Intern Publicity

Pubblicato il 15/01/2020
Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Lettere
The candidate will be required to:
- establish and maintain relations with media outlets and journalists;
- maintain and update a database with contact details of outlets and journalists;
- ensure that all publicity material referring to WB releases is provided to the appropriate journalists at the right time;
- support the publicity team activities for Tour Junkets, Premieres and Festivals;
- organize press screenings for long leads and fast breaking media;
- organize media promoted activities;
- coordinate the localization and duplication of publicity material;
- prepare press clippings related to WB movies;
- send invitations and material to journalists and influencers for press screenings;
- track logistics for Italian press traveling abroad for movie junkets;
- draft updates and publicity reports for WB management;
- coordinate localization for WB website and other promotional web activities.
Stage della durata di sei mesi (extracurriculare o curriculare):
Rimborso spese € 800 (per l’extracurriculare) o € 400 (per il curriculare) + Buoni pasto del valore di € 9,70 per ogni giorno di presenza;
Si richiede un’ottima conoscenza sia della lingua inglese che del pacchetto Microsoft Windows.
Le candidature potranno essere inviate al seguente indirizzo: