Stage Junior Risk Analyst
Pubblicato il: 01/04/2016
Tipo Laurea: Ingegneria, Informatica
Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia SpA, part of the London Stock Exchange Group provides an internship opportunity as
Junior Risk Analyst
within the Risk Policy team.
CC&G’s Risk Policy team is mainly dedicated to the Validation of Risk Models and to Operational Risk Management.
Main activities:
- Support in the development of a web-based interface aimed at validating risks models
- Build a replica of all existing risk models components (input, calculation steps and output).
- Develop alternative risk models
- Stress Testing
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Operational risk management and reporting
- Develop, monitor and report Key Risk Indicators
- Manage the incident database
- Monitoring and reporting of Basel III parameters
- Second level controls on investments
Essential skills:
- Master’s Degree in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer sciences
- Knowledge of financial markets and instruments
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office package
- Good knowledge of programming languages (e.g. Matlab, VB, Java, C++,…)
- Familiarity with Credit Risk Measurement
- Good Analytical skills and problem solving attitude
- Fluency in English
- Strong Attitude to teamwork
- Other IT skills (e.g. Drupal 7, PHP, CSS ….) would be a plus
Additional qualifications:
- DB knowledge (e.g. MySQL, …)
- A previous experience as Risk Analyst within banking/ investment banking and financial contexts would be a “plus”
- Familiarity with Info providers Terminals (Reuters, Bloomberg)
Site: Rome, Via Tomacelli, 146