• PSC – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Stage settore Information Technology

Pubblicato il 24/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

PSC S.p.A. società leader nel settore dell’impiantistica tecnologica con sede in Italia e all’Estero, ricerca per la propria struttura una risorsa da inserire come Stagista IT.

Scopo formativo dello stage sarà lo sviluppo di competenze professionali nel settore dell’Information Technology. Il candidato affiancherà il Responsabile IT supportandolo a 360 gradi nella gestione della rete dati aziendale comprendente la sede principale e le varie sedi dislocate in tutta Italia.

Nello specifico, la risorsa fornirà supporto operativo alle seguenti attività:

  • Help desk base agli utenti della sede operativa.
  • Gestione, manutenzione ed esercizio dei sistemi informativi all’interno dell’azienda.
  • Gestione e attività su Server aziendali.
  • Controllo del corretto funzionamento di software antivirus, antispam e per la security
  • Configurazioni di rete, software e hardware.
  • Supervisione della corretta gestione del database aziendale, sviluppo dei progetti IT dell’azienda, la redazione di procedure funzionali, la gestione del budget e l’identificazione delle esigenze organizzative.

Il profilo ideale del candidato presenta le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • Laurea in Informatica/Ingegneria Informatica
  • Nozioni Informatiche e di programmazione di base.
  • Interesse per la programmazione e le nuove tecnologie
  • Esperienza di sviluppo software anche tramite progetti universitari o attività autonoma.
  • Conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Completano il profilo una buona predisposizione ai rapporti interpersonali, tenacia, precisione, oltre a una forte motivazione personale. Disponibilità a sporadiche trasferte.

Lo stage avrà durata di 6 mesi e si svolgerà presso gli uffici di Roma. Data di inizio: da definire

È previsto un rimborso spese di 800€

Riferimento: Stage IT

Indirizzo email: ufficiopersonale@psc.it

I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future garantendo i diritti ai sensi del Dlgs. 196/03

• Optimy – Laureati in Ingegneria, Lettere

Customer Success Internship

Pubblicato il 24/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Lettere

Hours: Full Time

Start: January/February 2019

Duration: 3-6 months

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Optimy has developed an innovative and intuitive Software as a Service (SaaS) that allows organisations to better manage their sponsorship, grants and community investment. After 6 years, Optimy records more than 230 customers across 6 continents. More than 98% of Optimy users renew their licence each year, including big names such as BMW, Carrefour, Johnson&Johnson, L’Oréal, Vodafone, Holcim and Volkswagen.

Optimy aims to become the leader worldwide in its niche market and is looking for a French speaking Customer Success inter to explore the fundamental skills needed for a career in customer relationship management.

Please note that we will accept only applicants who can provide us with an internship agreement from their university.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Use your language skills to support existing clients on a daily basis
  • Assist with the day-to-day functioning of the customer experience team (e.g. create video demonstrations, prepare demos, translating & interpreting)
  • Working closely with Internal Marketing team
  • Producing content for campaigns
  • Assisting in creating public forms for our customers


  • You have a good command in English AND French OR German OR Italian
  • Ability to work independently
  • You are proactive and a doer’ – somebody who wants to prove their ability by getting things done
  • A real interest in a customer success

The Offer:

  • A chance to work as part of an international team
  • Real responsibility, your work will have a direct and noticeable impact on the success of the company
  • The possibility of joining the team on a long term basis

As a contribution we grant 300€/month to all international and Belgian students.

Apply via our website: https://trainee-jobs.optimytool.com/en/

System Administrator Intern

Pubblicato il 24/09/2018

Reporting to: CTO and/ Cloud Engineer

Hours: Full Time

Duration: 5-6 months

Start: January/February 2019

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Optimy has developed an innovative and intuitive Software as a Service (SaaS) that allows organisations to better manage their sponsorship, grants and community investment.

After 6 years, Optimy records more than 230 customers across 6 continents. More than 98% of Optimy users renew their licence each year, including BMW, Carrefour, Johnson&Johnson, L’Oréal, Vodafone, Holcim and Volkswagen.

Optimy aims to become the leader worldwide in its niche market and is looking for a System Administrator Intern to actively participate in maintaining and developing the IT Cloud infrastructure.

Please note that we will accept only applicants who can provide us with an internship agreement from their university.


  • Work on real server infrastructures with cutting-edge technology
  • Setup monitoring tools (network,server,applications)
  • Set up Infrastructure as code (Using terraform)
  • Assist in installing and configuring operating systems and company applications
  • Participate in all ad-hoc sysadmin related projects
  • Help on troubleshooting system and network problems


  • You’re comfortable with the Linux Shell
  • You have a good knowledge of network environments
  • You’re a self-learner and passionate about technology
  • You’re work-proficient level in English and/OR French
  • Knowledge of Cloud providers is desirable
  • You have a good knowledge of Windows environments (OSX is a plus!)

Our offer:

  • A real job experience, you won’t stand at the copy machine!
  • A young and dynamic work environment
  • A chance to work as part of an international team in a SaaS company
  • As a contribution we grant 300€/month to all foreign and Belgian To Apply send your CV to internjobs@optimy.com

• Mercedes Benz Italia – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Stage Network Strategy MBC & Business Management-Risk management SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia


Far acquisire al tirocinante strumenti e metodologie sulle attività riguardanti la Direzione Network Development and Strategy MBC nell’analisi e gestione del rischio inerente ai rapporti con i concessionari ed officine autorizzate della Rete Mercedes-Benz e sviluppo del business


  1. Supporto nella gestione ed organizzazione delle attività di risk management;
  2. Supporto nel monitoraggio di performance e del rischio economico, finanziario e commerciale;
  3. Supporto al tutor e ai membri del team nell’analisi economica/finanziaria delle concessionarie;
  4. Supporto in analisi specifiche anche di carattere geo-marketing e di reporting sulla struttura delle reti MBI e sul territorio (dati socio/demografici, economici, di mercato, ecc.) per lo sviluppo dei dealer assicurando il costante aggiornamento delle banche dati di riferimento;
  5. Supporto nell’aggiornamento della documentazione per la vendita e post-vendita relativa alle reti MBI e smart;
  6. Supporto nella gestione di relazioni e report con casa madre, divisioni ed enti esterni sulle tematiche di


  • Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office (Excel, PowerPoint);
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese;
  • Forti capacità relazionali e di lavoro in team;
  • Forte motivazione e attitudine al raggiungimento degli obiettivi;
  • Precisione sul lavoro

Retribuzione 800 al mese + mensa aziendale

Contratto: Stage

Orario Lavoro: Full Time


Stage Omologazione Vetture SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

La posizione di stage risponderà al Responsabile Omologazione ed ELV nell’ambito della Direzione Mercedes-Benz Italia/After Sales.


  • Offrire supporto nella gestione delle attività previste dal processo di Licensing & Registration propedeutiche all’immatricolazione delle vetture Mercedes-Benz, smart e Mercedes-AMG.
  • Supportare clienti e Dealer su aspetti relativi all’omologazione delle vetture e degli accessori originali.
  • Assicurare il rispetto degli adempimenti previsti dalla normativa vigente e dalle guidelines di Fabbrica per i Veicoli Fuori Uso (ELV)


  • Trasmissione telematica dei Certificati di Conformità (CoC) e dei dati di omologazione al Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti incluse attività di supporto da svolgere presso la sede del Ministero;
  • Supporto nella gestione del processo di Licensing & Registration in CESAR;
  • Supporto alle BU riguardo l’omologazione di vetture e accessori originali;
  • Supporto nella gestione dei veicoli di fine serie (deroghe all’immatricolazione);
  • Adempimenti prescritti dal DPR 17/02/2003, n. 84 in materia di comunicazione dei dati dei consumi e delle emissioni dei veicoli;
  • Supporto nella consulenza a clienti e dealer in materia di omologazione inclusa stesura di  dichiarazioni  e  nulla  osta  per Clienti e Dealer e relativa  spedizione  e fatturazione;
  • Supporto nella gestione dei Ticket del Dealer Contact Center ed i casi del CAC di Maastricht;
  • Adempimenti prescritti dal DLgs 209/2003 del 24/06/2003 in materia di Veicoli Fuori Uso (ELV);


  • Buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese e/o tedesca
  • Buona conoscenza del Pacchetto Microsoft Office
  • Ottima conoscenza di Microsoft Excel
  • Iniziativa, orientamento al risultato, autonomia, flessibilità ed orientamento al cliente.

Retribuzione 800 al mese + mensa aziendale



• Philip Morris Italia – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Business Planning & Development Intern

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria


Are you passionate about Philip Morris International’s future, its culture change being the success driver for the transformation and experiences people go through every day in PMI? Do you look for ways to grow in your job?

If you want to challenge yourself, working in a dynamic & international environment, then apply now! We are currently looking for an:

Business Planning & Development Intern

The Opportunity

  • Internship of 6 months length
  • International and fast-paced work environment in a constantly evolving industry
  • Opportunity to learn more by interacting with dynamic teams at different levels of experience and expertise across the Company
  • Onboarding program; on-the-job & off-the-job Trainings

Specific responsibilities include:

You will support the Finance department in:

  • Keeping corporate and local systems updated and assessing the accuracy of data provided by 3rd parties;
  • Supporting monthly and quarterly financial data transmission to PMI headquarter;
  • Tracking and monitoring of the market performance (conventional products and RRPs), sharing learnings with the Management;
  • Tracking and understanding of corporate revenues evolution;
  • Preparing weekly, monthly and quarterly corporate and local reports;
  • Perform ad-hoc financial evaluations as requested by the Management.


  • University degree in: Master degree in Finance, Economics, Statistics or Engineering;
  • Communication skill;
  • Quick learning capabilities, Entrepreneurial spirit and curiosity
  • Ability to work alone and in teams;
  • Fluent in English and Fluent in Italian;
  • Literacy in Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Previous experience in other Multinational Company or in a similar role is a plus

Work location:



A reimbursement package (monthly stage bonus + ticket restaurant) is provided.


We are a leading international tobacco company engaged in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and other nicotine-containing products in markets outside the United States of America. We are building our future on smoke-free products that are a much better consumer choice than continuing to smoke cigarettes.

Through multidisciplinary capabilities in product development, state-of-the-art facilities and scientific substantiation, we aim to ensure that our smoke-free products meet adult consumer preferences and rigorous regulatory requirements. Our vision is that these products ultimately replace cigarettes to the benefit of adult smokers, society, our company and our shareholders. For more information, see our PMI and PMI Science websites.

Philip Morris Italia is an Italian affiliate of Philip Morris International, leader in the tobacco world. With over 500 employees, it is engaged in the development and commercialization of potentially reduced risk products.

TO APPLY: https://www.pmi.com/careers/job-details?id=7327

• KPMG Advisory – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Stage ICT Strategy

KPMG_logoPubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale, Informatica

Nolan Norton è la linea di servizi di KPMG Advisory SpA che rappresenta un preciso punto di riferimento per le imprese che intendono sfruttare strategicamente il processo di trasformazione legato all’innovazione tecnologica. Nolan Norton riconosce il ruolo strategico dell’ICT nel determinare il posizionamento competitivo delle imprese e supporta i CIO nell’affrontare le complesse sfide tecnologiche ed organizzative legate all’evoluzione del mercato.

Ricerchiamo per la sede di Roma giovani e brillanti laureandi e neolaureati.

Il candidato sarà coinvolto in progetti di:

  • BPR
  • disegno e architetture applicative
  • ICT Planning & Budgeting
  • ICT Strategy

Il candidato ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:

  • laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale o Economia
  • ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese, meglio se avvalorata da un’esperienza di studio e/o lavoro all’estero
  • ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office

Completano il profilo spiccate abilità di lavorare per obiettivi e forte attitudine al problem solving, buone doti comunicative e relazionali, focus sul cliente, entusiasmo ed elevata motivazione alla crescita professionale, naturale propensione al lavoro in team e disponibilità a frequenti viaggi e trasferte.

Gli interessati possono inviare il proprio cv a: gmagrini@kpmg.it

I dati richiesti verranno trattati nell’assoluto rispetto delle disposizioni contenute nel Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR” o “Normativa Privacy”) e sue successive modificazioni ed integrazioni.

L’annuncio è rivolto a candidati di ambo i sessi.

• Dedagroup – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Dedagroup Digital Academy - Formazione gratuita e stage di 6 mesi

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria, Informatica

Dedagroup Digital Academy è un programma di formazione che nasce con l’obiettivo di costruire le professioni digitali del futuro, sviluppando nuove competenze e nuove professionalità. Un programma rivolto a giovani talenti, da far crescere attraverso un percorso didattico mirato e strategico di formazione e di trasformazione digitale, con lo scopo di creare concrete opportunità di reclutamento e di inserimento in azienda.

L’Academy avrà una durata di 6 mesi e sarà suddivisa in attività d’aula della durata di 15 gg presso il nostro Headquarter a Trento e, in attività applicata all’interno delle diverse Business
Unit di Dedagroup, dislocate su tutta Italia, con modalità di training on the job, per permettere di sperimentare la realtà lavorativa interagendo con i colleghi nel loro quotidiano.
La formazione in aula sarà strutturata in 4 moduli, organizzati in lezioni teoriche e laboratori di pratica, che permetteranno ai partecipanti di affrontare tematiche legate alla digital economy, al valore d’impresa (economics & performance), al project management (gestione progetti, vendita a valore, metodologie agili) e all’ambito del people value (comunicazione in azienda, team work e problem solving).

Qualifiche e competenze richieste

Il programma si rivolge a giovani laureati e neo-laureati (sia in percorsi tecnico-scientifici che umanistici), con età massima di 28 anni e con un buon livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese.

:: Per candidarsi: https://www.dedagroup.it/chi-siamo/persone/academy

• Ford – Laureati in Economia

Stage Marketing dei Veicoli Commerciali

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

La ricerca è orientata a candidati di massimo 26 anni con Laurea magistrale in Economia, buon livello di inglese ed excel.

Il rimborso spese è di 800 euro.

Job role:

  • Gestione campagne di Marketing, tracking della documentazione, reportistica a fine campagna
  • Gestione ed aggiornamento della reportisitica settimanale e mensile
  • Survey vendite prodotto – Mix degli ordini di fabbrica
  • Supporto nel lancio di nuovi modelli

I cv possono essere inviati al seguente indirizzo email: hrford@ford.com (oggetto: “Ford Stage Marketing dei Veicoli Commerciali”)

Stage area Finance

Pubblicato il 18/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

La ricerca è orientata a candidati di massimo 26 anni con Laurea magistrale in Economia, buon livello di inglese ed excel.

Il rimborso spese è di 800 euro.

Job role:

  • Controllo e gestione reportistica Sconti & Abbuoni
  • Controllo Actuals Riduzione Ricavi
  • Controllo riconciliazione conti finanziari
  • Supporto analisi finanziaria
  • Analisi Anomalie di fatturazione

I cv possono essere inviati al seguente indirizzo email: hrford@ford.com (oggetto: “Ford Stage Finance”)

Stage reparto Flotte

Pubblicato il 18/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

La ricerca è orientata a candidati di massimo 26 anni con Laurea magistrale in Economia, buon livello di inglese ed excel.

Il rimborso spese è di 800 euro.

Job role:

  • Gestione attività correlate alle campagne di marketing fleet
  • Supporto alla rete dei Ford Partner relativamente al funzionamento e gestione eventuali problematiche su campagne di marketing Fleet
  • Supporto al personale di zona Sales (in particolare Fleet e CV)
  • Gestione Major Rental Companies

I cv possono essere inviati al seguente indirizzo email: hrford@ford.com (oggetto: “Ford Stage Flotte”)

• General Electric – Laureati in Ingegneria

Technical Internship - Avio Aero Engineering - Jan/Feb 2019 – 3130610

Pubblicato li 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale, Aeronautica, Energetica, dei Materiali

Tipo di contratto: Stage

Retribuzione mensile: 800 euro/lordi

Job Function: Engineering/Technology

Business Segment: Aviation AvioAero

Location(s): Italy; Rivalta di Torino, Brindisi, Pomigliano D’Arco (NA)

About Us:

At GE Aviation, we are imagination at work. Whether we’re manufacturing components for our GEnx engines or driving innovation in fuel and noise reduction, the GE Aviation teams are dedicated to turning imaginative ideas into advances in aviation that solve some of the world’s toughest problems. Join us and you’ll find yourself in a dynamic environment where our ongoing, substantial investment in research and development keeps us moving forward and looking ahead. At GE, developing people is embedded in our culture and integral to our growth. Here you’ll work collaboratively and across functions with the highest caliber talent, utilizing cutting-edge technology and processes. Whether it’s the next generation ofecomagination products or the future of aircraft engines, we’ve got the state-of-the-art resources to make those innovations a reality. If you’re passionate about aviation and looking for a career rich with challenges and unlimited opportunities for growth and advancement, then join GE in reengineering the sky through aviation innovations that will impact the globe for generations to come.

GE is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, and according with all local laws protecting different status.

Follow us on Twitter, join our LinkedIn Group or become a fan of our Facebook page. Receive job and event notifications by becoming a member of the GE Talent Community. Stay up to date on what’s happening at GE around the globe by checking out the GE Careers Blog.

Role Summary:

The internship in Avio Aero Engineering is a great opportunity for Engineering students or Post-Graduates who want to be part of a leading company in technology and innovation.

Essential Responsibilities:

We are gathering potential candidates who would be interested in a 6 month internship starting in Jan/Feb 2019, unfortunately we wont’t be able to associate the internship with a dissertation/thesis project. Successful internship assignments may lead to EEDP program placement (after internal recruiting process). During the 6 month internship you will work in collaboration with Engineering Managers and Leaders. You will be assigned to a technical project in one of the following disciplines:

  • Turbines
  • Mechanical Transmissions
  • Mechanical Component Design
  • Digital Technologies


  • Undergraduate students who plan to be graduated within July 2019 or Master Degree Graduates in the following disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Materials Engineering.
  • A good knowledge of English and Italian is mandatory (an interview in both the languages will be part of the selection process);
  • Passion for technology, team player, process oriented, curious, flexible and open minded
  • Outstanding University results – Top 25% class (final grade minimum 104/110 or GPA 3 out of 4).
  • EU Work Permit.

Desired Characteristics:

  • An experience abroad (study or work) will be considered as a plus.

Please note that the position will be opened for different businesses. Consider to apply only for the business you are interested in, we won’t consider multiple applications.

Send your Application until 31/11/2018.

To Apply: https://invent.ge/2lzENye

Global Supply Chain/Operations Internship - March/April 2019 – 3131144

Pubblicato li 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale, Aeronautica, Energetica, Gestionale, dei Materiali

Job Function: Manufacturing

Business Segment: Aviation AvioAero

Location(s): Italy; Pomigliano D’Arco

About Us:

At GE Aviation, we are imagination at work. Whether we’re manufacturing components for our GEnx engines or driving innovation in fuel and noise reduction, the GE Aviation teams are dedicated to turning imaginative ideas into advances in aviation that solve some of the world’s toughest problems. Join us and you’ll find yourself in a dynamic environment where our ongoing, substantial investment in research and development keeps us moving forward and looking ahead. At GE, developing people is embedded in our culture and integral to our growth. Here you’ll work collaboratively and across functions with the highest caliber talent, utilizing cutting-edge technology and processes. Whether it’s the next generation ofecomagination products or the future of aircraft engines, we’ve got the state-of-the-art resources to make those innovations a reality. If you’re passionate about aviation and looking for a career rich with challenges and unlimited opportunities for growth and advancement, then join GE in reengineering the sky through aviation innovations that will impact the globe for generations to come.GE is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, and according with all local laws protecting different status.Follow us on Twitter, join our LinkedIn Group or become a fan of our Facebook page. Receive job and event notifications by becoming a member of the GE Talent Community. Stay up to date on what’s happening at GE around the globe by checking out the GE Careers Blog.

Role Summary:

We are looking for several interns with a strong passion in cutting edge manufacturing technologies who can join the Avio Aero Pomigliano Plant in 2019 and contribute to function-specific projects..

Essential Responsibilities:

We are gathering potential candidates who would be interested in a 12 month internship starting in March/April 2019 in the Pomigliano Site.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to associate the internship with a dissertation/thesis project.

Successful internship assignments may lead to OMLP program placement (after internal recruiting process).

Your role could be in the following areas:

Manufacturing Engineering

The internship will be in the Manufacturing Engineering Department, aiming to support a project of productive cycle management and to implement cycle time and process improvements in order to reduce costs and respect objectives.

Maintenance & Facilities

This Internship is aimed to familiarize with maintenance system and activities, performing assessments of actual KPIs, procedures, tasks and suggesting modifications based on TPM, Kaizen, 5S and RCM methodologies.

Materials/Production Analysis

The internship will be focused on Workforce activities, analyzing manufacturing routers (production cycles) and production factors (machines and operators).

Quality Engineering

The internship will be in Product Quality, Laboratory and Special processes Departments aiming to support productive cycle management in terms of quality requirements to assure full compliance to customer requirements and Airworthiness Regulation by monitoring assembly and manufacturing conventional as well as special processes (Coating, NM, NDT, HT,Welding) and eventual Lab procedures.


The internship will be developed in the Lean team and focused on analyzing manufacturing routers (production cycles) and production factors. You will participate in LEAN initiatives and engage Six Sigma tools for process and flow improvements.

Please indicate in the application your preference in terms of role.


  • Undergraduate students who plan to be graduated within July 2019 or Master Degree Graduates in the following disciplines: Aeronautical or Aerospace, Mechanical, Energy, Materials or Management Engineering from an accredited University or college;
  • Outstanding academic achievements;
  • Knowledge of technical drawings;
  • English and Italian fluency, written and verbal;
  • Geographic flexibility and global mindset;
  • EU Work Permit.

Desired Characteristics:

  • Curious and eager to learn;
  • Strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Strong interpersonal and leadership skills;
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills;
  • Able to coordinate many tasks concurrently;
  • Strong business acumen with the ability to motivate others.

Send your Application until 31/11/2018.

To Apply: https://invent.ge/2Muz5c7

Operations/Global Supply Chain Internship – 3176454

Pubblicato li 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale, Aeronautica, Energetica, Gestionale, dei Materiali

Job Function: Manufacturing

Business Segment: Aviation AvioAero

Location(s): Rivalta di Torino (TO), Italy

About Us:

GE is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. Through our people, leadership development, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for global customers by speaking the language of industry.

Follow us on Twitter, join our LinkedIn Group or become a fan of our Facebook page. Receive job and event notifications by becoming a member of the GE Talent Community. Stay up to date on what’s happening at GE around the globe by checking out the GE Careers Blog.

Role Summary:

Rivalta Plant is the home of Manufacturing for Gearboxes and Rotating Parts. We are looking for passionates about Operations that will work in an international environment for a 6 months internship preparatory to the OMLP recruitment process. Starting date: January-February 2019.

Essential Responsibilities:

We are looking for several interns with a strong passion in cutting edge manufacturing technologies who can join the company and contribute to function-specific projects. We suggest you to have a look at the job descriptions below and try to choose the best fit for you.

Manufacturing Engineering:

  • Supports Mechanical Component Design by guaranteeing the compatibility between design itself and manufacturing process, technical requirements and evidences evaluation in the technological validation process for all aspects related to materials and special processes
  • Provides support to machine operators for the solution of problems related to the operation of the machine;
  • Supports root cause investigations.

Quality Engineering:

  • Monitors production processes from a quality standpoint to recognize improvement opportunities, and work with stakeholders to identify and implement effective Corrective/Preventive action plans;
  • Promotes the awareness and compliance to the Avio Aero and/or specific Customer requirements;
  • Monitors the quality indicators for the overall process, collect and analyze quality data and take part to the definition and following implementation and monitoring of improvement plans together with Manufacturing Engineer.


  • Achieves lowest possible cost for materials/services, balanced against optimum quality and schedule needs;
  • Interacts with Suppliers in order to achieve Purchase documents acknowledgment;
  • Monitors and expedite Suppliers deliveries to guarantee On Time Delivery.


  • Ensures Materials planning and timing;
  • Creates and develops the KPIs reporting through a daily coordination and fulfillment issues.


  • Facilitate cross-functional project teams, mini or full Action Work Out (AWO) and single kaizen events in order to progress along the transformation plan;
  • Effective Value stream mapping, wastes detection in manufacturing environment;
  • Drive transformation execution on basics : 5S, SMED;
  • Be GE Aviation Production System (GEAPS) advocate in the cell.
  • Involve shop operators in transformation, with training & kaizen eventsPlease indicate in the application your preference in terms of role.


  • Master’s Degree in Aeronautical or Aerospace, Mechanical, Energy, Materials or Management Engineering from an accredited University or college
  • Outstanding academic achievements – Top 25% class (final grade minimum 104/110 or GPA 3 out of 4)
  • Knowledge of technical drawings
  • English and Italian fluency, written and verbal
  • Geographic flexibility and global mindset
  • EU Work Permit

Desired Characteristics:

  • Study or working experience abroad will be considered as a plus
  • Previous work experience in Aviation industry will be considered as a plus
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Strong interpersonal and leadership skills
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Able to coordinate many tasks concurrently
  • Strong business acumen with the ability to motivate others

Send your Application until 31/11/2018.

To Apply: https://invent.ge/2NjFagL

• Logista Italia – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza

Stage c/o Dipartimento HR SELEZIONE CHIUSA


Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia e commercio, Giurisprudenza, Sociologia, Scienze Politiche, Master in Gestione delle Risorse Umane

Job title

HR Intern

Reports to

Responsabile Compensation & Benefit

Business Unit




Job Purpose

Supportare il dipartimento HR con particolare riguardo alle attività realtive ad aspetti legali, compensation & benefit e servizi generali.

Key accountabilities

  • Fornire supporto nelle analisi dei dati relativi alle attività di Compensation & Benefit
  • Supportare le attività di reportistica e analisi relative ai costi e ai dati del personale
  • Fornire supporto nella gestione degli aspetti legali con successiva analisi e reportistica
  • Supportare i servizi generali nella conduzione delle attività quotidiane (prenotazioni viaggi, risoluzione problemi operativi, gestione aspetti legati alla sicurezza e salute sul posto di lavoro, protocollo)






6 mesi di esperienza pregressa


Laurea in Economia e commercio / Giurisprudenza / Sociologia / Scienze Politiche – Master in Gestione delle Risorse Umane



Inglese Fluente


Inglese livello B2-C1

Key competencies

  • Thinking and acting global and strategically
  • Good analysis skills
  • Demonstrating entrepreneurship
  • Good planning skills
  • Focusing on people
  • Being Customer centric
  • Seeking Excellence

Other Competences/Technical Skills

Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office ed in particolare livello avanzato di Excel







• ICE Data Services Italy – Laureati in Economia

Stage Gestione Dati Finanziari SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 20/09/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

ICE Data Services Italy S.r.l., società di gestione banche dati finanziarie appartenente al gruppo ICE Data Services, seleziona laureandi e neolaureati per stage (tirocinio extracurriculare) presso la sede di Roma.

Posizione offerta: Stage Gestione Dati Finanziari


  • Laurea in discipline economiche
  • Età massima 26 anni
  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office e di Internet
  • Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza di una seconda lingua

Durante lo stage la risorsa sarà affiancata al team di lavoro avendo la possibilità di migliorare le proprie conoscenze economico-finanziarie e le proprie capacità di analisi e organizzazione.

Il tirocinio, della durata di 6 mesi, prevede un rimborso spese mensile.

Gli interessati, ambosessi (l. 903/77), possono inviare il proprio curriculum vitae, completo dell’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (l. 196/03), al seguente indirizzo: