Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2025

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2025

Scadenza: 22 aprile 2025


La Scuderia Ferrari F1 Academy 2025 si rivolge ai migliori ingegneri laureandi e neolaureati dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e altre Università partner.

I partecipanti selezionati si uniranno al nostro team di Maranello in stage a partire dalla fine di settembre 2025 (per un periodo di 6 mesi, in HQ Scuderia).

Il processo di selezione si concluderà con un Assessment Center il 4 e 5 giugno per i partecipanti selezionati e colloqui con i line managers a fine giugno 2025.


  • Completamento della laurea magistrale entro i 12 mesi precedenti rispetto a settembre 2025;
  • Idealmente con i punteggi accademici più alti, testimonianza di eccellenza e specializzazione;
  • Forte livello di competenza nella lingua inglese (B2/C1), una lingua aggiuntiva è un “plus” (nessun requisito di conoscenza dell’italiano);
  • Esperienza precedente acquisita durante stage (idealmente in innovazione/corse/Formula Student, o simili);
  • Esperienza all’estero (fuori dal contesto culturale del proprio paese, durante gli studi o gli stage) per una migliore capacità di integrazione.

Le fasi di selezione includono:

  • Ricezione di CV e lettera di motivazione (e conferma della disponibilità della data di inizio) entro il 22 aprile 2025;
  • Selezione sui criteri sopra menzionati;
  • I candidati selezionati completeranno un test attitudinale online (periodo 30 aprile – 7 maggio, e “F1 Technical Test” il 7 maggio ore 15.00-18.00);
  • I migliori partecipanti procederanno con un colloquio individuale (video/telefonico);
  • I finalisti saranno invitati al nostro centro di valutazione online (date: 4-5 giugno);
  • I colloqui finali si terranno con i nostri responsabili di linea;
  • I candidati selezionati si uniranno al team della Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy alla fine di settembre 2025 (per una durata dello stage di 6 mesi)


Amazon Women of the World (WoW)

Amazon Women of the World (WoW) is a global community of women students. WoW supports university students and recent graduates through skill development, networking and, career readiness opportunities.

Why join Amazon WoW?
Be part of a program designed to support career readiness for women. WoW will help you expand your network, learn about different career paths, and build your leadership skills. Plus you’ll meet women who will inspire you to keep moving forward.

What you’ll learn
Our programming is designed to help you gain essential skills, discover your ideal career, and get ready for your Amazon application and beyond. You’ll learn technical skills, and have the chance to upskill in effective communication, resume, interview and assessment preparation.

“Amazon WoW played a big part in getting my tech journey started. I enjoyed networking with talented people in the industry and gaining insights into what it’s like to work at Amazon. Also, I landed my dream internship–a major step forward in my career!” Aya, Princess Sumaya University for Technology in Amman.

Take a look at the website to see more from the Amazon WoW alumni.

Where can I join?
Sign up to the Amazon WoW EMEA community here. This program is available to current university students and recent graduates in Europe, Middle East and Africa. We have sessions available on demand now and live events will start from September 2024.

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2024

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2024

Scadenza: 21 aprile 2024


La Scuderia Ferrari F1 Academy 2024 si rivolge ai migliori ingegneri laureandi e neolaureati dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e altre Università partner.

Il processo di selezione è già iniziato e si concluderà con Assessment Center il 3-4 giugno per i partecipanti selezionati, e colloqui con i line managers a fine giugno 2024.

I requisiti sono:

  1. Completamento della laurea magistrale entro i 12 mesi precedenti rispetto a settembre 2024;
  2. Idealmente con i punteggi accademici più alti, testimonianza di eccellenza e specializzazione;
  3. Forte livello di competenza nella lingua inglese (B2/C1), una lingua aggiuntiva sarebbe un “plus” (nessun requisito di conoscenza dell’italiano);
  4. Esperienza precedente acquisita durante stage (idealmente in innovazione/corse/Formula Student, o simili);
  5. Esperienza all’estero (fuori dal contesto culturale del proprio paese, durante gli studi o gli stage) per una migliore capacità di integrazione.

Read more

20 marzo 2024, International Certifications: Which one should you choose and why?

20 marzo 2024, International Certifications: Which one should you choose and why?

Mercoledì 20 marzo 2024
ore 13.30-14.30
:: online webinar ::


A seminar on international English language certifications such as Cambridge, TOEFL, and IELTS could cover several topics, including:

  1. Introduction to Certifications: An overview of the different certifications available, with a brief history of each and how they have become international standards for assessing students’ language proficiency.
  2. Purpose and Objectives: Explanation of the different purposes and objectives behind each certification. For example, Cambridge focuses on practical use of the English language in real-life situations, while TOEFL and IELTS are often required for university admission or employment purposes.
  3. Differences in Assessment: Discussion on differences in assessment criteria and scoring between the various certifications. This could include an overview of score bands for IELTS, section-based scores for TOEFL, and the grade-based scoring system for Cambridge certifications
  4. Advice on Choosing a Certification: Discussion on which certification might be more suitable for students’ individual needs, based on their goals, admission requirements, and personal preferences. For example, if a candidate intends to study at a university in the United States, they may be advised to opt for the TOEFL.

How to book a spot

Everybody is welcome. To register please go here:

6 marzo 2024, Interviewing Techniques for International Companies

6 marzo 2024, Interviewing Techniques for International Companies

Mercoledì 6 marzo 2024
ore 13.30-14.30
online webinar


The conference begins with an overview of fundamental strategies for preparing for an effective interview. It discusses the importance of pre-researching the company and the role for which one is applying, highlighting the significance of understanding the company culture and its specific needs.

Subsequently, various non-verbal communication techniques are examined, such as eye contact, body language, and posture, emphasizing the crucial role they play in positively impressing the interviewer.

The seminar then proceeds with a detailed examination of the most common questions asked during an interview, along with the best strategies for responding effectively. It emphasizes the importance of providing relevant and well-structured answers, using concrete examples to demonstrate one’s skills and abilities.

Finally, the conference concludes with practical advice on how to end an interview memorably and successfully follow up afterward, by sending thank-you letters and maintaining proper follow-up.

The conference thus offers a comprehensive guide to best practices for successfully navigating an interview in English, providing participants with the tools needed to impress interviewers and increase their chances of success.

How to book a spot

Everybody is welcome. To register please go here:

EF and Tor Vergata University of Rome will hold one more useful webinar on the job market: “International Certifications: Which one should you choose and why?” – 20th March h 1.30 pm. Book your spot now!

28 febbraio 2024, CV Clinique: how to write a perfect cv and an outstanding motivation letter

28 febbraio 2024, CV Clinique: how to write a perfect cv and an outstanding motivation letter

Mercoledì 28 febbraio 2024
ore 13.30-14.30
online webinar



Are you ready to stand out in the competitive job market? Join us for the CV Clinique workshop, where you’ll learn the art of creating a standout CV and a compelling motivation letter.

In this interactive session, you’ll discover the key elements of a winning CV, including how to effectively showcase your skills, experiences and achievements. Our expert facilitator. Dr Giorgio Iemmolo, will provide valuable tips on formatting, language usage, and tailoring your CV to different job opportunities.

Don’t miss this  chance to elevate your application game and increase your chances of success. Reserve your spot now for this workshop and take the first step towards achieving your career goals!

How to book a spot

Everybody is welcome. To register please go here:

EF and Tor Vergata University of Rome will hold two more useful webinars on the job market: “Interviewing Techniques for International Companies” – 6th March h 1.30 pm and “International Certifications: Which one should you choose and why?” – 20th March h 1.30 pm. Book your spot now!

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2023

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Engineering Academy 2023

Scadenza: 11 aprile 2023


La Scuderia Ferrari F1 Academy 2023 si rivolge ai migliori ingegneri laureandi e neolaureati dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” e altre Università partner.

L’obiettivo è quello di dare il benvenuto ai migliori neo-laureati e/o laureandi magistrali che conseguiranno la laurea entro settembre 2023 in discipline ingegneristiche quali meccanica, elettrica, elettronica, materiali, aerospaziale, gestionale, ed altri corsi di studio affini.

Gli studenti/laureati selezionati, verranno inseriti in un programma di internship della durata di 6 mesi che partirà a inizio di settembre 2023. Read more

Ferrari GT Engineering and Manufacturing Academy 2023


La Ferrari GT Academy si rivolge ai migliori ingegneri (laureandi e laureati magistrali).

L’obiettivo è quello di dare il benvenuto ai migliori neo-laureati o laureandi magistrali (che conseguiranno la laurea entro Gennaio 2023) in ingegneria (meccanica, elettronica, elettrica, dei materiali, aerospaziale, gestionale, industriale etc.).

Gli studenti selezionati, verranno inseriti in un programma di internship della durata di 6 mesi che partirà all’inizio del 2023.

Il processo di selezione avrà inizio da ora (Ottobre) e terminerà a inizio Dicembre 2022, i cui requisiti per accedere sono:

  • Conseguimento del Titolo di Laurea Magistrale/PhD nei precedenti 6 mesi oppure entro Gennaio 2023;
  • Conseguimento del titolo di Laurea Magistrale/PhD, con eccellenti voti (idealmente dal 105 al 110L);
  • Ottimo livello di inglese (B2), un’altra lingua costituirà un plus;
  • Precedente esperienza di stage (in campo automotive/innovation/digital-solutions costituirà un plus);
  • Precedente esperienza di stage/studio all’estero.

Read more

Make an Impact – Amazon’s EMEA Internship Conference

September 13th, 14th, & 15th.

The conference will offer a number of sessions including Sustainability at Amazon, Crush Your CV, and the Importance of Networking. You will have the opportunity to meet and connect with current and former interns, intern managers and recruiters.

You will hear first-hand what it is to be an intern at Amazon, what intern managers are looking for and learn about impactful projects our interns work on. Former interns will share their personal experiences and walk you through the career path one can have after an internship.

This conference will also share insights into open internship roles and provide an opportunity to connect with a recruiter.

Registration page:

7 giugno 2022, Amazon Operations – Ninja Quiz

7 giugno 2022, Amazon Operations – Ninja Quiz

June 7th, 2022
h 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CEST
Language: english

Do you think you know all about Amazon Operations?

This event is all about taking a moment to connect over a fun challenge: learn while having fun.

Register and attend this fun and interactive challenge and get the chance to win Amazon gift cards.

You will also have the possibility to understand what it takes to pass an Amazon interview: let us give you some useful tips.


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