McKinsey, Next Generation Women Leaders Event 2020

McKinsey is very excited to announce that applications for the new edition of the Next Generation Women Leaders event are now open!

This exclusive three-day workshop will take place in Paris, on 8-10 May 2020.

We invite students, graduating not later than in 2021, and professionals with fewer than 8 years of work experience who are based in Europe, the Middle East and Africa to join us and take the next step in their leadership journey. The application deadline is 1 March.

For more information and to apply, please visit our website: Follow our Next Generation Women Leaders Facebook and Instagram to learn more about the event and opportunities at McKinsey.

Please contact us at should you have any questions

:: Flyer (.pdf file)

• Fideuram – Laureati in Economia, Lettere

ISPB Sviluppo Commerciale - Stage, Milano

Pubblicato il 14/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea:  Economia, Lettere

RIFERIMENTO : 6581-it_IT-32213352

UBICAZIONE : Milano 20100, IT
Livello di studio : Laurea magistrale (3+2)
DURATA : 1 a 6 mesi


Fideuram è uno dei principali protagonisti del private banking in Italia. È una realtà radicata sul territorio, è la prima private bank italiana, quarta nell’Area Euro, e la terza banca in Italia per raccolta indiretta.

Descrizione del lavoro :

Fideuram è alla ricerca di profili altamente qualificati con i seguenti requisiti:

Scopo e Attività

La risorsa sarà inserita nell’Ufficio Sviluppo Commerciale. Fra le principali attività: • pianificazione e segreteria organizzativa; • partecipazione alla progettazione di iniziative info-formative; • organizzazione delle riunioni commerciali programmate per la Rete commerciale di ISPB.

Qualifiche Richieste, Skills e Competenze

  • Laurea in materie Economiche/bancarie e/o Umanistiche/comunicazione conseguita da non oltre 12 mesi
  • Ottima padronanza degli strumenti Office (Excel e Power Point in particolare) senza necessità di affiancamento
  • Conoscenza della lingua Inglese

Esperienza Richiesta

Costituisce un plus chi abbia già maturato un’esperienza di stage in ambito organizzativo

Competenze Richieste

Attitudini, Capacità:

  • Capacità di lavorare in team
  • Flessibilità
  • Curiosità di lavorare in un contesto di business consolidato
  • Propositività

Ogni persona è per noi una risorsa e quella persona potresti essere tu! Consulta le opportunità di lavoro del Gruppo, candidati ed entra nel nostro team!

Per fare domanda:

Front Office - Stage, Paris (France)

Pubblicato il 14/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea:  Economia

REFERENCE : 6762-en_US-32229915

LOCALISATION : Paris 75001, FR
DUREE : De 1 à 6 mois


Fideuram is among the key private banking players in Italy. Deeply rooted at local level, it ranks first among the financial advisory networks in Italy, fourth in terms of Private Banking and sixth among traditional banks.
It is looking for qualified profiles who want to be involved in a stimulating and challenging career opportunities with the following requirements:


Scope and Purpose

Parmi les principales activités :

  • Mesurer et analyser… Surveiller en permanence la performance et le profil de risque du portefeuille financier, l’évolution des taux d’intérêt et contribuer activement à la gestion des risques inhérents
  • Gérer… Assurer la négociation des obligations sur les marchés primaire et secondaire et la gestion des besoins en liquidités de la Société au moyen d’opérations de financement à court terme
  • Développer… Réaliser des analyses de support auprès de la Direction, dans une perspective d’asset liability management, en recherchant des solutions d’optimisation de la structure du portefeuille
  • Surveiller… Suivre l’évolution des marchés obligataires et suivre l’évolution de la solvabilité des émetteurs
  • Améliorer… Identifier, dans le cadre des limites et critères de la Politique de Gestion du Portefeuille Financier, de nouvelles opportunités d’investissement et/ou d’éventuelles réalisations fonctionnelles pour atteindre les objectifs définis par la Direction

Durée: 6 mois à plein temps


Required Experience

  • Excellente formation académique en Finance
  • Bonne connaissance du Pack Microsoft Office
  • Bonne capacité d’Analyse quantitative et qualitative des opportunités d’investissement
  • Connaissance basique de l’italien écrit et parlé

Required Qualifications, Skills and Knowledge

  • Capacité d’adaptation dans une petite structure dynamique
  • Bonne capacité relationnelle avec les collègues et la Direction
  • Capacité d’autonomie dans la résolution de problèmes
  • Capacité d’analyse et de synthèse

Everyone is an asset for our Group and that person could be you! Check out our job opportunities, apply and join our team!

Pour postuler :

• Fideuram – Laureati in Economia

Supporto Sviluppo Vendite - Stage (Roma)

Pubblicato il 04/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

RIFERIMENTO : 5252-it_IT-31453609

UBICAZIONE : Roma 00100, IT
Livello di studio : Laurea magistrale (3+2)
DURATA : 1 a 6 mesi

Fideuram è uno dei principali protagonisti del private banking in Italia. E’ una realtà radicata sul territorio, è la prima private bank italiana, quarta nell’Area Euro, e la terza banca in Italia per raccolta indiretta.
Fideuram è alla ricerca di profili altamente qualificati e motivati.

Descrizione del lavoro :

Fra le principali attività:

  • Misurare e analizzare dati di rendicontazione commerciali
  • Collaborare con il team nella gestione dei contatti con la Rete dei Consulenti
  • Partecipare alla pianificazione e l’agenda degli impegni sul territorio / campus
  • Contribuire in modo diretto alle attività di costruzione dei documenti di presentazione
  • Fornire supporto nella predisposizione della reportistica periodica


Competenze Richieste

  • Capacità di lavorare in team
  • Empatia
  • Facilità a relazionarsi con un ambiente di lavoro eterogeneo
  • Flessibilità

Qualifiche Richieste, Skills e Competenze

  • Laurea in materie Economiche/bancarie (conoscenza del mondo di intermediazione finanziaria) conseguita da non più di 12 mesi.
  • Ottima padronanza degli strumenti Office (Excel e P.Point in particolare)
  • Conoscenza della lingua Inglese

Ogni persona è per noi una risorsa e quella persona potresti essere tu! Consulta le opportunità di lavoro del Gruppo, candidati ed entra nel nostro team!

Per fare domanda:

Private Banker Assistant - Internship (Londra)

Pubblicato il 04/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

REFERENCE: 5157-en_US-31370988

LOCALISATION : London 20100, GB
LEVEL OF STUDIES : Master’s Degree
DURATION : From 1 to 6 months

Fideuram is among the key private banking players in Italy. Deeply rooted at local level, it ranks first among the financial advisory networks in Italy, fourth in terms of Private Banking and sixth among traditional banks.
It is looking for qualified profiles who want to be involved in a stimulating and challenging career opportunities with the following requirements:

Job Description :

We are looking for a candidate interesting in developing unique skills helping private banking team to manage several activities. During the first months of the internship the candidate will have a fully overview of the flow dynamics within the Company and the different units including AML and compliance, Back & Middle Office, Operations and Investment departments and the commercial distribution units in Suisse and in Italy.

The candidate will be supported in the entire process by the relevant Manager within the specific departments, and in particular by the Private Banker’s team. In addition for the entire length of the Internship he will interact with all the branch’s employees.

In particular the candidate will be involved in following activities and projects:

  •  Learn the full capability of the new IT system recently deployed;
  • Supporting! Senior P rivate Bankers in managing clients, contributing to ensuring a high level of service quality;
  • Collaborate with the Private Bankers in the preparation and management of the documents for the on-boarding clients, according to the procedures, also updating the IT system;
  • Prepare the documentation to be signed by clients during Bank visits;
  • Supporting Private Bankers in executing payment and investment orders received by the Clients into the IT system, checking their formal regularity;
  • Sorting and Archiving Clients documentation or produced by Private Bankers;


Required Experience
Studies or short experience in private banking field

Competencies Required
BA and MSc in Economics, minimum knowledge of the banking industry and environment

Required Qualifications, Skills and Knowledge
Fluent in English, Italian and any additional languages microsoft office and basic IT technical skills.

Everyone is an asset for our Group and that person could be you! Check out our job opportunities, apply and join our team!

To apply:

Front Office - Stage (Parigi)

Pubblicato il 04/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

REFERENCE : 4161-en_US-31342769
LOCALISATION : Paris 20100, FR
DUREE : De 1 à 6 mois


Fideuram is among the key private banking players in Italy. Deeply rooted at local level, it ranks first among the financial advisory networks in Italy, fourth in terms of Private Banking and sixth among traditional banks.
It is looking for qualified profiles who want to be involved in a stimulating and challenging career opportunities with the following requirements:


Parmi les principales activités :

  • Mesurer et analyser… Surveiller en permanence la performance et le profil de risque du portefeuille financier, l’évolution des taux d’intérêt et contribuer activement à la gestion des risques inhérents
  • Gérer… Assurer la négociation des obligations sur les marchés primaire et secondaire et la gestion des besoins en liquidités de la Société au moyen d’opérations de financement à court terme
  • Développer… Réaliser des analyses de support auprès de la Direction, dans une perspective d’asset liability management, en recherchant des solutions d’optimisation de la structure du portefeuille
  • Surveiller… Suivre l’évolution des marchés obligataires et suivre l’évolution de la solvabilité des émetteurs
  • Améliorer… Identifier, dans le cadre des limites et critères de la Politique de Gestion du Portefeuille Financier, de nouvelles opportunités d’investissement et/ou d’éventuelles réalisations fonctionnelles pour atteindre les objectifs définis par la Direction Durée: 6 mois à plein temps


Competencies Required

  • Excellente formation académique en Finance
  • Bonne connaissance du Pack Microsoft Office
  • Bonne capacité d’Analyse quantitative et qualitative des opportunités d’investissement
  • Connaissance basique de l’italien écrit et parlé

Required Qualifications, Skills and Knowledge

  • Capacité d’adaptation dans une petite structure dynamique
  • Bonne capacité relationnelle avec les collègues et la Direction
  • Capacité d’autonomie dans la résolution de problèmes
  • Capacité d’analyse et de synthèse

Everyone is an asset for our Group and that person could be you! Check out our job opportunities, apply and join! our team !

Pour postuler :

McKinsey, Next Generation Women Leaders

Be inspired. Make a difference.

McKinsey invites female students and experienced professionals based in Europe, the Middle East and Africa to join us for our 5th Next Generation Women Leaders event. Take the next step in your leadership journey and apply to the event,  to be held on May 24-26 in Paris.

In this exclusive three-day workshop, McKinsey will offer you the opportunity to explore the importance of women in leadership and the impact they are having on the economy. You will also shape your personal leadership styles by playing to your strengths and understand how to grow your potential. Across the three days, you will meet our consultants and participate in group sessions, workshops, discussions, and social events.

McKinsey is looking to get to know women who:

  • are students, graduates or working professionals with fewer than 6 years of experience
  • hold an outstanding record of academic and/or professional achievement
  • have a proven record of leadership in an academic and/or professional setting
  • thrive when working with other people
  • want to use their talents to make positive changes in their lives and the world we share

McKinsey offers you—talented women based in Europe, the Middle East and Africa—the opportunity to shape your personal leadership style.

Apply by March 8, 2018:

• Cheerz – Laureati triennali

Marketing Assistant Italy (Paris) - Internship

Pubblicato il 02/05/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Tutte le lauree, anche triennali

Cheerz (+600 000 customers, 2m+ app downloads, located in central Paris at ‘Hôtel de Ville’, metro line 1), is a French startup, leader in the photo printing industry thanks to its intuitive mobile app and website.

We’re hiring a Marketing Assistant for the Italian market.

Job description

Directly working with the Italian Marketing Manager, you’ll be taking care of the Italian community management (Facebook, Twitter), Newsletter, influencer collaborations (Bloggers, Youtubers, Instagramers), product text optimized for SEO and conversion, customer service management for retention and conversion, partnerships,  PR agency etc.


Italian is your native language or you are excellent at it. Most customers are female 20-35 years old, so it is appreciated a good knowledge of magazines, websites, influencers etc that such segment follow.

You’re organized and love to interact with people.

Any bachelor is welcome, even humanities.

No experience is required, only a lot of enthusiasm and motivation to learn and acquire new skills.

French spoken is a big plus.


Tickets restaurant and 850€ per month.

Cheerz offers unlimited tea, coffee and fruits. And to relax, you’ll enjoy the sofas, ping-pong and foosball with your colleagues.

Location: Paris

Start date: ASAP

Contract: Internship 6 months


• Salesforce – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Success Graduate Program - Parigi

Pubblicato il 15/02/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica/Gestionale e similari

Job Title: Success Graduate

Start date: 1 September 2017

Location: Paris

This is your time to shine! Salesforce is now hiring top graduates for our Success Graduate Program. Develop your technology and consulting skills and build your career with Salesforce!


#Futureforce is Salesforce’s global university recruiting program dedicated to attracting, retaining and cultivating next generation talent.

Success Graduate Program
This uniquely designed 12-month Graduate program will give you exposure across the region and allow you to  work alongside the entire business consulting and technical consulting teams (in the Salesforce world, the Customer Success Group (CSG) and the Solution Engineering (SE) teams)  in a truly international culture where you will have many opportunities to impact and learn from colleagues all over EMEA – all while having fun and developing your career.

Best is: We offer you the flexibility to adapt the program to your skills and interests and after a “success” year you will grow into a position that aligns best with your skills

What you will be doing?

  • You will work alongside specialists across the CSG and SE group.
  • You will acquire official industry standard Salesforce certifications, including Sales Cloud Consultant, Service Cloud Consultant and Salesforce Certified Administrator
  • You will build up your consulting skills and work on real life customer and internal projects
  • You will work on cross-functional business projects with other graduates across multiple locations
  • You will learn to solve business problems and add business value
  • If you have the technical skills, you will build and configure Salesforce solutions for customers
  • You will have opportunities to learn from key executives in the organisation
  • You will develop an understanding of Salesforce, our positioning as a market-leader in the industry
  • You will participate in extensive training and mentoring. With our strong coaching culture, we aim to develop you into a world-class professional.

Who are we looking for?

  • You are a recent graduate in Business Information Management, Computer Science, Business, Management or equivalent (preferably at Masters level)
  • You ideally bring work experience in a Commercial or Consulting environment through Internships or University Projects, preferably in an International setting.
  • You are fluent in English and Italian
  • You are ambitious, proactive and flexible
  • You have technical affinity
  • You are a strong communicator and team player
  • You have exceptional organisational skills and have the ability to prioritise
  • You have an entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to use own initiative
  • You are flexible to travel
  • You are a results driven person interested in being a part of a fast-paced tech environment
  • You are available for a 1 September 2017 start

Application link:


Salesforce, the Customer Success Platform and world’s #1 CRM, empowers companies to connect with their customers in a whole new way. The company was founded on three disruptive ideas: a new technology model in cloud computing, a pay-as-you-go business model, and a new integrated corporate philanthropy model. These founding principles have taken our company to great heights, including being named one of Forbes’s “World’s Most Innovative Company” five years in a row and one of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” eight years in a row. We are the fastest growing of the top 10 enterprise software companies, and this level of growth equals incredible opportunities to grow a career at Salesforce. Together, with our whole Ohana (Hawaiian for “family”) made up of our employees, customers, partners and communities, we are working to improve the state of the world. is based on a simple idea: leverage Salesforce’s technology, people, and resources to help improve communities around the world. We call this integrated philanthropic approach the 1-1-1 model because it started with a commitment to leverage 1% of Salesforce’s technology, people, and resources to improve communities around the world. By encouraging and enabling companies to adopt the 1-1-1 model, is helping to spark a worldwide corporate giving revolution.

McKinsey & Company – Next Generation Women Leaders

ngwl mckinsey

McKinsey & Company invites female students and experienced professionals across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa to be inspired and make a difference and offers them an opportunity to take part in an exclusive three-day workshop in Paris from May 12-14, 2016!

McKinsey offers you – talented women across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa – the unrivalled opportunity to explore the importance of women in leadership and the impact women leaders are having on the economy, to shape your own leadership styles by playing to your strengths and to understand how McKinsey can help you grow your potential. You will also have a chance to meet our consultants and participate in group sessions, workshops, and dialogues.

:: Apply here ::

Application deadline: March 8, 2016

:: Visit the dedicated NGWL Facebook page here

:: Download flyer in pdf

:: Download poster in pdf