Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy – Il racconto a episodi

Sono online i quattro episodi della Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy. Il progetto vuole raccontare, sotto gli aspetti di mentoring, selezione, sviluppo, innovazione, gli obiettivi che si pone la Scuderia quando apre questa opportunità agli studenti.

:: Episode 1 – The Academy

The Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy was established in 2015 and every year it selects outstanding engineers from some of the best universities in the world to come and work in Maranello. Here, some of the people involved explain how, in Formula 1, innovation, the continual pursuit of improvement, along with diversity of background and gender, can translate into an opportunity for the whole team to grow.

:: Episode 2 – The Selection Process

We continue our look at the Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy. In the second episode, the selection process is revisited by those selected and those making the selection. The process starts at the universities involved in the project. After tests and interviews, assessing hard and soft skills, the best candidates then spend six months on work experience within the Scuderia.

:: Episode 3 – Learning and Mentoring

In the third episode of our series on the Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy, the tutors and their charges talk about what life has been like as part of this project.
Doing one’s very best and interacting within the group leads to growth on both a professional and a human level.

:: Episode 4 – What’s Next

In the final episode of our series on the Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy, former students recount what it was like going from being an intern to an employee.
What changed and how they changed is the leitmotif of this story told by several participants who transformed their Academy experience into a profession.

• Ferrari – Laureati in Ingegneria

Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2020 (Maranello - Modena)

Pubblicato il 16/03/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria (Meccanica, Automotive, Aerodinamica, Elettronica, Meccatronica, Elettrica, dei Materiali, Informatica)

Sta per partire la Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2020, dedicata ai migliori ingegneri laureandi e neolaureati.

L’obiettivo è quello di dare il benvenuto ai migliori neo-laureati e/o laureandi magistrali in Ingegneria (Meccanica, Automotive, Aerodinamica, Elettronica, Meccatronica, Elettrica, dei Materiali, Informatica), che conseguiranno la laurea entro il 2020 e dimostreranno di avere la giusta motivazione per svolgere un’internship della durata di 6 mesi nel team Ferrari F1 per poi valutare, su base meritocratica, un’eventuale opportunità a lungo termine.

Gli studenti selezionati, verranno inseriti in un programma di internship della durata di 6 mesi con inizio nel mese di settembre 2020.

Il processo di selezione avrà inizio a giugno; i requisiti per accedere sono:

  • Conseguimento del Titolo di Laurea Magistrale/PhD nei precedenti 6 mesi oppure entro il 2020;
  • Conseguimento del titolo di Laurea Magistrale/PhD, con eccellenti voti (dal 105 in su);
  • Ottimo livello di inglese (B2);
  • Precedente esperienza di stage;
  • Precedente esperienza di stage/studio all’estero;

Gli step selettivi includono:

  • Ricezione dei CV & motivation letter (menzionando la data di disponibilità) entro venerdì 10 aprile 2020;
  • La selezione sarà basata sui criteri di cui sopra;
  • I candidati ritenuti idonei svolgeranno un Technical Test (quesiti ingegneristici on-line, la cui durata è circa 3 ore) ed un Test individuale (della durata di 1 ora e 15 minuti);
  • I candidati che avranno superato i Test saranno invitati a sostenere un’intervista individuale;
  • I finalisti saranno invitati presso l’HQ Ferrari di Maranello per due giornate di assessment centre (giugno 2020);
  • I candidati selezionati inizieranno la loro Ferrari F1 Academy il 14 settembre 2020;

I partecipanti selezionati lavoreranno per l’80% del loro tempo con i rispettivi Line Managers e per il 20% con gli altri membri della F1 Academy ed i loro tutor.

L’indirizzo e-mail dedicato per poter presentare la propria candidatura è il seguente:

:: Locandina versione .jpg

• Ferrari – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

GT Manufacturing Academy 2019 (Maranello - Modena) - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 19/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria (Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Materials Science & Controls Engineering)

“lf you can dream it, you can do it

Career Accelerator

The Ferrari GT Manufacturing Academy, based in Maranello (Italy), is looking for the best engineering graduates & PhDs to join us in within the highly  nnovative,stimulating, and challenging work environment of the Ferrari GT Manufacturing team.

This is your unique opportunity to enter the exciting and demanding world of Ferrari, by joining our newly designed and dedicated program.

Start with a dedicated 6-month internship, and deliver to earn a long term role in the Ferrari engineering team.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking excellent engineering graduates (Master and/or PhD) who have graduated within the last 12 months. Above all, we are looking for problem-solvers with the highest agility who are able to work practically as well as creatively, team-players who are hardworking and with the righthumility, are hungry to learn, and motivated to succeed.

Your academic background will come from these key disciplines:

  • Aerospace Engineering,
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
  • Materials Science & Controls Engineering.


Please apply directly on the specific opportunity on the Ferrari careers pages

Closing date for applications: Friday 11st October 2019

Internship projects start January 2020 in Maranello, Italy

GT Marketing & Sales Academy 2019 (Maranello - Modena) - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 19/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia e Ingegneria (International Business Strategy, Luxury Management, Digital Marketing & Consumer Behavior, Business, Analytics, Project Management)

“lf you can dream it, you can do it

Career Accelerator

The Ferrari GT Marketing and Sales Academy, based in Maranello (Italy), is looking for the best Economics, Business and Engineering graduates & PhDs to join us in within the highly innovative, stimulating, and challenging work environment of the Ferrari Marketing and Sales team.

This is your unique opportunity to enter the exciting and demanding world of Ferrari, by joining our newly designed and dedicated program.

Start with a dedicated 6-month internship, and deliver to earn a long term role in the Ferrari commercial team.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking best Economics, Business and Engineering graduates (Master and/or PhD) who have graduated within the last 12 months.

Above all, we are looking for problem-solvers with the highest agility who are able to work practically as well as creatively, team-players who are hardworking and with the right humility, are hungry to learn, and motivated to succeed.

Your academic background will come from these key disciplines:

  • International Business Strategy,
  • Luxury Management,
  • Digital Marketing & Consumer Behavior,
  • Business
  • Analytics,
  • Project Management.


Please apply directly on the specific opportunity on the Ferrari careers pages

Closing date for applications: Friday 11st October 2019

Internship projects start January 2020 in Maranello, Italy

GT Engineering Academy 2019 (Maranello - Modena) - Stage finalizzato all'assunzione

Pubblicato il 19/09/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria (Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Materials Science & Controls Engineering)

“lf you can dream it, you can do it

Career Accelerator

The Ferrari GT Engineering Academy, based in Maranello (Italy), is looking for the best engineering graduates & PhDs to join us in within the highly innovative, stimulating, and challenging work environment of the Ferrari GT engineering product development team.

This is your unique opportunity to enter the exciting and demanding world of Ferrari, by joining our newly designed and dedicated program.

Start with a dedicated 6-month internship, and deliver to earn a long term role in the Ferrari engineering team.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking excellent engineering graduates (Master and/or PhD) who have graduated within the last 12 months.

Above all, we are looking for problem-solvers with the highest agility who are able to work practically as well as creatively, team-players who are hardworking and with the right humility, are hungry to learn, and motivated to succeed.

Your academic background will come from these key disciplines:

  • Aerospace Engineering,
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
  • Materials Science & Controls Engineering.


Please apply directly on the specific opportunity on the Ferrari careers pages

Closing date for applications: Friday 11st October 2019

Internship projects start January 2020 in Maranello, Italy

• Ferrari – Laureati in Ingegneria

Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy (Maranello - Modena)

Pubblicato il 03/04/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria (laurea Magistrale o PhD) – Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Materials Science & Controls Engineering


“lf you can dream it, you can do it

Career Accelerator

This is your unique opportunity to enter the exciting and demanding world of racing, by joining our newly designed and dedicated program.

Who are we looking for?

We are seeking excellent engineering graduates (Master and/or PhD) who have graduated within the last 12 months. 

Above all, we are looking far problem-solvers with the highest agility who are able to work practically as well as creatively, team-players who are hardworking and with the right humility, are hungry to learn, and motivated to succeed.

Your academic background will come from these key disciplines: Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Materials Science & Controls Engineering.

Start with a dedicated 6-month internship, and deliver to earn a long term role in the Ferrari F1 team.