18 dicembre 2024, Women in Consulting: Build your Career in Arthur D. Little

18 dicembre 2024, Women in Consulting: Build your Career in Arthur D. Little

December 18th, 2024
9:00am – 2:00pm CET
Arthur D. Little Rome Office

Would you like to discover how women can build a career in consulting?

Arthur D. Little Italy is hosting a Recruiting Event designed exclusively for women. If you are a recent or soon-to-be MSc graduate looking to kickstart your career with an internship in consulting, then this event is for you!

The event will conclude with a light lunch, providing you the chance to network with our young female professionals.

The deadline to apply is 9th December.

Find out more here: https://events.adlittle.com/Recruiting_Event_Rome

12 dicembre 2023, Arthur D. Little Recruiting Day

La mattina del 12 dicembre 2023 Arthur D. Little ospiterà un Recruiting Event nella sede di Roma. L’evento è dedicato a laureandi e neolaureati che intendono intraprendere un percorso di carriera nella società di consulenza più antica del mondo. Partecipando all’evento, avrai l’occasione di conoscere meglio Arthur D. Little, le persone che vi lavorano, le possibilità di carriera e molto altro. Dopo una introduzione sulla società, ti proporremo dei brevi test di inglese e matematica e ti metteremo alla prova a lavorare su un business game di gruppo sotto la supervisione di Manager e Principal ADL.
La mattina si concluderà con la presentazione dei risultati dei lavori di gruppo. Se sarai valutato/a positivamente, ti inviteremo a svolgere colloqui individuali nella settimana successiva.
Sei il nostro profilo ideale se sei laureando/a o neolaureato/a magistrale in discipline STEM, con un eccellente track record universitario, spiccate capacità analitiche e doti relazionali, l’attitudine al lavoro di squadra, la padronanza dell’inglese e la disponibilità a spostamenti e trasferte in Italia e all’estero. Esperienze maturate all’estero, scambi universitari, la conoscenza di un’altra lingua straniera sono aspetti che saranno considerati favorevolmente per la selezione.

Prevediamo un iniziale inserimento in stage, della durata di sei mesi, con l’obiettivo di una successiva assunzione.

Vuoi candidarti? La scadenza è 5 dicembre!

Read more

20 ottobre 2021, My career at Arthur D. Little

Mercoledì 20 ottobre 2021
ore 14.30-15.00


Dallo stand del Career Day a Manager di Arthur D. Little: Yuliya vi racconta il suo percorso di crescita con noi.

Presenta: Yuliya Pankova – Laureata a Tor Vergata nel 2015, oggi Manager di Arthur D. Little.


Per partecipare all’evento registrati gratuitamente al career day Campus&Leaders&Talents: https://careerdaytv.easyvirtualfair.com/. Potrai entrare nel webinar dall’apposito link che troverai sulla piattaforma della manifestazione.

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Senior Consultant Sustainability & Risk Practice - Roma

Pubblicato il 28/02/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, it helps leading organisations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organisational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies. It is unique in its commitment to helping its clients reinvent their organisations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value.  At Arthur D. Little, our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services. We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people. Arthur D. Little’s sustainability and risk specialists are unique in their ability to apply technical expertise and industry knowledge with a broad business perspective. We help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety risks effectively to maintain their license to operate and meet the needs of their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Job location: Rome

Description of work: Senior Consultant in the Sustainability & Risk practice

Candidate Profile: 

6-10 years experience in Sustainability Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Engagement programs, HSE Management Systems.

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this open position with our S&R practice, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning ‘Senior Consultant Sustainability & Risk ’ reference in the subject line.  The selected candidates will be asked to attend a 1st round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date.  We will only contact interesting applications

Privacy law:

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in art. 7 of the TU 196/03 on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D. Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano. For further information please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy.

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data.

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Ingegneria

RA Sustainability Stage - Roma

Pubblicato il 28/02/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria (Ambientale, Chimica, Nucleare, Energetica, Meccanica)

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, we help leading organizations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organizational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies. We are committed to helping clients reinvent their organizations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value.
At Arthur D. Little, our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services. We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people.
Our sustainability and risk specialists are unique in their ability to apply technical expertise and industry knowledge with a broad business perspective. We help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety risks effectively to maintain their license to operate and meet the needs of their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Job location: Rome

Initial contract: 6 months’ internship (with possibility of subsequent permanent position)

Description of work: Analyst in the Sustainability & Risk practice

Candidate Profile: 

  • Degree in engineering (environmental, chemical, nuclear, energy, mechanical, …)
  • Studies and/or related experience in Sustainability Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSV and/or Risk Analysis, Safety and Loss Prevention.
  • Fluent in English

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this position, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning the ‘Analyst Sustainability & Risk Rome’ reference in the subject line. 

Deadline for applications: March 31, 2020

The selected candidates will attend a first round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date. We will only contact interesting applications.

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in the GDPR (679/2016) on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D.  Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano or arthurdlittle.privacy@legalmail.it 

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data (law 679/2016). For further information, please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy .

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

RA Generalist Stage - Milano e Roma

Pubblicato il 09/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, it helps leading organisations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organisational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies.  It is unique in its commitment to helping its clients reinvent their organisations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value. 

At Arthur D. Little, our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services.  We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people.

Job location: Milan And Rome

Description of work: Internship Arthur D. Little

Opportunity and requisites:

We are looking for Research Analysts who will work on well-defined sub-tasks of an assignment with the close support and guidance of an experienced case manager. Your main tasks will include gathering facts and analyzing data from various sources, extracting key messages from your research, assisting the team in building presentations and reports, providing input in client meetings regarding your own work, interacting with customers during workshops and interviews. You will start your career with an internship contract, after which a permanent one will be evaluated. 

You are our ideal candidate if you are a recent or soon-to-be MSc graduate in economics or management engineering, with an excellent academic track record (please indicate in your cv your BSc and MSc results). As a future business analyst, you possess good analytical skills and a good sense of professionalism making you a credible partner in the eyes of the client. Moreover, you have the right interpersonal skills to be an effective part of Arthur D. Little’s case teams – adapting rapidly to the diverse environments you will be exposed to.

You are, of course, fluent in Italian and English.

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this position, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning in the subject line the ‘RA Generalist’ reference and the office (Milan or Rome) you are most interested in.  The selected candidates will be asked to attend a 1st round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date.  We will only contact interesting applications.

Privacy law:

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in art. 7 of the TU 196/03 on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D. Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano. For further information please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy.

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data.

Company website:   www.adl.com

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Ingegneria

Sustainability & Risk practice - Internship for German mother-tongue

Pubblicato il 25/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Ambientale, Gestionale, Civile e Tecniche del Costruire, Edile, Chimica o similari

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, it helps leading organisations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organisational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies.  It is unique in its commitment to helping its clients reinvent their organisations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value. 

At Arthur D. Little, our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services.  We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people.

Arthur D. Little’s sustainability and risk specialists are unique in their ability to apply technical expertise and industry knowledge with a broad business perspective. We help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety risks effectively to maintain their licence to operate and meet the needs of their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Job location:


Description of work:

Internship in the Sustainability & Risk practice for German mother-tongue engineere

Candidate Profile:

  • 0-1 year experience in Risk Analysis, Safety and Loss Prevention in the Process industry.
  • Degree in chemical, nuclear, mechanical, process risk, environmental or other relevant engineering.
  • Fluent in English, German and Italian.

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this open position with our S&R practice, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning ‘RA Sustainability & Risk ’ reference in the subject line.  The selected candidates will be asked to attend a 1st round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date.  We will only contact interesting applications.

Privacy law

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in art. 7 of the TU 196/03 on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D. Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano. For further information please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy.

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data.

Company website:    www.adl.com

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Ingegneria

Analyst in the Sustainability & Risk practice – Rome office

Pubblicato il 10/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Ambientale, Gestionale, Civile, e Tecniche del Costruire, Edile, Chimica o similari

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, it helps leading organisations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organisational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies.  It is unique in its commitment to helping its clients reinvent their organisations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value.

At Arthur D. Little, our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services.  We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people.

Arthur D. Little’s sustainability and risk specialists are unique in their ability to apply technical expertise and industry knowledge with a broad business perspective. We help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety risks effectively to maintain their license to operate and meet the needs of their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Job location:


Description of work:

Analyst in the Sustainability & Risk practice

Candidate Profile:

  • Degree in engineering (civil, environmental, management, building, nuclear, chemical, mechanical, process risk, or other relevant engineering).
  • Studies and/or 0/2 years of experience in Sustainability Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSV and/or Risk Analysis, Safety and Loss Prevention
  • Fluent in English.
  • Other languages are a plus.

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this open position with our S&R practice, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning ‘Analyst Sustainability & Risk ’ reference in the subject line.  The selected candidates will be asked to attend a 1st round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date.  We will only contact interesting applications.

Privacy law

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in art. 7 of the TU 196/03 on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D. Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano. For further information please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy.

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data.

Company website:    www.adl.com

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Area Sostenibilità Ambientale, Stage finalizzato all'assunzione o Tempo indeterminato fin da subito in base all'esperienza - rif. RA S&R Roma

Pubblicato il 16/07/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Arthur D. Little, società internazionale leader nella consulenza manageriale, è riconosciuta per la sua expertise che integra visione strategica, innovazione, competenza e forte conoscenza di settore per offrire soluzioni sostenibili a problematiche di business ad alta complessità. Attualmente opera in tutto il mondo attraverso il suo network di uffici dislocati in Europa, Asia ed America, con 32 uffici in 23 Paesi; in Italia è presente dal 1983 con due sedi a Milano e a Roma.

La simultanea capacità di innovare, anticipare e trasformare i diversi business è cruciale per il successo: Arthur D. Little supporta i propri clienti unendo Strategia, Innovazione e Trasformazione in un contesto di mercati convergenti e con una sempre maggiore connotazione tecnologica.

Per la nostra sede di Roma, cerchiamo neolaureati in Economia o Ingegneria, con voto di laurea non inferiore a 108/110, un’ottima conoscenza dell’inglese, per stage della durata di sei mesi nella nostra practice dedicata alla sostenibilità ambientale.

Gli stagisti particolarmente meritevoli, a fine tirocinio potranno venire assunti da Arthur D. Little come Business Analyst.

Oltre a un curriculum accademico brillante, i nostri consulenti hanno

Dal punto di vista professionale:

  • una perfetta padronanza dell’inglese
  • spesso conoscono bene altre lingue straniere
  • un’esperienza sia pur breve in consulenza

Dal punto di vista personale:

  • ottime capacità di problem solving
  • ottime capacità analitiche e di comunicazione
  • spiccata attitudine al lavoro in team
  • creatività e imprenditorialità
  • disponibilità a viaggiare

Il CV dei candidati, da inviare a careers.italy@adlittle.com assieme a una lettera di motivazione in inglese, dovrà riportare i voti della laurea triennale e della laurea specialistica e l’esatta indicazione della conoscenza dell’inglese (eventualmente indicando la votazione conseguita all’esame TOEFL od altra certificazione internazionale, tipo CFC, CAE, ecc.).

L’offerta si intende rivolta ai candidati di ambo sessi.

Analisti in Area Sostenibilità Ambientale, Stage finalizzato all'assunzione o Tempo indeterminato fin da subito in base all'esperienza - rif. BA S&R Roma

Pubblicato il 16/07/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Arthur D. Little, società internazionale leader nella consulenza manageriale, è riconosciuta per la sua expertise che integra visione strategica, innovazione, competenza e forte conoscenza di settore per offrire soluzioni sostenibili a problematiche di business ad alta complessità. Attualmente opera in tutto il mondo attraverso il suo network di uffici dislocati in Europa, Asia ed America, con 32 uffici in 23 Paesi; in Italia è presente dal 1983 con due sedi a Milano e a Roma.

La simultanea capacità di innovare, anticipare e trasformare i diversi business è cruciale per il successo: Arthur D. Little supporta i propri clienti unendo Strategia, Innovazione e Trasformazione in un contesto di mercati convergenti e con una sempre maggiore connotazione tecnologica.

Per la nostra sede di Roma, cerchiamo laureati in Economia o Ingegneria, con voto di laurea non inferiore a 108/110, un’ottima conoscenza dell’inglese, da inserire nella nostra practice dedicata alla sostenibilità ambientale.

Oltre a un curriculum accademico brillante, i nostri consulenti hanno da uno a due anni di esperienza in tematiche relative Sustainability Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSV e programmi di Stakeholder Engagement.


  • ottime capacità di problem solving
  • ottime capacità analitiche e di comunicazione
  • spiccata attitudine al lavoro in team
  • creatività e imprenditorialità
  • disponibilità a viaggiare

Il CV dei candidati, da inviare a careers.italy@adlittle.com assieme a una lettera di motivazione in inglese, dovrà riportare i voti della laurea triennale e della laurea specialistica e l’esatta indicazione della conoscenza dell’inglese (eventualmente indicando la votazione conseguita all’esame TOEFL od altra certificazione internazionale, tipo CFC, CAE, ecc.).

L’offerta si intende rivolta ai candidati di ambo sessi.

• Arthur D. Little – Laureati in Ingegneria

Analyst Sustainability & Risk – Rome office

Pubblicato il 20/12/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica, Ambientale, Gestionale, Chimica o similari

Company profile:

Arthur D. Little is one of the world’s foremost consulting firms, with 30 offices located in different countries. Founded in 1886, it helps leading organisations create innovation across the full spectrum of their activities, from setting strategy and shaping the organisational culture to developing cutting-edge products and technologies.  It is unique in its commitment to helping its clients reinvent their organisations, enhance their capacity for learning and change, and creating lasting value.

At Arthur D. Little our multidisciplinary teams focus on innovation to facilitate change, develop strategies, improve operations, and create new products and services.  We are committed to finding new insights and new ways to create value for clients, and to developing the skills and experience of our people.

Arthur D. Little’s sustainability and risk specialists are unique in their ability to apply technical expertise and industry knowledge with a broad business perspective. We help companies manage their environmental, health, and safety risks effectively to maintain their licence to operate and meet the needs of their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Job location:

Milan / Rome

Description of work:

Stage in the Sustainability & Risk practice

Candidate Profile:

  • year experience in Risk Analysis, Safety and Loss Prevention in the Process industry
  • Degree in chemical, nuclear, mechanical, process risk, environmental or other relevant engineering
  • Fluent in English

Applications and deadline:

If you are interested in this open position with our S&R practice, you can send your C.V. and motivation letter to careers.italy@adlittle.com, mentioning Analyst Sustainability & Risk – Rome office reference in the subject line.  The selected candidates will be asked to attend a 1st round interview, which will take place at our premises at the earliest possible date.  We will only contact interesting applications.

Privacy law

In consideration of the fact that your data shall remain in our archive, we assure that we respect absolutely their confidential nature. Anytime, you can exercise your rights as provided in the GDPR (679/2016) on Privacy. In particular, you can consult the data and require their modification or cancellation, writing to the management of Arthur D. Little S.p.A., Corso Monforte 54 , 20122 Milano or arthurdlittle.privacy@legalmail.it.

When sending your CV, please indicate your consent to the use of your data (law 679/2016). For further information please check our privacy notice in our website http://www.adlittle.com/en/notice-privacy.

Contact Address:

HR Co-ordinator
Corso Monforte 54 –  20122 Milano
Tel:  02-67.376.1
Fax:  02-67.376.251
Company website:    www.adl.com