Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO)-edizione 2024

Scadenza invio candidature: 12 agosto 2024 (ore 14.00)

Il Programma Giovani Funzionari delle Organizzazioni Internazionali, noto anche come Programma JPO, è un’iniziativa finanziata dal Governo Italiano attraverso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) e curata dal Dipartimento degli Affari Economici e Sociali delle Nazioni Unite (UN/DESA).

Il Programma permette a giovani qualificati di nazionalità italiana e di alcuni paesi in via di sviluppo di avere un’esperienza formativa e professionale nelle organizzazioni internazionali per un periodo di due anni, con la possibilità di un’eventuale estensione di un anno.

Gli interessati dovranno accedere all’apposita piattaforma online e, seguendo le istruzioni indicate, potranno presentare la propria candidatura per la posizione prescelta. Sarà possibile candidarsi ad un massimo di tre posizioni.

Il Bando completo e le modalità di candidatura sono disponibili su esteri.it

Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) 2022/2023

Scadenza invio candidature: 15 dicembre 2022 (ore 15.00)

Il Programma Giovani Funzionari delle Organizzazioni Internazionali, noto anche come Programma JPO, è un’iniziativa finanziata dal Governo Italiano attraverso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) e curata dal Dipartimento degli Affari Economici e Sociali delle Nazioni Unite (UN/DESA).

Il Programma permette a giovani qualificati di nazionalità italiana e di alcuni paesi in via di sviluppo di avere un’esperienza formativa e professionale nelle organizzazioni internazionali per un periodo di due anni, con la possibilità di un’eventuale estensione di un anno.

Per informazioni dettagliate e suggerimenti sulla preparazione della candidatura verranno organizzati alcuni webinar nelle date sottoelencate. Per partecipare è necessaria la registrazione sul sito www.undesa.it

Le domande di partecipazione dovranno essere inviate online attraverso il sistema di “Online Web Application” (OWA) dell’ufficio UN/DESA di Roma raggiungibile dal sito www.undesa.it.

• Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) 2020/2021 – Tutte le lauree

Junior Professional Officer Programme 2020/2021 - Two years’ work experience

Pubblicato il 01/12/2020

Scadenza 29/12/2020

Tipo di Laurea: tutte

The Italian Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). It enables Italian citizens and citizens of eligible developing countries holding an advanced university degree to gain work experience with international organizations for a period of two years.
The purpose of the Programme is two-fold: on the one hand, it assists international organizations in carrying out their activities by providing them with skilled personnel for a period of two years; on the other, it allows young qualified professionals seeking an international career the opportunity of two years’ work experience that will broaden their chances of finding a suitable job in international organizations or in the international field.
Candidates must meet all the following requirements to be considered eligible for the 2020/2021 edition:

  • born on or after 1 January 1990 (1 January 1989 for graduates in Medicine; 1 January 1987 for graduates in Medicine who have already been awarded a post-graduate medical specialization degree)
  • Italian nationality
  • fluency in English and Italian
  • advanced university degree awarded before the application deadline, such as:
    -Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica
    -Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
    -Laurea/Laurea Triennale plus university Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree plus university Master’s degree.

For the 2020/2021 edition, a limited number of positions will be assigned to candidates from developing countries (Least Developed Countries and priority countries for the Italian Development Cooperation). The list of the eligible countries is available from the website www.undesa.it.
Candidates from developing countries must meet all the following requirements to be considered eligible:

  • born on or after 1 January 1990 (1 January 1989 for graduates in Medicine; 1 January 1987 for graduates in Medicine who have already been awarded a post-graduate medical specialization degree)
  • fluency in English (knowledge of Italian will be considered an asset)
  • advanced university degree awarded before the application deadline, such as:
  • LaureaMagistrale/Specialistica
  • Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
  • Laurea/LaureaTriennale plus university Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree plus university Master’s degree

Given the highly competitive nature of the Italian JPO Programme, as well as the increasingly demanding skill-sets and levels of experience sought by International Organizations, the following are frequently considered important assets:
➢ Knowledge of other UN official languages/languages spoken in developing countries
➢ Additional academic qualifications and/or training courses
➢ Solid professional work experience (minimum one year)
➢ Key competencies such as client orientation, teamwork, communication, accountability,
planning and organization.
Candidates are expected to be motivated, flexible and willing to adapt to different environments. At all times they must demonstrate commitment to the core values of the United Nations, i.e. integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.
For practical advice on preparing an application to the Italian JPO Programme, candidates are invited to attend a Webinar on one of the following dates (N.B. prior online enrolment is mandatory via www.undesa.it):

  • 18 November 2020 (5 p.m.)
  • 26 November 2020 (10:30 a.m.)
  • 01 December 2020 (5 p.m.)
  • 11 December 2020 (10:30 a.m.)
  • 17 December 2020 (5 p.m.)
  • 22 December 2020 (10:30 a.m.)

The deadline for submitting applications to the 2020/2021 round of the Italian JPO Programme is 29 December 2020 at 3 p.m. (Italian local time).

Before starting the application process, please read carefully the How to Apply webpage.

Applications to the Programme can only be submitted online through the Online Web Application tool (OWA) of the UN/DESA Office in Rome. It is no longer possible to submit applications via alternative channels.

For additional information, please consult the relevant webpages on www.undesa.it or email the UN/DESA Office in Rome at JPOinfo@undesa.it


Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development 2020-2021

The Italian Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development is sponsored by the Government of Italy through the General Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA).

This programme targets post-graduate Italian nationals. Read more

• Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) 2019/2020 – Tutte le lauree

Junior Professional Officer Programme 2019/2020 - Two years’ work experience

Pubblicato il 22/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: tutte

The Italian Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). It enables Italian citizens and citizens of eligible developing countries holding an advanced university degree to gain work experience with international organizations for a period of two years.

The purpose of the Programme is two-fold: on the one hand, it assists international organizations in carrying out their activities by providing them with skilled personnel for a period of two years; on the other, it allows young qualified professionals seeking an international career the opportunity of two years’ work experience that will broaden their chances of finding a suitable job in international organizations or in the international field.

Candidates must meet all the following requirements to be considered eligible for the 2019/2020 edition:

  • born on or after 1 January 1989 (1 January 1988 for graduates in Medicine; 1 January 1986 for graduates in Medicine who have already been awarded a post-graduate medical specialization degree)
  • Italian nationality
  • fluency in English and Italian
  • advanced university degree awarded before the application deadline, such as:
    • Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica
    • Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
    • Laurea/Laurea Triennale plus university Master’s degree
    • Bachelor’s degree plus university Master’s

For the 2019/2020 edition, a limited number of positions will be assigned to candidates from developing countries (Least Developed Countries and priority countries for the Italian Development Cooperation). The list of the eligible countries is available from the website www.undesa.it.

Candidates from developing countries must meet all the following requirements to be considered eligible:

  • born on or after 1 January 1989 (1 January 1988 for graduates in Medicine; 1 January 1986 for graduates in Medicine who have already been awarded a post-graduate medical specialization degree)
  • fluency in English (knowledge of Italian will be considered an asset)
  • advanced university degree awarded before the application deadline, such as:
    • Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica
    • Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
    • Laurea/LaureaTriennale plus university Master’s degree
    • Bachelor’s degree plus university Master’s

Given the highly competitive nature of the Italian JPO Programme, as well as the increasingly demanding skill-sets and levels of experience sought by International Organizations, the following are frequently considered important assets:

  • Knowledge of other UN official languages/languages spoken in developing countries
  • Additional academic qualifications and/or training courses
  • Solid professional work experience (minimum one year)
  • Key competencies such as client orientation, teamwork, communication, accountability, planning and organization.

Candidates are expected to be motivated, flexible and willing to adapt to different environments. At all times they must demonstrate commitment to the core values of the United Nations, i.e. integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.

For practical advice on preparing an application to the Italian JPO Programme, candidates are invited to attend a Webinar on one of the following dates (N.B. prior online enrolment is mandatory via www.undesa.it):

  • 23 October 2019 (10 a.m.)
  • 30 October 2019 (5 m.)
  • 05 November 2019 (10 a.m.)
  • 12 November 2019 (5 m.)
  • 20 November 2019 (10 a.m.)
  • 28 November 2019 (1 m.)
  • 03 December 2019 (5 m.)

The deadline for submitting applications to the 2019-2020 round of the Italian JPO Programme is 10 December 2019 at 3 p.m. (Italian local time).

Before starting the application process, please read carefully the How to Apply webpage.

Applications to the Programme can only be submitted online through the Online Web Application tool (OWA) of the UN/DESA Office in Rome. It is no longer possible to submit applications via alternative channels.

Only short-listed applicants will be informed by UN/DESA about the positive outcome of the pre- selection process.

For additional information, please consult the relevant webpages on http://www.undesa.it or email the UN/DESA Office in Rome at JPOinfo@undesa.it.

Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development 2019-2020

The Italian Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development is sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA).

Through this Programme, young skilled professionals are selected for a one-year placement in the field offices of either International Organizations or the Italian Development Cooperation. Before taking up their assignment in the host country Fellows attend a mandatory two-week training course, which is an integral part of the Programme.

The fellowships under this Programme are awarded to enhance development assistance delivery in developing countries and to provide young professionals with a valuable opportunity to enrich their professional experience and enhance their work methods and techniques. During their assignment fellows participate in analytical, research and operational activities in the area of capacity development, including project identification and development.

Initially rolled out in 1999 as a pilot scheme awarding 12 fellowships, the Programme has gradually grown into a fully-fledged initiative awarding on average 30 fellowships a year. To date, a total of 550 young Italian professionals have participated in the Programme.

The deadline for application submission is 21 June 2019 at 3:00 pm (Italian local time).

:: How to apply

Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) 2018/2019

Junior Professional Officer Programme

Posted: 30/10/2018

The Italian Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA).

It enables Italian citizens and citizens of eligible developing countries holding an advanced university degree to gain work experience with international organizations for a period of two years. The purpose of the Programme is two-fold: on the one hand, it assists international organizations in carrying out their activities by providing them with skilled personnel for a period of two years; on the other, it allows young qualified professionals seeking an international career the opportunity of two years’ work experience that will broaden their chances of finding a suitable job in international organizations or in the international field.
Candidates must meet all the following requirements to be considered eligible for the 2018/2019 edition:

  • Born on or after 1 January 1988 (1 January 1985 for graduates in Medicine)
  • Be an Italian national or a national of one of the eligible developing countries listed here
  • Fluency in English and Italian
  • Advanced university degree awarded before the application deadline, such as:
    ✓ Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica
    ✓ Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
    ✓ Laurea/Laurea Triennale plus university Master’s degree
    ✓ Bachelor’s degree plus university Master’s degree.

The deadline for submitting applications to the 2018-2019 round of the JPO Programme is 14 December 2018 at 3 pm (Italian local time).

Applications to the Programme can only be submitted online through the Online Web Application (OWA) of the UN/DESA Office in Rome. It is no longer possible to submit applications by regular mail or personally deliver them.

For additional information, please visit http://www.undesa.it/ or email the UN/DESA Office in Rome at JPOinfo@undesa.it

Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development 2018-2019

The Italian Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development is sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA).

Through this Programme, young skilled professionals are selected for a one-year placement in the field offices of either International Organizations or the Italian Development Cooperation. Before taking up their assignment in the host country Fellows attend a mandatory two-week training course, which is an integral part of the Programme.

The fellowships under this Programme are awarded to enhance development assistance delivery in developing countries and to provide young professionals with a valuable opportunity to enrich their professional experience and enhance their work methods and techniques. During their assignment fellows participate in analytical, research and operational activities in the area of capacity development, including project identification and development.

Initially rolled out in 1999 as a pilot scheme awarding 12 fellowships, the Programme has gradually grown into a fully-fledged initiative awarding on average 30 fellowships a year. To date, a total of 550 young Italian professionals have participated in the Programme.

The deadline for application submission is 15 June 2018 at 3:00 pm (Italian local time).

:: How to apply

Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development 2017-2018

Il “Fellowships Programme for Technical Cooperation Capacity Building and Human Resources Development” è un’iniziativa finanziata dal Governo Italiano, attraverso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e l’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, e curata dal Dipartimento degli Affari Economici e Sociali delle Nazioni Unite (UN/DESA).

Il suo obiettivo è offrire a giovani laureati che non abbiano superato i 28 anni di età la possibilità di svolgere un percorso di formazione professionale presso uffici delle organizzazioni internazionali in paesi in via di sviluppo o presso sedi estere dell’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo. Le borse hanno la durata di quasi un anno e prevedono, prima dell’assunzione dell’incarico presso i paesi di destinazione, un corso di formazione di due settimane in Italia. Read more

Programma Esperti Associati e Giovani Funzionari delle Organizzazioni Internazionali


Il Programma Esperti Associati e Giovani Funzionari delle Organizzazioni Internazionali, noto anche come JPO Programme, è un’iniziativa finanziata dal Governo Italiano, attraverso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) e l’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS), e curata dal Dipartimento degli Affari Economici e Sociali delle Nazioni Unite (UN/DESA).

Il Programma permette a giovani italiani qualificati di 30 anni, o di età inferiore, di avere un’esperienza formativa e professionale nelle organizzazioni internazionali del sistema ONU per un periodo di due anni.

Lo scopo del Programma è duplice. Da una parte favorisce le attività di cooperazione tecnica delle organizzazioni internazionali associando giovani funzionari ad iniziative di sviluppo, dall’altra consente a giovani interessati alle carriere internazionali di compiere rilevanti esperienze professionali che nel futuro ne potrebbero favorire il reclutamento da parte delle organizzazioni stesse o in ambito internazionale.   Read more