Internship (functional and technical solutioning analysis team)

Pubblicato il : 02/05/2016
Tipo di Laurea: Fisica, Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Matematica
Octo Telematics researchs an intern to be included in the functional and technical solutioning analysis team. His role is propedeutic to the realization of SW that meets customers needs. In particular, she/he will be accountable for the activity of functional internal/external demand analysis. She/he will support the analysis and drafting of documents to support the development and test teams. In the same area of expertise she/he will monitor all the activities preparatory to the development of software solutions and new services. Excellent knowledge of English language and analytical skills are mandatory.
Period: 6 months
Place of work: Rome
Reimbursement: 600€ per month
Other facilities: ticket restaurant € 5.29
University Degree: Informatics, Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
Please send an updated CV to with reference to the Internship in Feasability Area.