has a very tight connection and interaction with several other job roles in the platform organization spreading from mechanical design engineers up to electrical and electronic engineers.

In this role you will move from hands on activities, like laboratory tests, to concept design, from simulations, to assess feasibility of new logic, to big data analysis to verify the correctness of results.

Your task in this role will include

  • Responsible expert for software editing, debug and production release in Product Development projects for Washing Machines.
  • Responsible for the design, development and tests of algorithm.
  • Owns the project specifications (cycles, option configuration, HMI, etc) and ensures that critical customer requirements are captured and properly documented.
  • Interacts with other teams (labs, electronic dept, engineering department, marketing, etc) as a reference person for technical questions and reviews within project core team.
  • Owns the debug test plan in the project and follows the proper execution and results through lab requests and reports.
  • Proficient in software development process and in data analysis.
  • Autonomous in planning and tracking assigned activities.

Background and Experiences

  • Requires a master’s degree in computer or Electronic Engineering.
  • Previous experience in the same or very similar role.
  • Experience in software development.
  • Knowledge of Office Tool (Word, Excel).
  • Some experience with VBA, Matlab/Simulink.
  • Strong motivation and ability to drive things through independently and with little guidance.
  • Great communication skills for collaboration with other technology departments and process partners.
  • Ability to effectively work in project teams.
  • Sense of urgency and capability to work under pressure for multiple tasks are needed requirements.
  • Willingness to travel to other Whirlpool facilities in Italy, Slovakia, US.
  • Strong attitude to the problem solving and to the critical thinking, pro-active behaviour and capability to respect work commitment and deadlines.
  • Fluent English.

Apply now: http://emea.whirlpoolcareers.com/job-description?nPostingID=2167&nPostingTargetID=3561&option=52&sort=ASC&respnr=1&ID=PNJFK026203F3VBQB7VV4V4Z5&keywords=ALGORITHM%20AND%20SETTING%20FILE%20ENGINEER%20&Resultsperpage=10&lg=UK&mask=wpext

About us

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is the leading major appliance manufacturer in the world, with approximately $21 billion in annual sales, 92,000 employees and 65 manufacturing and technology research centers in 2018. The company markets Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Maytag, Consul, Brastemp, Amana, Bauknecht, Jenn-Air, Indesit, Hotpoint and other major brand names in nearly every country throughout the world.

In Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) it has approximately 21,000 employees, a sales presence in more than 30 countries and manufacturing sites in seven countries. Whirlpool EMEA is an operating segment of Whirlpool Corporation. Whirlpool Corp.’s EMEA Headquarters are located in Pero (MI), Italy. Additional information about the company can be found at  WhirlpoolCorp.com or find us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Production Group Leader (Cassinetta di Biandronno) - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 23/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

The Opportunity

Whirlpool Corporation is consistently recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the World’s Most Admired Companies. We are proud to be a recognized Top Employer Europe. Our values are the driving force behind everything we do. Respect, integrity, diversity and inclusion, teamwork and the spirit of winning propel our teams to excellence. Get to know us and see what it’s like to be part of the world’s leading major home appliance company.

We are seeking/looking for an experienced individual who will be responsible for ensuring production targets achievement and respect of STDs within the area. He/she will report to the Production Value Stream Manager with accountability of Primary processes production.

Your task in this role will include

  • Supervise and control production shift
  • Manage Resources assignment at the beginning of the shift and teams set up
  • Ensure smooth handover with following shift
  • Manage Group dedicated resources in order to ensure production targets
  • Stop the production process due to total lack of capability to respect production STD or due to health and safety risks
  • Ensure Consolidation and respect of WCM STDs
  • Execute audit on STD respect and identify improvement areas
  • Provide training sessions as WCM trainer
  • Ensure KPIs publishing on team/group info boards
  • Organize and promote regular meetings for structural problem solving and continuous improvement process at group level
  • Manage, plan and control absenteeism, vacation, overtime, reward and recognition process for the people within the area
  • Identify, create and develop together with HR individual training plan for Team Leaders and Team Members
  • Provide help chain support to TLs and ensure escalation process in case of resources conflicts

Background and Experiences

  • Factory Business process knowledge in similar or different industries
  • Relevant experience as Process Engineer (Technologist or Analyst)
  • WCM principles basic tools advanced knowledge, Root Cause Analysis tool advanced knowledge
  • WCM: Overall Equipment Effectiveness advanced knowledge, Autonomous Maintenance Pillar Step 1-3 knowledge
  • Ability to multitask
  • Self-learner with the ability to assume leadership and work without direct supervision
  • Italian mandatory language, English nice to have

Apply now: http://emea.whirlpoolcareers.com/job-description?nPostingID=2475&nPostingTargetID=3633&option=52&sort=ASC&respnr=1&ID=PNJFK026203F3VBQB7VV4V4Z5&LOV15=10102&keywords=PRODUCTION%20GROUP%20LEADER&Resultsperpage=10&lg=UK&mask=wpext

About us

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is the leading major appliance manufacturer in the world, with approximately $21 billion in annual sales, 92,000 employees and 65 manufacturing and technology research centers in 2018. The company markets Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Maytag, Consul, Brastemp, Amana, Bauknecht, Jenn-Air, Indesit, Hotpoint and other major brand names in nearly every country throughout the world.

In Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) it has approximately 21,000 employees, a sales presence in more than 30 countries and manufacturing sites in seven countries. Whirlpool EMEA is an operating segment of Whirlpool Corporation. Whirlpool Corp.’s EMEA Headquarters are located in Pero (MI), Italy. Additional information about the company can be found at  WhirlpoolCorp.com or find us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Electronic System Engineer (Cassinetta di Biandronno) - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 23/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Elettronica, Elettrica, Automazione, Informatica

The Opportunity

Whirlpool Corporation is consistently recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the World’s Most Admired Companies. We are proud to be a recognized Top Employer Europe. Our values are the driving force behind everything we do. Respect, integrity, diversity and inclusion, teamwork and the spirit of winning propel our teams to excellence. Get to know us and see what it’s like to be part of the world’s leading major home appliance company.

We are seeking/looking for an experienced Electronic System Engineer to join our organization in Italy. This position is located in Cassinetta di Biandronno, where we have around 2000 professionals dedicated to built-in products, microwaves and ovens This position is part of Manufacturing, contributes to industrial strategy definition, integrates products and processes and leads the industrialization stream of new products.

Your task in this role will include

  • Be responsible for developing Concepts and Design Requirements for electronics systems to be used on home appliances in cooking domain.
  • Work closely with a team of Software Engineers, Electrical/Electronics Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Communications Engineers, and Requisition Engineers located globally
  • Support Architect to define/identify system architecture: electrical, mechanical integration analysis.
  • Be able to design electrical functional circuits.
  • Determine best way to interface electrical/electronics system on the product, manage configuration files, and configure systems to work with the correct software.
  • Execute the design, analysis, or evaluation of assigned projects using sound engineering principles and adhering to business standards, practices, procedures, and product / program requirement
  • Be responsible for System – Subsystem Level Design requirements, Product Descriptions, FMEA’s, DFSS / DFR Scorecards, Engineering Support Requests, and other input documents Work with Project Team of engineers in developing the detailed application analysis to evaluate its impact on the System and flow the right system level requirement
  • Define and manage Interfaces to all sub-system in compliance to the system solution .
  • Work with Principal Engineers to generate and execute technical design reviews.
  • Support definition of System Validation Plans, execute System Validation Testing, and work with Verification & Validation Engineers to ensure traceability to verification
  • Participate as a presenter or reviewer in technical and program reviews (exposure up to senior leadership).
  • Take ownership of tech concepts, solution, risks / mitigation plans, and support the organization for the creation of cost estimates on proposals.
  • Maintain broad awareness of technical trends to ensure technical quality excellence, timely completion of work, and reviews and responsiveness to customer / program needs.
  • Provide timely communications on significant issues or developments.

Background and Experiences

  • Bachelor’s/ Master’s Degree in Electronics / Electrical / Automation / Computer Science Engineering
  • Relevant hands-on experience in design and implementation experience involving: Engineering Systems, Embedded Systems, Electrical and Mechanical Systems Integration, and/or Electrical Design.
  • Proficiency in analysis of problems related EMI/EMC.
  • Strong understanding of multi physics (EM/Thermal) problems.
  • Design, Analysis, Development, Test and Validation Documentation activities.
  • Being part of a global organization working hour flexibility and willingness to travel are required
  • English is a must.
  • Design of controls systems for inverter or electrical powertrain application with power 1kW<p<20kw< li=””></p<20kw<>
  • Knowledge of EN60335/UL858 is a strong asset
  • Rational Tools knowledge (DNG/RTC/RQM) is a strong plus
  • SiX Sigma GreenBelt/Black Belt certification is a strong plus
  • Knowledge of Matlab/Simulink is a plus
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Problem-solving attitude, protectiveness, teamwork.

Apply now: http://emea.whirlpoolcareers.com/job-description?nPostingID=2231&nPostingTargetID=3707&option=52&sort=ASC&respnr=2&ID=PNJFK026203F3VBQB7VV4V4Z5&LOV15=10102&keywords=ELECTRONIC%20SYSTEM%20INTEGRATION&Resultsperpage=10&lg=UK&mask=wpext

About us

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE: WHR) is the leading major appliance manufacturer in the world, with approximately $21 billion in annual sales, 92,000 employees and 65 manufacturing and technology research centers in 2018. The company markets Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Maytag, Consul, Brastemp, Amana, Bauknecht, Jenn-Air, Indesit, Hotpoint and other major brand names in nearly every country throughout the world.

In Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) it has approximately 21,000 employees, a sales presence in more than 30 countries and manufacturing sites in seven countries. Whirlpool EMEA is an operating segment of Whirlpool Corporation. Whirlpool Corp.’s EMEA Headquarters are located in Pero (MI), Italy. Additional information about the company can be found at  WhirlpoolCorp.com or find us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

• Studio La Greca – Laureati in Economia

Tirocinio per praticantato Dottore Commercialista

Pubblicato il 17/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Studio di dottori commercialisti sito in zona Prati ricerca laureato/a in economia e commercio da avviare alla formazione, anche senza particolare esperienza.

Si richiede serietà, precisione e impegno.

Se interessati inviare CV a: segreteria@studiolagreca.it

• ForteChiaro – Laureati in Economia

Consulenti Digital Marketing

Pubblicato il 12/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Comunicazione, Management

ForteChiaro.com, primo e-commerce di servizi marketing in Italia, ricerca giovani appassionati, laureati o universitari, con grande spirito imprenditoriale, da inserire nel proprio team di Consulenti Digital Marketing per la vendita di servizi alle imprese nella città di Roma.

Ti formiamo noi

3 giorni pieni di formazione in cui ti daremo tutti gli strumenti necessari per iniziare subito a costruire il tuo futuro. Pianificazione Strategica, Marketing e Comunicazione, Formazione Commerciale e Personal Branding, tutto quello che ti serve per farti spazio nel mondo della consulenza, costruire il tuo lavoro e diventare da subito un supporto concreto per i tuoi clienti.

Percorso di candidatura

Dai nostri Consulenti Marketing pretendiamo competenze e preparazione, per questo investiamo molto nella loro formazione. Le tre giornate sono completamente gratuite ma riservate a veri professionisti che intendono avere successo all’interno del nostro team.

Iscriviti subito alle selezioni del nostro corso di formazione e compila il questionario cliccando questo link: https://www.fortechiaro.com/consulenti-marketing

• Kerry – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Giurisprudenza, Lettere

Kerry Taste & Nutrition Europe Graduate Programme 2020 HR - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 11/09/2019

Tipo Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria, Giurisprudenza, Lettere, master in HR

LOCALISATION : European V92 EH11, IE
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Bachelor’s Degree
DURATION : Undefined


We are Kerry. And we are fast becoming the largest and most technologically advanced developer & provider of Taste and Nutrition solutions in the world. A company of scale, of capability and knowledge, Kerry Taste & Nutrition has strong customer alliances with leading global, regional and local food, beverage & pharmaceutical companies. Alongside our consumer business Kerry Foods, we strive to delight our customers and consumers every day with purpose and spirit.
With revenues of circa €6 billion, Kerry globally employs some 24,000 people and serves a global customer base in over 140 countries.

We strive to excite and care for our customers every day from branded Consumer Food & Beverage businesses such as ABInBev, Diageo, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever through to the major retail organisations such as Aldi, Carrefour, Tesco, Walmart. We have Food Service Businesses clients too – including McDonalds, Burger King! , Starbuc ks, Subway, Taco Bell and Nandos and that some of our well known consumer brands include Richmond Sausages and Cheestrings?

If like what you hear? Then start your journey with us today. We are Kerry and we hope you will be too.


Core Responsibilities

The HR Graduate will provide quality HR support to the HR team in the following activities:

Employee Lifecycle

Process HR and payroll related transactions within the agreed SLA delivery timescales, in particular:
Leavers and transfers

  • Contractual changes (to Pay, Time, Position, etc.)
  • Line manager changes
  • HR support requests
  • Global mobility processes
  • Employee relations administrative support (note taking, letter writing, etc)

Talent Acquisition

  • Support the recruiting and hiring process, including: posting job openings, reviewing resumes, conducting telephone and in-person interviews, making job offers and negotiating starting salaries.

Learning & Development

  • Work with the HR partner and the Kerry Learning Academy on the development of relevant training initiatives, coordinate the training events

Grant Claim

  • experience the grant claim process for government funding for businesses

Induction & Onboarding

  • Participate in the corporate induction programme
  • Create onboarding plans in conjunction with hiring managers and project manage (end to end) the process for new joiners and their onboarding programmes

Performance Management

  • Coach Managers and employees on Kerry’s Performance Management process and any related follow up activities.


What we are looking for:

  • Minimum 2:1 Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in Human Resources or equivalent desired
  • Fluency in a second European language an advantage
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement
  • Ability to work with cross-functional teams at multi levels within the organization
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Enthusiastic and engaging
  • Able to work alone on a broad variety of projects, ability to work out of own initiative
  • Previous HR experience an advantage.

To apply: https://apply.multiposting.fr/jobs/11252/31093214

Kerry Taste & Nutrition Europe Graduate Programme 2020 Procurement - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 11/09/2019

Tipo Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Food Engineering o similari

REFERENCE : 9656-31092843
LOCALISATION : European V92 EH11, IE
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Bachelor’s Degree

DURATION : Undefined


We are Kerry. And we are fast becoming the largest and most technologically advanced developer & provider of Taste and Nutrition solutions in the world. A company of scale, of capability and knowledge, Kerry Taste & Nutrition has strong customer alliances with leading global, regional and local food, beverage & pharmaceutical companies. Alongside our consumer business Kerry Foods, we strive to delight our customers and consumers every day with purpose and spirit.
With revenues of circa €6 billion, Kerry globally employs some 24,000 people and serves a global customer base in over 140 countries.

We strive to excite and care for our customers every day from branded Consumer Food & Beverage businesses such as ABInBev, Diageo, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever through to the major retail organisations such as Aldi, Carrefour, Tesco, Walmart. We have Food Service Businesses clients too – including McDonalds, Burger King! , Starbuc ks, Subway, Taco Bell and Nandos and that some of our well known consumer brands include Richmond Sausages and Cheestrings?

If like what you hear? Then start your journey with us today. We are Kerry and we hope you will be too.


The Procurement Team has the responsibility for managing and overseeing all third party spend for both direct and indirect materials and services for Kerry. They are experts in their respective categories of packaging, meats, dairy, ingredients and indirect materials and services such as energy, engineering and facilities management.

Your role as a Procurement Graduate will involve working with category buyers in all aspects of the sourcing process, working closely with Kerry’s manufacturing sites and supply partners.

Core responsibilities:

  • Category/Market Analysis: Provide category and market insight by analysing both category and market data which will lead to development of sourcing and supply plans.
  • Cross Functional Relationships: Monitoring usage/demand by coordinating with site supply chains. Working with R&D to introduce new materials and to identify! potentia l new sources.
  • Strategic Sourcing: Closely working with category buyers to source the highest quality materials and services at the best price using a range of tools including tendering.
  • Cost Saving Pipeline: Jointly working with category buyers to develop and execute a cost savings pipeline.
  • Supplier Management: Working with the category buyers to negotiate contracts and manage supplier performance to ensure quality and service requirements are met.


Who we are looking for:

  • Minimum 2:1 degree preferably in Mechanical or Food Engineering
  • Fluency in a second European language, preferably German, French or Spanish
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Proven record of delivering on projects and achievement of results
  • Motivated self-starter with the determination and drive to succeed
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Strong ability to work well in a team and on your own
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement.

To apply: https://apply.multiposting.fr/jobs/11252/31092843

Kerry Taste & Nutrition Europe Graduate Programme 2020 Sales - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 11/09/2019

Tipo Laurea: Economia

REFERENCE : 9657-31092966
LOCALISATION : European V92 EH11, IE
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Bachelor’s Degree
DURATION : Undefined


We are Kerry. And we are fast becoming the largest and most technologically advanced developer & provider of Taste and Nutrition solutions in the world. A company of scale, of capability and knowledge, Kerry Taste & Nutrition has strong customer alliances with leading global, regional and local food, beverage & pharmaceutical companies. Alongside our consumer business Kerry Foods, we strive to delight our customers and consumers every day with purpose and spirit.
With revenues of circa €6 billion, Kerry globally employs some 24,000 people and serves a global customer base in over 140 countries.

We strive to excite and care for our customers every day from branded Consumer Food & Beverage businesses such as ABInBev, Diageo, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever through to the major retail organisations such as Aldi, Carrefour, Tesco, Walmart. We have Food Service Businesses clients too – including McDonalds, Burger King! , Starbuc ks, Subway, Taco Bell and Nandos and that some of our well known consumer brands include Richmond Sausages and Cheestrings?

If like what you hear? Then start your journey with us today. We are Kerry and we hope you will be too.


The Sales function aims to profitably grow the Kerry organisation through Commercial Excellence by achieving:

  • Sales growth ahead of market growth rates
  • Excellent customer satisfaction
  • The delivery of innovation and creative solutions
  • Market Intelligence

As a Sales Graduate you will learn account management skills and work to deliver on business sales targets. You will initially work to understand Kerry’s customer offering and how this relates to our customers, in order to do this you will spend time with our Research & Development teams to understand the Kerry technologies. You will work very closely with our Marketing teams to gain an in-depth knowledge of consumer preferences and customer requirements. A key part of the role will be project managing the delivery of solutions to meet our customer’s needs. This provides an unparalleled opportunity to develop quickly across al! l aspects of account management.

After an initial training period in our Global Centre in Ireland, you will transfer to one of our European markets to build your Sales experience working with customers directly in your assigned market.

What we are looking for

  • Minimum 2:1 degree in, Business, Marketing PR or similar
  • Fluency in a second European language, preferably French or Italian.
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Proven record of delivering on projects and achievement of results
  • Motivated self-starter with the determination and drive to succeed
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Strong ability to work well in a team and on your own
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement!


What we are looking for

  • Minimum 2:1 degree in, Business, Marketing PR or similar
  • Fluency in a second European language, preferably French or Italian.
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Proven record of delivering on projects and achievement of results
  • Motivated self-starter with the determination and drive to succeed
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Strong ability to work well in a team and on your own
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement

To apply: https://apply.multiposting.fr/jobs/11252/31092966

Kerry Taste & Nutrition Europe Graduate Programme 2020 Marketing - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 11/09/2019

Tipo Laurea: Economia

REFERENCE : 9652-31092746
LOCALISATION : European V92 EH11, IE
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Bachelor’s Degree
DURATION : Undefined


We are Kerry. And we are fast becoming the largest and most technologically advanced developer & provider of Taste and Nutrition solutions in the world. A company of scale, of capability and knowledge, Kerry Taste & Nutrition has strong customer alliances with leading global, regional and local food, beverage & pharmaceutical companies. Alongside our consumer business Kerry Foods, we strive to delight our customers and consumers every day with purpose and spirit.
With revenues of circa €6 billion, Kerry globally employs some 24,000 people and serves a global customer base in over 140 countries.

We strive to excite and care for our customers every day from branded Consumer Food & Beverage businesses such as ABInBev, Diageo, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever through to the major retail organisations such as Aldi, Carrefour, Tesco, Walmart. We have Food Service Businesses clients too – including McDonalds, Burger King! , Starbuc ks, Subway, Taco Bell and Nandos and that some of our well known consumer brands include Richmond Sausages and Cheestrings?

If like what you hear? Then start your journey with us today. We are Kerry and we hope you will be too.


The Marketing function at Kerry partners with the business to lead the development and activation of sustainable, innovative and market-driven growth strategies. Through doing so we win by differentiating Kerry from its competitors. Our Marketing teams focus on:

  • Strategy: Focusing the business on achievable sources of growth
  • Leading with Insight: Generate knowledge that will drive business & innovation
  • Excellence in execution: Design and execute effective customer engagement strategies

Core Responsibilities:

As a Marketing Graduate, you will learn to identify the areas of potential growth for the business, the strategies we will implement in these areas to ensure the delivery of growth and how to successfully deploy the delivery plans.

You will gain exposure to aspects of marketing, from Strategic Planning, Market Insight, to customer engagement strategies, trad! e shows a nd Marketing Communications. Our marketing teams focus on partnering with our Research & Development teams to understand how we are best placed to deliver growth for Kerry based on our technology portfolio. Marketing also works closely with our market based sales teams to deliver insight and market intelligence to our business while also tailoring our approach at a country level through activation plans and content development.

Your role will certainly be varied and will allow you the opportunity to manage your own projects from a very early stage.  We will provide you with the skills you need to determine your own development and career path.


Who we are looking for:

  • Minimum 2:1 degree in Marketing, Business, PR or similar
  • Fluency in a second European language such as French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian would be a distinct advantage
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Proven record of delivering on projects and achievement of results
  • Motivated self-starter with the determination and drive to succeed
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Strong ability to work well in a team and on your own
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement

To apply: https://apply.multiposting.fr/jobs/11252/31092746

Kerry Taste & Nutrition Europe Graduate Programme 2020 Accounting & Finance - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 11/09/2019

Tipo Laurea: Economia

REFERENCE : 9650-31092463
LOCALISATION : European V92 EH11, IE
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Bachelor’s Degree
DURATION : Undefined


We are Kerry. And we are fast becoming the largest and most technologically advanced developer & provider of Taste and Nutrition solutions in the world. A company of scale, of capability and knowledge, Kerry Taste & Nutrition has strong customer alliances with leading global, regional and local food, beverage & pharmaceutical companies. Alongside our consumer business Kerry Foods, we strive to delight our customers and consumers every day with purpose and spirit.
With revenues of circa €6 billion, Kerry globally employs some 24,000 people and serves a global customer base in over 140 countries.

We strive to excite and care for our customers every day from branded Consumer Food & Beverage businesses such as ABInBev, Diageo, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever through to the major retail organisations such as Aldi, Carrefour, Tesco, Walmart. We have Food Service Businesses clients too – including McDonalds, Burger Kin! g, Starbu cks, Subway, Taco Bell and Nandos and that some of our well known consumer brands include Richmond Sausages and Cheestrings?


Finance sits at the heart of Kerry, impacting every decision of our business and helping us deliver our strategy and vision. All Finance Graduates are supported to study towards a CIMA or ACCA qualification and receive a generous study package including financial assistance and study leave.

Core Responsibilities

As an Accounting & Finance Graduate with Kerry you will work with key players in the business from the outset to help meet corporate, business unit and department objectives and goals. Within months of your start you’ll be participating in planning and forecasting meetings, conducting investment analysis, preparing management accounts and maintaining budgetary controls.

As an integral part of our business, you will gradually take on more extensive responsibilities and become involved in matters of strategic importance.

Responsibilities will vary depending on the Finance team that you are assigned to, but may include:

  • Forecasting, Budgeting and Month Reporting responsibility for business along with communication to the business team;
  • Understand market trends, dynamics, price/volume trends and outlooks to recommend actions that lead to profitable growth;
  • Develop tools and reporting methods for variance reporting that identify and analyze key variables which affect the financial performance of the business;
  • Assist in the development and implementation of process improvement initiatives to drive control, alignment and efficiencies;
  • Support for business leadership through performance management. Understands business trends and monitors financial performance against benchmarks and key performance indicators.
  • Develop, prepare and present, mid-year! and annu al budget projections.


We offer a variety of opportunities in Accounting & Finance including Financial Control, Operations Finance, Financial Reporting, Management Reporting, Tax, Treasury and M&A. Accounting & Finance Graduates will have a further opportunity to rotate between the different finance teams to get a broad understanding of all aspects of the business.

Roles may be based in our Global Finance Headquarters in Tralee, in Co. Kerry, Ireland, on one of our European Manufacturing sites or in our European Global Technology & Innovation Centre in Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Candidates must be flexible with regards travel and relocation for this role.

What we are looking for:

  • First and foremost we look for hardworking, analytical and curious individuals who want to be pushed outside of their comfort zone.
  • Minimum 2:1 degree in Accounting, Finance or Business related discipline
  • Fluency in a second European language is an advantage
  • Knowledge of SAP is desirable, however training will be provided
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Proven record of delivering on projects and achievement of results
  • Motivated self-starter with the determination and drive to succeed
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Strong ability to work well in a team and on your own
  • Excellent IT skills, particularly in MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Willingness to travel or relocate across the global Kerry organisation is a key requirement

To apply: https://apply.multiposting.fr/jobs/11252/31092463