• Vodafone Italia – Laureati brillanti con passione per la tecnologia

Discover COPS Operations - Tempo indeterminato, Milano

Pubblicato il 01/02/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Laurea Magistrale o Master con eccellente profilo accademico

Vodafone Italia fa parte del Gruppo Vodafone, uno dei maggiori gruppi di comunicazioni mobili al mondo, con oltre 400 milioni di clienti. Il Gruppo Vodafone è presente in 30 paesi e in altri 40 con accordi di Network Partnership. L’azienda ha oltre 7.500 dipendenti, 8 Competence Center distribuiti sull’intero territorio nazionale e più di 7.000 punti vendita. A Settembre 2011, l’Azienda ha partecipato all’asta indetta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico per l’assegnazione delle frequenze 4G. Da gennaio 2013, Vodafone è il primo operatore in Italia ad offrire la connettività 4G anche su smartphone.

Vodafone Discover Program è un programma per talenti che prevede da subito l’assunzione a tempo indeterminato.  Il programma comprende un percorso interfunzionale di 9 mesi, suddiviso in 3 assignment rispettivamente di 3 mesi ciascuno per prepararti al meglio alla posizione che ricoprirai.

Il percorso Commercial Operations ti darà la possibilità di metterti alla prova sui temi di customer experience, touchpoint multimediali e customer care sia per i nostri clienti Consumer che Enterprise.

Come Discover Cops Operations verrai inserito in final position come Team Leader di una sezione di customer care. In questo contesto ti potrai occupare dell’analisi e dell’ottimizzazione dei processi, del performance management e delle attività legate a soluzioni di customer insight e design.

Come si articola il programma?

Durante la prima settimana di induction e training i nostri manager illustrano la nostra struttura organizzativa, le priorità del business e le nostre sfide.

Il Primo Assignment (3 mesi) sarà dedicato alla customer experience e a tutti i touchpoint con i nostri clienti, in cui avrai la possibilità di metterti alla prova in negozio, nel competence center e nei canali digital, imparando a conoscere i clienti sia Consumer sia Enterprise.

Il Secondo Assignment (3 mesi) sarà interfunzionale e ti permetterà di conoscere un’area aziendale diversa da quella in cui andrai al termine del percorso: quest’esperienza complementare ti aiuterà a conoscere a 360 gradi l’azienda.

Il Terzo Assignment (3 mesi) ti permetterà di conoscere un team diverso all’interno della stessa area funzionale in cui andrai a lavorare al termine della job rotation.

Requisiti del candidato
Cerchiamo candidati ambiziosi, appassionati alle tecnologie, all’innovazione e con la voglia di cambiare il mondo che li circonda in una digital company.

Se sei in possesso di un eccellente profilo accademico, con una Laurea Magistrale o un Master, un ottimo livello di inglese e un’esperienza lavorativa non più lunga di un anno, aspettiamo la tua candidatura.

Tipo di contratto: a tempo indeterminato.

Compenso: definizione del compenso rimandata alla fine dell’iter di selezione.

Sede: Vodafone Village, via Lorenteggio 240, Milano.

Indirizzo email per l’invio dei CV: Michela.Irde@consultant.vodafoneomnitel.it.

Discover CPNP - Tempo indeterminato, Milano

Pubblicato il 01/02/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Laurea Magistrale o Master con eccellente profilo accademico

Vodafone Italia fa parte del Gruppo Vodafone, uno dei maggiori gruppi di comunicazioni mobili al mondo, con oltre 400 milioni di clienti. Il Gruppo Vodafone è presente in 30 paesi e in altri 40 con accordi di Network Partnership. L’azienda ha oltre 7.500 dipendenti, 8 Competence Center distribuiti sull’intero territorio nazionale e più di 7.000 punti vendita. A Settembre 2011, l’Azienda ha partecipato all’asta indetta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico per l’assegnazione delle frequenze 4G. Da gennaio 2013, Vodafone è il primo operatore in Italia ad offrire la connettività 4G anche su smartphone.

Vodafone Discover Program è un programma per talenti che prevede da subito l’assunzione a tempo indeterminato.  Il  programma comprende un percorso interfunzionale di 9 mesi, suddiviso in 3 assignment  rispettivamente di 3 mesi ciascuno per prepararti al meglio alla posizione che ricoprirai.

Con il programma Discover Cops Customer Products & Processes (CP&P) verrai inserito nel dipartimento di project management per seguire dall’inizio alla fine la creazione delle offerte e il disegno dell’experience dei nostri clienti, interfacciandoti con i principali stakeholder aziendali.


Entrerai a far parte del mondo Commercial Operations (Cops), la business unit focalizzata sulla customer experience e sulla gestione di tutti i contact point dedicati ai clienti sia Consumer che Enterprise.

Come si articola il programma?

Durante la prima settimana di induction e training i nostri manager illustrano la nostra struttura organizzativa, le priorità del business e le nostre sfide.

Il Primo Assignment (3 mesi) sarà dedicato alla customer experience e a tutti i touchpoint con i nostri clienti, in cui avrai la possibilità di metterti alla prova in negozio, nel competence center e nei canali digital, imparando a conoscere i clienti sia Consumer sia Enterprise.

Il Secondo Assignment (3 mesi) sarà interfunzionale e ti permetterà di conoscere un’area aziendale diversa da quella in cui andrai al termine del percorso: quest’esperienza complementare ti aiuterà a conoscere a 360 gradi l’azienda.

Il Terzo Assignment (3 mesi) ti permetterà di conoscere un team diverso all’interno della stessa area funzionale in cui andrai a lavorare al termine della job rotation.

Requisiti del candidato
Cerchiamo candidati ambiziosi, appassionati alle tecnologie, all’innovazione e con la voglia di cambiare il mondo che li circonda in una digital company.

Se sei in possesso di un eccellente profilo accademico, con una Laurea Magistrale o un Master, un ottimo livello di inglese e un’esperienza lavorativa non più lunga di un anno, aspettiamo la tua candidatura.

Tipo di contratto: a tempo indeterminato.

Compenso: definizione del compenso rimandata alla fine dell’iter di selezione.

Sede: Vodafone Village, via Lorenteggio 240, Milano.

Indirizzo email per l’invio dei CV: Michela.Irde@consultant.vodafoneomnitel.it.

• DEV4U – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Programmatore - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 30/01/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria di Internet Informatica o similari

DEV4U sta cercando un programmatore o una programmatrice da inserire nel proprio organico. Più esperienza hai e meglio è, ma cerchiamo anche junior motivati a crescere professionalmente.

Se la tua passione è il buon codice e vuoi lavorare in un team di sviluppatori veramente in gamba, questa è la job position che fa per te.

Aggiungi nel messaggio di presentazione i tuoi personali punti di forza, ogni particolare di valore che pensi renda unica la tua professionalità, in termini di esperienza, indole, capacità e ambizioni. Vogliamo che tu ci convinca a sceglierti.

Ti ricordiamo di esplicitare nel CV il tuo consenso al trattamento dei dati personali, ai sensi del D.LGS. 196/03.
L’offerta di lavoro si intende estesa a entrambi i sessi, in accordo con la normativa vigente (L.903/77).

Il livello (JUNIOR o SENIOR) verrà valutato in base all’esperienza della persona.


I pre-requisiti sono:

  • buona conoscenza PHP 5.0+
  • buona conoscenza MYSQL (e linguaggio SQL)
  • buona conoscenza javascript (è gradita, ma non fondamentale la conoscenza di framework client Angular JS e/o React JS e/o Vue.js)
  • buona conoscenza di HTML5/CSS3/jQuery


  • Inizio previsto: Immediato;
  • Sede di lavoro: Roma;
  • Inquadramento: contratto a tempo indeterminato (RAL a seconda del livello di seniority);
  • Buoni pasto;
  • Possibili progetti su progetti/clienti nazionali e internazionali.

Invia il tuo CV a: info@dev4u.it

E se vuoi essere sicuro che siamo l’azienda che fa per te, scopri di più sul nostro sito: http://www.dev4u.it

• Databiz – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Programmazione funzionale - Tempo indeterminato, Milano

Pubblicato il 22/01/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica e similari

Databiz ricerca neolaureati che abbiano l’intenzione di formarsi nell’ambito della programmazione funzionale e che siano confidenti nel poter dimostrare una forte autonomia nel lavoro quotidiano dopo un periodo di inserimento.
Le figure selezionate, dopo il periodo di formazione dedicato (corsi e programmi ad hoc) verranno allocate in uno dei progetti commissionati a Databiz da multinazionali di primaria importante nel panorama finanziario italiano ed europeo. Le figure più orientate alla ricerca e allo sviluppo potranno lavorare e contribuire a tematiche R&D e prodotti sviluppati internamente all’azienda. Queste soluzioni software verranno sviluppate prevalentemente in Scala (utilizzando lo stack Lightbend) in Scale e in Java tramite architetture scalabili e concorrenti normalmente in ambito BigData.

Nel dettaglio i candidati, dopo il periodo di inserimento e formazione, saranno in grado di soddisfare i seguenti requisiti:

  • conoscenza di almeno uno dei seguenti linguaggi: Scala e Java;
  • conoscenza teorica dei concetti fondamentali della programmazione funzionale e ad oggetti.

Titolo preferenziale sarà per le figure che soddisferanno uno o più dei seguenti punti di interesse:

  • conoscenza base dello stack Lightbend (Scala, Akka, Play Framework o Java);
  • NoSQL e BigData (in particolare su piattaforma Cloudera);
  • conoscenza di Apache Kafka
  • conoscenza di Spark;
  • conoscenza dei principali algoritmi di Machine Learning
  • esperienze di sviluppo su piattaforma J2EE;
  • esperienze di sviluppo in uno dei seguenti linguaggi: Python, Groovy e C++.

Le soluzioni software sviluppate da Databiz sia a livello di progetti per terze parti sia su prodotti interni presentano una spiccata componente di innovazione tecnica in quanto vengono sviluppati su tecnologie cutting edge.

Databiz inoltre offre ai propri dipendenti le seguenti opportunità:

  • possibilità di seguire i corsi ufficiali Lightbend per ottenere le certificazioni;
  • continuous learning interno;
  • partecipazione a eventi tech e meetup sponsorizzati dall’azienda;
  • possibilità di contribuire a progetti open source;
  • possibilità di contribuire al blog tecnico aziendale.

Sede: Milano

Tipo Contratto: A tempo indeterminato

Settore: Informatica/Elettronica

Area aziendale: sistemi informativi, edp

Caratteristiche del candidato

Lingue straniere richieste

È richiesta la conoscenza delle seguenti lingue

  • Inglese: livello B1

Titolo di studio: laurea o laurea magistrale/ciclo unico

Tipo candidato: neolaureato o laureato con esperienza

Disponibilità al trasferimento non richiesta


Società di consulenza specializzata nella realizzazione di soluzioni internet ent-to-ent, principalmente in ambito bancario, con una forte tensione all’innovazione e all’eccellenza degli output

Ragione sociale: Databiz srl

Mail a cui mandare la candidatura: hr@databiz.it.

• Amazon – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Responsabile di Produzione/Logistics Manager - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato l’11/01/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

We are looking for young professionals and future graduates from Tor Vergata interested in joining our warehouse network from Passo Corese, Vercelli, Castel San Giovanni and our new warehouse in Torrazza Piemonte.

About the Graduate role:
Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic graduates to join the fast paced world of Logistics in European Operations as a Graduate Area Manager. This will be a permanent role from day one with structured onboarding and plenty of training and support.

An Area Manager is a manager with a bias for action. You will manage day-to-day operations in one of the segments from inbound to outbound (receiving, stowing, picking, packing, and shipping) and liaise with other departments to ensure a smooth flow of operations. Through your work, you will continuously improve the functionality and level of service that the Fulfilment centre provides to our customers.

In this role you will lead and develop a team of associates to their full potential, ensuring your team meets performance objectives in order to fulfill and exceed our customers’ expectations. You will learn to carry out a manager’s responsibilities in accordance with Amazon’s policies and procedures; ensuring that standards of discipline are maintained and infringements are handled appropriately.

Furthermore, you will be responsible for measuring, evaluating and improving the processes in the areas of Transportation, Supply Chain and Logistics, obtaining and reporting on key metrics data and driving production within your area.


You will be managing aspects of output in your area: people management, metrics, productivity targets and process improvements.

The extent of your duties will include:

  • Maintain health and safety standards within your area and promote a positive health and safety culture on site.
  • Lead, manage and mentor a large and diverse team of associates in a specified department within a very fast-paced and high-volume environment.

The result is a learning environment that’s quite unlike any other. You’ll have the chance to work alongside experienced leaders, giving you a unique insight into our business and the skills you need to excel within it.

About you:

  • We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.
  • You will be able demonstrate strong leadership ability and excellent communications skills across all levels within a diverse culture.
  • You will be results driven with analytical capability, with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices.
  • You should have strong decision making skills, that use sound reasoning and when required use consultation to achieve consensus.
  • You will be willing to work to flexible schedules / shifts hours (could be nights) and commit the time required to get the job done

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or full- time role; if it’s in an operations or customer-facing environment so much the better
  • The ability to speak and write another European language, particularly German, French or Spanish would be an advantage
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!

Point of contact for all the alumni or students interested in this opportunity : Elodie Almeida – ealmeida@amazon.lu.

• DXC Technology – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Database and Middleware Administrator - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 13/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica o similare

DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harnessing the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent and extensive partner alliance combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally.

Join DXC: you will work in an international context, always in evolution, contributing actively to achieve new goals!

DXC Technology is looking for a young enthusiast Database and Middleware Administrator keen to invest in his/her professional growth learning the implementation of new technologies in the Middleware and Database areas.


Main responsibilities:

  • Manage delivery of assigned tasks within the delivery cycle of a project. Understand company technologies in order to provide technical systems management support or deliver part of a detailed technical design which meets customer requirements. Tasks may include performing systems configurations, troubleshooting systems errors/problems, monitoring and/or testing systems performance, and contribute to the design of technical solutions for customer environments.
  • Work under supervision of technical lead and with customer nominated representatives to accomplish assigned tasks.
  • Act professionally with company customers. Participates as part of a team and maintains good relationships with team members and customers.
  • Solve complex problems with innovative solutions; strives for continuous improvement & quickly adapts to changes.
  • Understand company’s strategy. Is aware of knowledge tools and their application.



  • Degree in Computer Engineering (3 years) or equivalent.
  • Knowledge or experience, even only academic, in multitier architectures, with specific focus on:
    • Backend Tier: relational Database infrastructures, SQL language
    • Middle Tier: Application server, Web server, Enterprise Application Integration software, programming languages with focus in the Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and/or Microsoft .Net technologies
  • Knowledge or experience, even only academic, in the following technologies areas:
  • Databases: Oracle RDBMS, Microsoft SQL Server, My SQL.
  • Most popular Application Server in the market, like Apache Tomcat, Oracle GlassFish, JBoss, Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere.
  • Most used Operating systems in the market, like Windows Server, Linux/Unix.
  • Passion for technology
  • Fluent in English, written and spoken
  • Good interpersonal skills and teamwork
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to change, analytical skills
  • Positive attitude, initiative and proactivity, takes personal accountability with integrity, transparency.
  • Curiosity, predisposition to continuous training
  • Understanding of assigned discipline or technical area.
  • Discipline to reach objectives
    • If you find yourself suitable for the role, please, send us your CV


Business Intelligence Developer - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 13/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea (anche triennale): Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Matematica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Informatica o similare

About the Company

DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent and extensive partner alliance combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally.

Join DXC: you will work in an international context, always in evolution, contributing actively to achieve new goals!

DXC is considering talented young people who have achieved the title of degree no more than 12 months ago or who will graduate within the academic year, in order to employ them at the headquarters of Milan inside the Delivery team DXC Analytics as Junior Business Intelligence Consultant.

DXC Analytics is focused on providing customers innovative solutions and high added value, in the area Business Intelligence & Analytics, Big Data, Social Network Analysis, Data Management and Information & Content Management.

DXC Analytics is looking for young graduates with an interest in Business Intelligence, Analytics, Big Data & Enterprise Information Management, to be included in the context of major projects at our Customers in different Industries.


      • Bachelor’s degree in one of the following areas: Computer Science, Computer engineering, Mathematical Engineering, Management Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics
      • Important relational skills with the end customer
      • Analytical skills
      • Attitude to modelling and understanding of the data and the client’s business.
      • Proactivity and ability to work in teams
      • Focus on the goals
      • Attention to details and constant attention to quality
      • Italian mother tongue
      • Proficient English (both oral and written)

We offer:

      • Being part of an highly-qualified team of 200 professionals with solid experience on Analytics Solutions and Services, Big Data Platforms, Information Governance, Business Intelligence & Data Management, Artificial Intelligence and IoT Analytics
      • International environment
      • Professional growth opportunities
      • Competitive remuneration package

From the first day, you will face with a reality that operates in more than 70 countries and formed through on the job training, technical training and soft skills, working inside a meritocratic reward system.

If you find yourself suitable for the role, please, send us your CV in English.


Graduate Windows Infrastructure Engineer - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 13/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea (anche triennale): Informatica o similare

About the Company

DXC Technology is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology have helped more than 6,000 clients cope with continuous change in information technology.

Candidate’s profile

The profile we are looking for is a young enthusiast ITO Service Delivery Consultant keen to invest in his/her professional growth learning the implementation of new technologies in the Middleware and Database areas.

Is responsible for delivery of assigned tasks within the delivery cycle of a project. Understands a number of company technologies in order to provide technical systems management support or deliver part of a detailed technical design which meets customer requirements. Tasks may include performing systems configurations, troubleshooting systems errors/problems, monitoring and/or testing systems performance, and contribute to the design of technical solutions for customer environments.

Works under supervision of technical lead and with customer nominated representatives to accomplish assigned tasks.

Acts professionally with company customers. Participates as part of a team and maintains good relationships with team members and customers.

Solves complex problems with innovative solutions; strives for continuous improvement & quickly adapts to changes.

Understands company’s strategy. Is aware of knowledge tools and their application. The job is in an international context and requires the mastership of English.

The candidate shall be available to travel in Italy and abroad when required.

Education and Experience Required

Degree in Computer Engineering, (3 years) or related discipline.

 Knowledge and Skills Required

  • Knowledge or experience, even only academic, in the following technologies
    • Network and Internet protocols : TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, Wireless Network protocols
    • Most used Operating systems in the market, like Windows Server, Linux/Unix.
    • Database and Query Language: relational Database infrastructures, SQL language
    • Middle Tier: Application server, Web server, Enterprise Application Integration software
    • Microsoft Office
  • Preferred competencies , even only academic, in the following technologies areas:
    • Programming languages and scripting : J2ee/.Net development platforms, Jscript, VB script, C++, Perl, Python.
    • Windows servers : Window Server 2003, 2008 & 2012 and clustering technologies
    • Windows Active Directory Service
    • Microsoft Applications such as IIS, Sharepoint, Lync, Office365
    • Virtualization system : Microsoft Hyper-V or VMWare for Desktop/Server
    • Microsoft Management System : MS-SCOM or MS-SCCM
  • Passion for technology and our job!
  • Fluent in English, written and spoken
  • Good interpersonal skills and teamwork
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to change, analytical skills
  • Positive attitude, initiative and proactivity, takes personal accountability with integrity, transparency.
  • Curiosity, predisposition to continuous training
  • Understanding of assigned discipline or technical area.
  • Discipline to reach objectives

If you find yourself suitable for the role, please, send us your CV


Junior Consultant - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 13/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea (anche triennale): Ingegneria Gestionale o similare

About the Company

DXC Technology is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology have helped more than 6,000 clients cope with continuous change in information technology.

Consulting services is the tip of the spear when it comes to Digital Transformation. We are known across the globe for creating bold digital strategies, designing innovative digital experiences, managing complex digital integration, and delivering safe and secure digital operations that help our clients disrupt their industry, without disrupting their business operations.

We are looking for top consultants with a genuine interest in both the private and public sectors with a deep industry expertise in Public Sector and Financial Institution but also including Energy & Technology, Manufacturing and Telecommunications as to employ them at the headquarters of Roma, Milano and Torino as Junior Consultants.

The Junior Consultant can expect to work with some of the world’s largest organizations, helping them develop and transform their business and IT strategies. Playing a supporting role in development of strategies, the Consultant may also be involved with the delivery of the transformation program.

Key Consultant Responsibilities

  • Contribute to the project/assignment with creativity, enthusiasm and energy, delivering under guidance from senior consultants
  • Plan, scope, manage and create deliverables as part of a larger project team
  • Assists in interviewing business clients, finding issues and better solutions for business processes, Assists in documenting and designing processes to increase efficiency (decrease lead time, increase throughput, reduce cost, etc.)
  • Assists in creating roadmaps describing as-is and to-be customer environments
  • Contributes to building communication plans, benefits realization plans, stakeholder engagement strategies, management of change plans
  • Contributes to proposals, bids, Statements of Work and other deliverables using a concise, professional writing style
  • Support the DXC sales process by developing content for bids.
  • Contribute to shaping, preparing and delivering client presentations, workshops and proposals

Consultant Personal

  • Italian native speaker
  • Strong team working and team building skills, internal and external
  • Excellent communication and client facing skills, ability to develop lasting relationships
  • Ability to work on multiple concurrent client propositions across multiple sectors & geographies
  • Strong analytical and reasoning ability
  • Willingness and ability to travel, approx. 70%

If you are interested, please send your CV to stefano.negri@dxc.com


Junior Developer - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 13/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea (anche triennale): Informatica, Matematica o similari

About the Company

DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harnessing the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent and extensive partner alliance combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally.

Join DXC: you will work in an international context, always in evolution, contributing actively to achieve new goals!

DXC Technology is looking for young talents, graduates, to join our organization and reinforce our teams of applications development. Selected candidates will be hired in Rome and Pomezia. They will work in a team dedicated to Enterprise Application Developement and will learn by learning how to use the major frameworks, development environments, programming languages and next generation skills (cloud, AWS, MS Azure, Scrum…)

Job responsibilities

  • From the first day, selected candidates will be included in project teams, as members of a development team, supported by tutors and senior colleagues; they will be encouraged to contribute right away focusing on personal growth and project goals.
  • They will Contribute, as member of a team, to development and design of solutions that meet business requirements and with customer satisfaction.
  • They will Acquire over time operational autonomy, technical and industrial know-how, supported by experienced colleagues
  • They will Develop excellent communicative and team working skills. Interact proactively with colleagues on site and in other countries.
  • They will Develop, when needed, technical and functional knowledge for direct relationships with Customer’s references.
  • They will Demonstrate autonomy, analytical skills and problem solving attitude and increase technical know-how on the project area in which they are engaged and, in general, in areas of interest for the Company’s business

Preferred skills:

Knowledge or experience in:

  • programming languages with focus on Java EE and/or Microsoft or .Net technologies;
  • front end Languages (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript …) and front-end/back.end frameworks (Ajax, AngularJS, Spring …);
  • Use of main design patterns and knowledge of Agile Methodology;
  • Italian mother tongue
  • Good English is needed
  • Good interpersonal skills, Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to change, positive attitude, initiative and proactivity
  • Curiosity, attitude to continuous improvement and learning.


  • Typically a technical Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics or a relevant one.
  • Master’s degree or previous work experience will be considered as an advantage.

If you find yourself suitable for the role, please, send us your CV


• INPS – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Giurisprudenza

Concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, a 365 posti di analista di processo-consulente professionale nei ruoli del personale dell’INPS, area C, posizione economica C1

Pubblicato il 07/12/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale, Giurisprudenza

Si informa che sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale 4^ Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed Esami n.90 del 24 novembre 2017, è stato pubblicato il bando di concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, a 365 posti di analista di processo–consulente professionale nei ruoli del personale dell’INPS, area C, posizione economica C1 (Pdf 223 Kb), adottato con determinazione presidenziale n.171 del 22 novembre 2017, che ha parzialmente modificato la precedente determinazione presidenziale n. 163 del 7 novembre 2017.

Le domande di partecipazione dovranno essere presentate esclusivamente in via telematica, mediante l’utilizzo di PIN INPS, SPID o CNS, utilizzando la seguente applicazione: ConcorsINPS.

N.B. L’invio on line della domanda debitamente compilata deve essere effettuato entro e non oltre le ore 16.00 del 27 dicembre 2017; allo scadere del predetto termine il sistema non permetterà più l’invio del modulo elettronico.

I requisiti per l’ammissione sono indicati nel bando di concorso, cui si rinvia per ogni riferimento. Ad ogni modo, si forniscono le seguenti precisazioni (Pdf 128 Kb).

• Alosys Communications – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Sistemista di Rete

Pubblicato il 27/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria dell’informazione e similari

Alosys Communications srl opera nel settore dell’Information Technology dal 1995. Le attività dell’Azienda sono orientate principalmente ai servizi, sia come progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni, sia come fornitura di Personale specializzato nella gestione di Reti e Sistemi.

Sistemista di Rete

Nel ruolo previsto il candidato selezionato dovrà essere in possesso di:

  • Laurea Informatica, Ingegneria Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria dell’informazione;
  • Conoscenze specialistiche nel campo networking;
  • Padronanza nella configurazione di apparati di rete routers, switches e access servers;
  • Ottima padronanza dei principali protocolli di routing dinamici;
  • Buona capacita’ di troubleshooting su vari layer di trasporto (Frame-relay, NewBridge, ISDN);
  • Conoscenza delle principali piattaforme UNIX e Microsoft;
  • Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente Cisco IOS, del protocollo TCP/IP;
  • Buone conoscenze di ISDN, Frame-relay, Leased Line (CDN)xDSL;
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua

Sede di lavoro: ROMA

Posizioni disponibili: 3

Tipo rapporto lavorativo: Tempo Determinato o Indeterminato o Stage a seconda dell’esperienza

Importanza precedenti esperienze: Medio

Status richiesto: Laureato

Per candidarsi inviare il proprio curriculum al seguente indirizzo email personale@alosys.it, con oggetto “Sistemista di Rete”.

• SDA Bocconi Microsoft Dynamics Academy (MDA) Terza e Quarta Edizione – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

SDA Bocconi Microsoft Dynamics Academy (MDA) (Tempo indeterminato - Milano)

Pubblicato il 24/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria, Informatica, Economia o simili

La MDA – Microsoft Dynamics Academy apre le selezioni per il 2018, questa volta per due edizioni: la III (inizio febbraio 2018) e la IV Edizione (inizio giugno 2018).

Le prime due edizioni della MDA hanno raccolto circa 900 candidature e hanno contribuito all’assunzione a tempo indeterminato di circa 100 partecipanti. Tra questi, 4 studenti provenienti dall’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

La Microsoft Dynamics Academy – MDA Talents, organizzata da SDA Bocconi School of Management e Microsoft Italia in collaborazione con Alterna, Avanade, Capgemini Italia, Cegeka, Cluster Reply e MHT del Gruppo Engineering, è un programma di formazione manageriale e tecnologica per creare figure professionali junior da inserire all’interno delle Aziende Partner.

Il progetto si rivolge ai laureati e laureandi (tesi febbraio 2018 per la III Edizione e giugno 2018 per la IV) in Ingegneria, Informatica e Economia, o simili. Per ciascuna edizione ci sono 35 posti disponibili.

Il percorso formativo ha durata di 5 mesi full-time e verrà impartito da docenti SDA Bocconi e da esperti del settore delle Aziende Partner.

La partecipazione al programma è totalmente gratuita (escluse spese di vitto e alloggio a Milano) e al termine è prevista l’assunzione a tempo indeterminato.

La scadenza per l’invio delle candidature è il 31 gennaio (III Ed.) e il 15 maggio (IV Ed.), ma il processo di selezione è già in corso e terminerà al raggiungimento dei posti disponibili per ciascuna edizione.

Per maggiori dettagli riguardo all’iniziativa, potete visitare la pagina:  www.sdabocconi.it/mda

I candidati possono inviare la propria candidatura sul portale: http://wapp.sdabocconi.it/form/2018/mda/index.php

• IQM Selezione cerca per società informatica – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Programmatore Java - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 23/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria informatica, Informatica o similari

Profilo ideale:

  1. Laurea in Ingegneria informatica o in Informatica, o diploma affine;
  2. Esperienza anche minima nel ruolo, con attività di sviluppo di gestionali/ERP preferibilmente in ambito sanitario;
  3. Padronanza degli strumenti di sviluppo e deploy di applicazioni JAVA (Eclipse, Apache Tomcat) e esperienza in ambito SQL con conoscenza dei principali motori RDB quali Oracle/Mysql/SqlServer;
  4. Padronanza dei principali strumenti di virtualizzazione ed una capacità d’installazione e configurazione sia della componente application server che della componente Database;
  5. Forte propensione al lavoro per obiettivi, sotto stress ed in tempi ridotti; flessibilità oraria;
  6. Ottime capacità comunicative ed organizzative, problem solving, dinamicità;
  7. Buona conoscenza dell’inglese tecnico;
  8. Domicilio a Roma o nell’immediato hinterland

Mansioni da svolgere:

  • Formulazione di analisi tecniche;
  • Sviluppo e upgrade;
  • Installazione e testing;
  • Redazione della manualistica;
  • Sviluppo aggiornamenti e integrazioni/customizzazioni;
  • Gestione della relazione con i Clienti;
  • Altri adempimenti stabiliti dal management.

Inserimento: Immediato

Sede di lavoro: Roma

Inquadramento e retribuzione indicativi: contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato, full-time, con adeguato periodo di prova; retribuzione in linea con le capacità e le esperienze effettivamente maturate.

Si prega di inviare i CV a adrianabuccoliero@iqmselezione.it.

“Aut. Min. 1314 RS”

• ALTEN – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze


Pubblicato il 21/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale e similari

Company Details:

ALTEN is the European leader in consultancy and engineering in the technology sector. We have been providing support to international companies for over 20 years.

Our added value: 24 000 employees in over 20 countries working on design and development projects in various activity fields: Aeronautical and Space, Automotive, Banking, Financial Markets & Insurance, Chemical and Petroleum, Safety and Defense, Electronic and Multi-media, Energy and Nuclear, Railway and Shipping, Industry, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Telecommunication.

Labeled “Top Employer” 2017, the group is committed to its goals in human resources, in particular, the recruitment of 1200 graduates into the professional workforce this year.

Founded in 2001 and now counting more than 250 employees, Alten Sophia-Antipolis is rapidly increasing and developing and is currently looking for C++ Software Engineers.


You will be part of the development team and will actively participate in most of “V-cycle” steps (functional analysis, design, development and validation).

These opportunities will allow you to work not only on technical tasks during the development phase but also at a functional level during the design phase.

You’ll be responsible for certain parts of meetings and projects.

Summary of Responsibilities:  

  • Software design, documentation, development, implementation and unit test of software modules for new functionalities and enhancements in a multicultural Agile environment
  • Architecture design, innovation, technology forecasting
  • Performance analysis, optimization, regular delivery of quality software
  • Daily meetings with the project stakeholder to ensure its evolution matches the stakeholder’s needs


Engineering degree or Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematical Engineer or Management Engineer or a related technical field.  Experience in an international context would be appreciated.


  • 0 – 5 years of  C++ experience
  • Knowledge of Java is a plus
  • Knowledge of scripted languages is a plus
  • Experience in Agile software development methodologies is advantageous
  • Excellent written & oral communication skills

If you’re interested in what you’ve read and would like to participate to our increasing growth, please send your Curriculum Vitae to:  sara.vitrano@alten.com


Pubblicato il 21/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale e similari

Company Details:

ALTEN is the European leader in consultancy and engineering in the technology sector. We have been providing support to international companies for over 20 years.

Our added value: 24 000 employees in over 20 countries working on design and development projects in various activity fields: Aeronautical and Space, Automotive, Banking, Financial Markets & Insurance, Chemical and Petroleum, Safety and Defense, Electronic and Multi-media, Energy and Nuclear, Railway and Shipping, Industry, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Telecommunication.

Labeled “Top Employer” 2017, the group is committed to its goals in human resources, in particular, the recruitment of 1200 graduates into the professional workforce this year.

Founded in 2001 and now counting more than 250 employees, Alten Sophia-Antipolis is rapidly increasing and developing and is currently looking for FullStack Software Engineers

You will be part of the development team and will actively participate in most of “V-cycle” steps (functional analysis, design, development and validation).

Analyze user needs and design, code, test, debug, document and maintain software solutions.

These opportunities will allow you to work not only on technical tasks during the development phase but also at a functional level during the design phase.

You’ll be responsible for certain parts of meetings and projects.

Summary of Responsibilities:

  • Define user requirements for development of new or improvement of existing software solutions.
  • Design technical solutions and perform feasibility studies.
    Propose viable technical solutions to Product Management and/or users for validation.
  • Model, design and implement databases as necessary.
  • Develop software according to our partner Standards.
  • Conduct unit, package and performance tests of the software and ensure a level of quality in line with our partner guidelines.
  • Produce software documentation necessary for the application and issue it to the requesting departments.
  • Support the end user in the Production phase by debugging existing software solutions


Engineering degree or Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematical Engineer or Management Engineer or a related technical field.  Experience in an international context would be appreciated.

Technical skills

Front-end technologies: JSP, HTML, Javascript, JSON, JSP, Angular JS, HTML, CSS
Back-end technologies: Java, J2EE, EJB3.0, Weblogic, webservices

Personal Skills

  • English
  • Multicultural approach
  • Accountability and Proactivity
  • Change management and Flexibility
  • Communication
  • Analytical and Conceptual Thinking
  • Technical Expertise
  • Information gathering

If you’re interested in what you’ve read and would like to participate to our increasing growth, please send your Curriculum Vitae to:  sara.vitrano@alten.com


Pubblicato il 21/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale e similari

Company Details:

ALTEN is the European leader in consultancy and engineering in the technology sector. We have been providing support to international companies for over 20 years.

Our added value: 24 000 employees in over 20 countries working on design and development projects in various activity fields: Aeronautical and Space, Automotive, Banking, Financial Markets & Insurance, Chemical and Petroleum, Safety and Defense, Electronic and Multi-media, Energy and Nuclear, Railway and Shipping, Industry, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Telecommunication.

Labeled “Top Employer” 2017, the group is committed to its goals in human resources, in particular, the recruitment of 1200 graduates into the professional workforce this year.

Founded in 2001 and now counting more than 250 employees, Alten Sophia-Antipolis is rapidly increasing and developing and is currently looking for Java/JEE Software Engineers

You will be part of the development team and will actively participate in most of “V-cycle” steps (functional analysis, design, development and validation).

These opportunities will allow you to work not only on technical tasks during the development phase but also at a functional level during the design phase.

You’ll be responsible for certain parts of meetings and projects. 

Summary of Responsibilities:

Product Definition role: 30% of your time

Analyse business requirements and provide functional expertise to assist with management of the product suite throughout the entire life cycle. Design and test functionality for the development of new and enhancement of existing software solutions.

You will be in charge of:

  • Developing the functional specifications in accordance with the technical marketing team
  • Redacting the technical’s specifications
  • Analyzing and managing customer requirements
    – Performing feasibility studies, gap analysis, specifications and sizing
    – Defining new product functionality, and graphical user interface design
    – Coordinating with development team for timely product launches
  • UML Designing of IT solutions

Software Engineer role: 70% of your time

Analyze user needs and design, code, test, debug, document and maintain software solutions.

  • Define user requirements for development of new or improvement of existing software solutions.
  • Design technical solutions and perform feasibility studies.
    Propose viable technical solutions to Product Management and/or users for validation.
  • Model, design and implement databases as necessary.
  • Develop software according to the Client.
  • Participate in the validation / acceptance phase of the product cycle ensuring the fine-tuning necessary to finalize the product.
  • Produce software documentation necessary for the application and issue it to the requesting departments.
  • Support the end user in the Production phase by debugging existing software solutions in response to Problem Tracking Records (PTR) and Change Requests (CR) issued from Product Management or Product Definition.


Engineering degree or Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematical Engineer or Management Engineer or a related technical field.  Experience in an international context would be appreciated.

Technical skills

  • Java: JDK 1.5/ 1.6
  • IDE Eclipse
  • Framework : JEE, Spring, hibernate, JSP, Struts
  • Web: Protocole HTTP, Javascript, CSS, Ajax, servlets
  • Data bases: PostGres, Oracle, SQL
  • XML: XML Scheme, DOM, SAX
  • UML modeling / Rose

Personal Skills

  • English
  • Multicultural approach
  • Accountability and Proactivity
  • Change management and Flexibility
  • Communication
  • Analytical and Conceptual Thinking
  • Technical Expertise
  • Information gathering

If you’re interested in what you’ve read and would like to participate to our increasing growth, please send your Curriculum Vitae to:  sara.vitrano@alten.com


Pubblicato il 21/11/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale e similari

Company Details:

ALTEN is the European leader in consultancy and engineering in the technology sector. We have been providing support to international companies for over 20 years.

Our added value: 24 000 employees in over 20 countries working on design and development projects in various activity fields: Aeronautical and Space, Automotive, Banking, Financial Markets & Insurance, Chemical and Petroleum, Safety and Defense, Electronic and Multi-media, Energy and Nuclear, Railway and Shipping, Industry, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Telecommunication.

Labeled “Top Employer” 2017, the group is committed to its goals in human resources, in particular, the recruitment of 1200 graduates into the professional workforce this year.

Founded in 2001 and now counting more than 250 employees, Alten Sophia-Antipolis is rapidly increasing and developing and is currently looking for Product Definition Engineers (Functional Analysts)

Summary of Responsibilities:

Analyse business requirements and provide functional expertise to assist with management of the product suite throughout the entire life cycle. Design and test functionality for the development of new and enhancement of existing software solutions.

You will be in charge of:

  • Developing the functional specifications in accordance with the technical marketing team
  • Redacting the technical’s specifications
  • Doing the validation plan
  • Analyzing and managing customer requirements
  • Performing feasibility studies, gap analysis, specifications and sizing
  • Defining new product functionality, and graphical user interface design
  • Coordinating with development team for timely product launches
  • UML Designing of IT solutions

Major Responsibilities:

Product Definition

  • Validate business and functional requirements and provide a written statement of product requirements.
  • Produce Detailed Designs for Developers to work from, including Use cases.
  • Produce Functional Specifications. Ensure that functional specifications used for development correspond with product requirements and verify that finished product matches both Customer expectations and Functional Specifications
  • Monitor product success and define corrective actions as necessary
  • Work closely with Development colleagues to ensure deep understanding of Business Requirement and Functional Specification is passed on

Product Support

  • Support sales activities through written and verbal presentations concerning product functionality & providing product overview presentations and documentation emphasizing value to specific customers.
  • Carry out the functional walk-through of the product with the Development team & Customers.
  • Ensure production integrity by validating and prioritizing reported problems


  • Interface with customer during throughout the product lifecycle particularly for functional specification, testing and implementation phases as necessary.
  • Interface with relevant departments to identify interaction with other Amadeus packages and assure functional compatibility.
  • Interface and communicate with Marketing and Product Management.
  • Work cooperatively with others to achieve team goals.
  • Build stable and useful working relationships.

Testing and regression

  • Size specification and testing phases based on requirements.
  • Deliver test plans and test scenarios. Maintain and improve them in the long term.
  • Manage software testing in accordance with the test & quality management plans.
  • Test product in order to ensure compliance of the delivered functionality and system integrity, and perform functional sign off.
  • Report on Test team activities & testing status.
  • For regression role, proactively provide input to improve regression coverage plans and report regression activities in line with procedures and test cycle (as appropriate)


Engineering degree or Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematical Engineer or Management Engineer or a related technical field.  Experience in an international context would be appreciated.

Relevant Work Experience (Optional)

  • Business Analyst experience
  • Travel Industry Experience
  • Experience in IT Software Development environment

Personal Skills

  • English
  • Strong analytical skills, with high attention to detail
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Strong written, oral & presentation skills
  • Strong communication skills for both technical & non technical audiences
  • Flexibility & ability to multi-task
  • Training skills
  • Negotiation skills

If you’re interested in what you’ve read and would like to participate to our increasing growth, please send your Curriculum Vitae to:  sara.vitrano@alten.com