Global Markets DRB - Equipe Exchange Traded Solutions / Distribution (Equity Derivatives)
Pubblicato il 04/04/2018
Tipo di Laurea: Economia
Info azienda
- BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) è presente a Milano e a Roma con l’obiettivo di sviluppare il modello di business globale di BNP Paribas CIB in tutte le linee di attività. CIB mette a disposizione a tutta la clientela del Gruppo la competenza, la forza propositiva e il supporto di un grande network internazionale, agendo come riferimento per l’intera gamma di prodotti e servizi del Polo. Avvalendosi di circa 3.000 professionisti in 57 paesi del mondo, CIB offre alla clientela italiana servizi di Corporate Banking (Corporate Finance, Financing Solutions, Corporate Trade & Treasury Solutions) e di Global Markets.
- Ragione sociale: BNP Paribas Succursale Italia
- Iva: 04449690157
- Società: Credito e assicurazioni
- Dipendenti: 380
- Sede legale: Piazza Lina Bo Bardi 3, 20124 Milano MI
Offerta lavorativa, tipo di contratto e compenso
- “Pricing”: Pricing of new products respecting the same criteria used by the competitors and identification of potential new products
- Contribution to the Issuing Process:
- Elaboration of Term Sheets
- Final revision of final terms
- Respect of an ongoing relationship with the legal, Trading and BO & MO teams
- Exchange with the stock market
- Follow-up of the quality of all the products during their entire life cycle: quick estimation of the new values and exchange with the stock market:
- Rolling
- Events
- Corporate transactions
- “Analysis of the competitors”: Careful monitoring of the market trends and the competitors’ activities in order to make the BNPP offers always up-to-date (for example: making daily and weekly statistical analysis; writing weekly reports).
- Management of «special products and services»:
- Management of the PD Italy database
- Downloads of the outstandings and the margins via SmartDerivatives on the outstanding range
- Creation of an unique database for the « outstandings »
- Shaping of the outstanding range (automatic calls, expirations, coupon)
- Control of different files
- Uploading new products
- “Pricing”: Pricing des nouveaux produits ainsi que ceux de la concurrence et détection des potentiels nouveaux produits
- Contribution au Processus d’émission:
- Elaboration des Term Sheets.
- Revue finale des Terms
- Assurer la liaison avec le Legal, les équipes de Trading, BO & MO
- Echange avec le marché boursier
- Assurer un suivi de qualité des produits pendant toute la durée de leur cycle de vie : calculs rapides des nouvelles valeurs et échanges avec les marchés boursiers :
- Rolling
- Evènements « Knock-out »
- Opérations de sociétés
- “Analyses concurrentielles”: Etude du marché et des concurrents afin de s’assurer que l’offre BNPP est toujours à jour (ex : Analyses statistiques quotidiennes et hebdomadaires et rapports hebdomadaires).
- Gestion des « produits exceptionnels » :
- Gestion de la base de données PD Italy
- Téléchargements des « outstanding » et des marges via SmartDerivatives sur la gamme outstanding
- Création d’une base de données unique pour les « outstandings »
- Modélisation de la gamme d’outstanding (appels automatiques, expirations, coupon)
- Contrôle des fichiers
- Mise en ligne des nouveaux produits
Tipo di contratto: Contratto a tempo determinato
Compenso: to be defined
Requisiti candidato
- Be maximum 28 years old
- Have already graduated from a full Master degree when the VIE starts
- You cannot hold the nationality of the country where the VIE is located
- Have already graduated from a full Master degree when the VIE starts
- Hold a European nationality or from another country eligible to the program
- Quantitative background or strong interest for quantitative issues.
- Interest for financial markets and its current trends
- Good interpersonal skills
- Very good knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop. VBA is a plus.
- Project management / prioritization skills
- English (fluent); Italian (basic)
- Avoir 28 ans maximum
- Être diplomé d’un Master 2
- Vous ne pouvez pas avoir la nationalité du pays dans lequel le VIE est localize
- Avoir la nationalité européenne ou d’un autre pays éligible au programme
- Bonnes bases quantitatives et financières
- “Digital native” et innovation de rupture
- Fort intérêt pour la finance de marché
- Très bonne connaissance d’Excel et Power Point. VBA est un plus.
- Gestion de projets / capacités à gérer les priorités
- Excellentes qualités relationnelles
- Anglais (fluide); Italien (base)
Sede di lavoro e dati referente
Sede di lavoro: Piazza Lina Bo Bardi 3, 20124 Milano MI
Dati referente:
- Nome & Cognome: Gianluigi Garbatini
- Numero di telefono: 3356077236
- E-mail: