• IBM Italia – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Enterprise Applications Consultants - Permanent Contract

Pubblicato il 12/09/2017

Tipo di Laurea (magistrale): Matematica, Fisica, Informatica, Ingegneria, Economia

IBM is now hiring Entry-level Enterprise Applications Consultants

We live in a moment of remarkable change and opportunity. The convergence of data and technology in the areas of cloud, cognitive, digital, social and mobile is transforming industries, societies and professions. IBM Global Business Services is part of this transformation and just the place to define your career within business consulting. Join us as we make the most of these exciting times and discover what you can make of this moment.

Work @ IBM where: Your ideas are brought to life, Your ideas can help change the world, Your thoughts become things, You are helping to revolutionize computing

  • Bringing together the world’s largest consulting practice with industry-leading research capability.
  • Enriching business consulting with advanced research, analytics and technology.
  • Teaming on all phases of engagement to plan, build, and implement advanced business solutions.
  • Applying IBM’s global expertise and local capabilities through our unique global delivery network combined with our teams in over 170 countries.
  • Providing our clients with an integrated approach to business design and execution, turning strategies into actions.

These strengths applied to business issues and opportunities give our clients not only the ability to anticipate change, but also take advantage of new possibilities.

What will you do as an IBM GBS Entry-level Enterprise Applications Consultant?

As an entry-level Enterprise Applications Consultant, you will have the opportunity to join Consulting by Degrees – our world-class leadership and development program designed to groom top talent entry-level consultants into tomorrow’s leaders. You will join our Enterprise Applications service area and develop your expertise in the SAP, Oracle or Microsoft solution suite, and help our clients integrate enterprise-wide data for improved performance and efficiency.  You will help clients digitally reinvent operations via new mobile and cognitive technologies creating fluid value chains

The IBM Consulting by Degrees
program was developed to help you experience, grow and transform your consulting career with breadth and depth to remain agile in an ever-changing technological world. By providing you with a variety of project and role experiences and focused skills development opportunities with specialization, our consultants are prepared to successfully launch and accelerate their careers.

New digital technologies along with cloud, mobile, analytics and cognitive computing are changing how we engage and work with one another. The Consulting by Degrees program targets high performers and provides focused training, one-on-one mentoring, and career guidance to help you gain the expertise and know-how that you need to become future partners and executives.

What do we look for in a successful IBM GBS Entry-level Enterprise Applications Consultant?

  • Ability to thrive in an ever changing, technology based consulting environment
  • Ability to work both analytically using data and systemically with a logical sequence to complex tasks
  • Demonstrated leadership experience and ability to adapt, with willingness to readily take ownership of tasks and problems, which often extend beyond initial scope of responsibility
  • Thorough and analytical, with capability to apply logic to solve problems
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks concurrently and meet deadlines, while maintaining focus in an environment with conflicting demands
  • Drive to overcome the most challenging or difficult obstacles and look for ways to improve results
  • Initiative to actively seek new knowledge and improve skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to collaborate and work effectively with individuals, strengthening relationships to achieve win-win solutions
  • Ability to communicate complex situations clearly and simply by listening actively and conveying difficult messages in a positive manner
  • A passion for innovative ideas, coupled with the ability to understand and assimilate different points of view

We are looking for entry level candidates who meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated history of achievement in academics, internships, course work or work experience
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment
  • Superior organizational, problem solving, and time management abilities
  • Thorough and analytical mindset, with capability to apply logic to solve problems
  • Passionate about providing solutions to challenging problems
  • Passionate about leadership
  • Education: Master Degree in Engineering,  Information Technology, Statistics, Math, Physic,  Economics
  • Language: Fluent in English and Italian
  • Location Rome, Milan
  • Specific industry experience, insights or interests, are a plus. Industry knowledge forms an increasing part of a consultant profile.

We expect you to be passionate about at least one of the areas mentioned – the Internet of Things, workforce challenges of the future, Advanced Analytics, Data science  or Cognitive Solutions.

Join us to be part of IBM’s future within cognitive business

Tipo Contratto : tempo indeterminato  

Data inizio (presunta): da ottobre 2017

Please send your CV to elisabetta.dal.maso@it.ibm.com

• Bucci – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Stage IT

Pubblicato il 12/09/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

Bucci Srl, agenzia di broker per il food,cerca per la sua Divisione Informatica, laureato/a in Informatica o Ingegneria Informatica, IT Manager conoscenza Pannelli WebServer, Linguaggi di programmazione php html5 c, c++, c# Java, DotNet conoscenza dei CMS WordPress e Joomla, sviluppo App conoscenza Sistemi Operativi Windows, MasOS e Linux

Per Candidarsi inviare curriculum a: selezione.personale@bucci-srl.it

Compenso minimo mensile in base alle conoscenze: 800€ mensili.

• Techedge Group – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Consulente a tempo indeterminato (Techedge Recruiting Day)

Pubblicato il 05/09/2017

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, ICT, Internet Engineering, Matematica e Fisica

Profilo Azienda

Scegliere Techedge significa entrare a far parte di una multinazionale italiana in forte crescita. Contiamo su circa 1500 professionisti in oltre 25 uffici, fra Italia ed estero. Eravamo solo 35 nel 2003!

Techedge aiuta le aziende a usare la tecnologia per innovare il business. Ci occupiamo di processi aziendali, di Industria 4.0, Internet of things e big data. I nostri clienti sono multinazionali come Fiat, Ferrero, Eni e Luxottica.

Techedge assume neo laureati fin da subito a tempo indeterminato come Consulente.

Cosa fa un Consulente? Lavora in un team di progetto; i progetti sono in settori diversi e su un ampia gamma di tematiche industriali, in questo modo diventerai esperto di processi di business e tecnologia.

Aree di inserimento:

Contratto a tempo indeterminato full time, non facciamo contratti part time perchè il lavoro è molto sfidante!

Requisiti dei candidati

  • Laurea specialistica o triennale in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Matematica e Fisica.
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
  • Interesse per la programmazione.

Processo di selezione

  • Colloquio con HR
  • Colloquio con manager dell’area in cui il candidato verrà assunto

Per partecipare al processo di selezione invia il tuo cv aggiornato a cv@placement.uniroma2.it indicando nell’oggetto “techedge recruiting day”. I colloqui sono previsti il 14 settembre prossimo alla Facoltà di Ingegneria, Via del Politecnico, 1 a partire dalle 14.30, in occasione del Techedge Recruiting Day!

14 settembre 2017, Techedge Recruiting Day!


Vieni in Aula C6 a Ingegneria (Via del Politecnico, 1) alle 14.30: potrai assistere a una breve presentazione aziendale e se sei laureato o laureando (specialistica o triennale) in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, ICT Engineering, Ingegneria di Internet, Ingegneria Gestionale, Matematica e Fisica potrai sostenere i primi colloqui di selezione subito dopo la presentazione! Le posizioni sono come consulente a tempo indeterminato.

Per partecipare alla presentazione e ai colloqui invia il tuo cv aggiornato a cv@placement.uniroma2.it indicando nell’oggetto “techedge recruiting day”.

Azienda: Techedge Group 

Settore merceologico: Information technology  Read more

• Westhouse cerca per importante Società IT – Laureati in Ingegneria

Stage Area IT - Finalizzato all'inserimento

Pubblicato il 10/08/2017

Tipo di Laurea (anche triennale): Ingegneria Informatica

Per un nostro importante cliente finale, società italiana che si occupa della gestione totale dei processi applicativi di business, ricerchiamo Programmatori da inserire in stage per una durata di 6 mesi, rimborso spese previsto 600,00 Euro.

Luogo di lavoro: Roma.

Lo Stage è finalizzato all’inserimento in azienda.

Richiesta laurea in ingegneria informatica (anche breve).

Costituisce requisito preferenziale esperienza pregressa in ambito .net/Java.

Inviare il cv all indirizzo email m.napoli@westhouse.it

Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.I candidati, sono invitati a leggere sul sito www.westhouse-group.com l’informativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs.196/2003).

• Relatech – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Stage Area IT finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 07/08/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

In Relatech siamo fermamente convinti che la tecnologia sia un fattore competitivo fondamentale nell’odierno mercato globale: solo disponendo degli strumenti informatici adeguati si può vincere la concorrenza, migliorando i propri processi aziendali ed aumentando l’efficienza e la qualità dei prodotti dei servizi offerti ai propri Clienti.

La nostra missione è quindi quella di contribuire, attraverso soluzioni ad alto contenuto tecnologico e servizi di consulenza informatica, alla creazione di valore e competitività per l’Azienda, diventandone il partner di riferimento per tutte le necessità nell’ambito dell’Information Technology.

Siamo alla ricerca di un neolaureato in Informatica/ Ingegneria Informatica.

La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno della nostra factory IT e coinvolta su progetti interni in ambito enterprise. Avrà modo di apprendere tutte le fasi di realizzazione di un progetto, dall’analisi dei requisiti alla fase di test utilizzando tecnologie come Java, SQL, Javascript. Il tirocinante sarà inoltre coinvolto nell’implementazione di un sistema ore per la gestione del personale chiamato “Relhour”.

Sede di lavoro: Milano

Offriamo contratti di stage finalizzato all’assunzione.

Gli interessati possono inviare il CV all’indirizzo marialuisa.palange@relatech.com (rif – NEO) con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs 196/2003)

Le ricerche si intendono riferite a persone di entrambi i sessi (L. 903/77)

• Reason That – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Programmatore Java - Tempo indeterminato

Pubblicato il 03/08/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

Il candidato ha conseguito il diploma tecnico o laurea in discipline informatiche e possiede preferibilmente almeno due anni di esperienza nel ruolo.

Competenze richieste:

  • Java J2EE
  • Java Spring;
  • MVC,
  • JSP,
  • HTML5
  • Mobile

Esperienza di sviluppo e design su:

  • Opencms
  • Liferay

Completano il profilo capacità di “team working”, proattività, propensione al  “problem solving”.

Livello di inquadramento: Livello Metalmeccanico – Tempo indeterminato full time

Zona di lavoro: Roma

Si invitano gli interessati a inviare il proprio cv a hr.research@reasonthat.com.

• Roma Gas & Power – Laureati in Ingegneria

Stage Sales e Marketing

Pubblicato il 02/08/2017

Termine invio cv: 11/09/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Informatica

Presentazione dell’azienda:

Roma Gas & Power è uno fra i più importanti gruppi privati italiani operanti nei mercati del gas naturale e dell’energia elettrica a seguito della liberalizzazione del settore energetico. Il gruppo ha intrapreso nel corso degli ultimi anni una strategia di ingresso sul mercato della vendita ai clienti finali, al fine di acquisire una posizione sostenibile e solida nel mutato contesto energetico italiano. Presenta una struttura ben articolata formata da una rete commerciale estesa su tutto il territorio nazionale e un rilevante portafoglio clienti diversificato, dai gruppi industriali, alle piccole e medie imprese, sino alle famiglie.

Figura richiesta:

La figura di riferimento collaborerà con il direttore Sales e Marketing alla definizione dei prodotti di vendita, in termini di contenuti, margini e analisi della concorrenza.

Durata tirocinio: minimo 6 Mesi

Sede di lavoro : ROMA (Quartiere Trieste)

Rimborso spese mensili (Euro): 500

Le candidature ambosessi (D.lgs. n. 198/2006) dovranno essere inviate a: job@romagas.it.


I candidati sono invitati a leggere l’Informativa Privacy (D.Lgs.196/2003)

• Ariston Thermo Group – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Internship opportunities in Production, Maintenance, Quality, Logistics


Pubblicato il 01/08/2017

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Ingegneria

Would you define yourself as an entrepreneur, open minded and ambitious person?

Are you interested in starting your career in a multinational company?

Ariston Thermo Group can give you the ideal opportunity to catch!

We are looking for young talented people, with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering and a brilliant academic career.

We can offer you a development path starting with a 6 months training experience in one of our sites in Marche.

If you fit with all the requirements above and you’re excited about being part of our Company, please send your cv through this open position.

HOW to APPLY: grouprecruitment@aristonthermo.com

R&D Engineer


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Meccanica

The role, reporting to the R&D Platform Manager, will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Participate in the definition of the new product range offer for the product line assigned;
  • Design the new mechanical components and product modifications by Solidworks
  • Design the thermodynamic system both for integrated and split products
  • Manage the bill of materials and process of industrialization
  • Manage costs, quality and timing of development/maintenance projects
  • Maintain/change existing products in order to enlarge the products range, to reach cost saving and quality improvement

The ideal candidate is a brilliant new graduate in Mechanical Engineer .

Good knowledge of thermodynamic systems, as well as drawing software as Cadra/Solidworks or 2D/3D technical design are requested; knowledge of materials, simulation analysis and aeraulic principles is a plus.

Analytical and planning skills, ability to manage time and consistently meet deadlines, problem solving and flexibility complete the profile.

English knowledge and availability to travel are basic requirements, French knowledge is a plus.

Location: Marche (An)

HOW to APPLY: grouprecruitment@aristonthermo.com

Incoming Goods Quality Control Engineer


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

The role, reporting to the Plant Manager and functionally linked to Quality management, will implement the suppliers’ quality improvement program, ensuring the respect of quality standards.

He/She will be in charge of the following responsibilities:

  • Dealing with all activities related to incoming goods controls: statistical check and first samples realization
  • To evaluate suppliers according to their quality performance and systems;
  • To constantly measure and monitor the suppliers’ service level and any related improvement action;
  • To support suppliers in order to improve their quality performance;
  • To ensure application and development of the Company quality system within his area of responsibility;
  • To contribute to the continuous development of WCM quality control pillar.

The ideal candidate has a degree in Engineering with a brilliant academic career. An initial experience in quality would be an advantage.

Entrepreneurship, organizational and planning skill, teamwork attitude, flexibility and proactivity will complete the profile.

Proficiency in English is mandatory as well as mobility.

Location: Arcevia (AN)

HOW to APPLY: grouprecruitment@aristonthermo.com

Production Planner


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Meccanica

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and water heating products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Scope of the role:

Perform the operational planning (Master Production Schedule) of the defined Ariston Thermo factories at Finished Goods and Accessories level to ensure material availability for the end customer, as part of the global S&OP process. The planning horizon is from the operational planning, respecting the defined frozen weeks, until the tactical planning, considering a 6 months’ time period.

Key responsabilities & accountabilities:

  • Managing the production planning  for Finished Goods and Accessories at:
  • Rough cut capacity planning, set up of the monthly volume
  • Weekly planning on item level
  • Definition of the external purchasing (S&OP process) and execution of purchasing

Support and contribute:   

  • Sales and Operational Planning Process
  • Follow-up of defined Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Product phase in & phase out
  • Interface to cross function within Supply Chain Organization

The ideal candidate has a degree in Management/Mechanical Engineering with a brilliant international academic career.

Analysis and planning skills, ability to manage time and consistently meet deadlines, problem solving and flexibility complete the profile.

English knowledge and good proficiency in the main MSOffice tools are basic requirements.

Knowledge of SAP R3 and SQL basis is a plus.

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700002D

Plant Production Planner


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Meccanica

The role, reporting to the Plant Logistics Manager, will be in charge of the following activities:

  • set the production plans on daily and weekly base, coordinating the scheduling of the lines
  • ensure the supply of raw materials and support the logistics processes of the plant (material handling, warehouse management, etc.)
  • monitor the logistic flow supplier-plant and the internal material supply of production lines to guarantee the full cycle
  • control of the raw material stock levels, according to the monthly target

The ideal candidate has a degree in Management/Mechanical Engineering and a brilliant academic career.

Analysis and planning skills, ability to manage time and consistently meet deadlines, problem solving and flexibility complete the profile.

English knowledge and good proficiency in the main MSOffice tools are basic requirements.

Knowledge of SAP R3 and SQL basis is a plus.

Place of work: Marche

HOW to APPLY: grouprecruitment@aristonthermo.com

Research & Innovation - Internship


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria dell’Automazione, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica

The Research & Innovation Department develops controls for Heat Pumps, Hybrid, Solar, Heating Zone management systems and Connectivity features for all products and systems range.

The candidate will support in the following activities:

  • Execution of tests by using simulators of Heat Pumps, Heating products, Hybrid Systems, Solar and multi-zone distribution;
  • Execution of tests of Heating and Domestic Hot Water systems in communication with Ariston Connectivity systems, to verify that commands and data reading from MobApp (Android/IOS) and WebApp are correctly executed on the systems regulators (e.g. boiler control, energy manager, solar manger…)
  • analysis and interpretation of tests’ results to understand if the specification meet the goal and modify specifications documents if needed;
  • analysis and interpretation of tests results to find bugs in the specification implementation and collaborate with the Electronic R&D Departments in order to solve them.

The ideal candidate is newly graduated in electronic/automatic engineering or computer science with a brilliant academic career.

Practical expertise in electronic and communication protocols, ability to manage time and consistently meet deadlines, problem solving and team working complete the profile

English knowledge and good proficiency in the main MSOffice tools are basic requirements.

Place of work: Osimo (AN)

HOW to APPLY: grouprecruitment@aristonthermo.com

Junior Product Manager


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Ariston Thermo Group, in order to grow the capabilities of the Product Management Department, is searching for:


The role, reporting to a Senior Product Manager, within the Strategic Marketing Department, will be responsible for the following activities:

  • the definition of product guidelines related to the Product Business Unit;
  • the definition of Product Plan, proposing the new product development and managing this process in all phases;
  • the management of the planning and control activities related to product range;
  • the analysis of the market and the demand trend, monitoring the competitors and the business in our market;
  • the responsibility for the product documentation to support the Sales and Trade Marketing Departments.

The ideal candidate has a degree in Engineering with a brilliant international academic career.

Good relational skills, analytical and organizational capabilities, flexibility and entrepreneurship will complete the profile.

Availability to travel and English expertise are a must.

Location: Marche (AN)

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700002C

Domestic Boiler Technology Engineer


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Informatica/dell’Automazione

The role, reporting to the R&D Manager in charge of the Domestic Boiler Platform, will be part of the team working on design and development of new technologies.

He/she will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Develop high-quality and high-performance products to fulfil markets requests
  • Improve products value proposition by introducing new technologies and features
  • Perform tests and signal analysis on new technologies, understanding the working principles and managing the know-how to make it available for future developments
  • Cooperate with other team members to perform feasibility analyses for new product design and product performance improvements.

The ideal candidate has a Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering or Computer/Automation Engineering with a brilliant academic career.

Knowledge of sensors and signal analysis together with English knowledge and proficiency in the main MS Office tools are basic requirements.

Good relational skills, goal orientation, teamwork and cooperation with other functions, problem solving and accountability complete the profile.

Location: Osimo (An)

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700001B

Junior Buyer - Steel & Packaging Components


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

The role, reporting to the Commodity Manager, will be responsible to plan, direct and control the company’s purchasing requirements for direct materials that includes Steel & Packaging components.

In particular, he/she will be in charge of:

  • support in defining internal needs and in assessing market conditions
  • participate in identifying a sourcing strategy for Steel & Packaging components based on technological roadmap and supplier base definition
  • support in negotiating Long Term Agreements contracts
  • collect supplier KPIs and analyze suppliers cost, quality and delivery performances”
  • support Product Management and Supplier Quality Assurance activities
  • early supplier selection and involvement in R&D projects
  • identify operational/financial risks and develop mitigation plans
  • execute cost reduction projects
  • manage order processing and ensure data accuracy and integrity

The ideal candidate has a Master’s Degree in Engineering with a brilliant academic career.

Negotiation abilities, organizational skills, analytical approach and availability to travel are essential for covering the position successfully.

English fluency is mandatory.

Location: Osimo (AN)

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700002G

Plant Quality Control Specialist


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Ariston Thermo Group is searching for:


The role, reporting to the Plant Quality Control Manager, will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Support all the activities related to Plants’ Quality: incoming controls, statistical controls and production controls.
  • Support product problems solving
  • Manage complaints: analyze products defects’ causes and define improvement and preventive actions in collaboration with R&D and Manufacturing Departments
  • Analyze call rate data and propose improvement actions and implementation follow up
  • Prepare reports on problem solving issues and on continuous improvement projects;
  • Participate in developing quality performance reporting systems
  • Analyze process scrap and reworks
  • Maintain and enhance the company’s quality procedures, standards and specifications: ISO 9001 and QMS.
  • Participate at internal and external audits performed by external quality auditors,

The ideal candidate has a degree in Engineering with a brilliant academic career. An initial experience in quality would be an advantage.

Entrepreneurship, organizational and planning skill, teamwork attitude, flexibility and proactivity will complete the profile.

Fluency in English and proficiency in the main MSOffice tools (Excel) are basic requirements along with the knowledge of TQM or Lean Manufacturing.

Location: Osimo (AN)

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700002H

World Class Manufacturing Plant Coordinator


Pubblicato il 27/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

Ariston Thermo Group is one of the world’s leading companies in heating, offering a complete range of heating and hot water products, systems and services designed to provide the maximum degree of comfort with the minimum environmental impact and minimum use of energy.

Ariston Thermo Group, in order to develop and spread the World Class Manufacturing in its plants, is searching for:


The role, reporting hierarchically to the Plant Manager and in dotted line to Group WCM Manager, will be responsible for the following activities:

  • coordinate the World Class Manufacturing Pillars into the plant;
  • ensure, with the Plant Manager, the achievement of WCM targets in terms of budget and performance results;
  • plan the internal/external audits and maintain the WCM documents constantly updated;
  • promote the WCM project and share the best practices with other plants and WCM central team.

The ideal candidate has a Degree in Engineering and she/he’s interested in Operation career development. A previous internship in production, quality or logistics into “WCM certified” manufacturing plants could be preferable.

Entrepreneurship, organizational and planning skills, teamwork aptitude, flexibility and pro-activity will complete the profile.

Fluency in English and the availability to travel are mandatory.

Location: Marche (AN)

HOW to APPLY: https://atg.taleo.net/careersection/ariston_italy/jobdetail.ftl?job=1700000L

• Alosys Communications – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Sistemista di rete

Pubblicato il 31/07/2017

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria, Informatica o simili

Azienda:  Alosys Communications opera nel settore dell’Information Technology dal 1995. Le attività dell’Azienda sono orientate principalmente ai servizi, sia come progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni, sia come fornitura di Personale specializzato nella gestione di Reti e Sistemi

Posizione Ricercata: Sistemista di Rete

Requisiti del Candidato: E’ in possesso di conoscenze specialistiche nel campo networking. E’ in grado di configurare apparati di rete routers, switches e access servers.

Ha una buona padronanza dei principali protocolli di routing dinamici. Possiede una buona capacita’ di troubleshooting su vari layer di trasporto (Frame-relay, NewBridge, ISDN ).

Conosce le  principali piattaforme UNIX e Microsoft. Ha ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente Cisco IOS, del protocollo TCP/IP,  e buone conoscenze di  ISDN, Frame-relay, Leased Line (CDN)xDSL.

E’ gradita una buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese

Tipo di Contratto: Stage/Apprendistato

Compenso: Rimborso Spese (da valutare/min. € 550,00)

Sede di Lavoro: Roma

Contatti: personale@alosys.it