• UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions (UBIS) – Laureati in Ingegneria

Facility Specialist - Permanent (Palermo)


Pubblicato il: 06/04/2016

Tipo Laurea: Ingegneria (Engineering Graduate)

Job Area: Real Estate & Procurement

Location: Palermo

Area description

UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions (UBIS) is an ICT company that operates on a global level as the main ICT service provider for UniCredit. With 19 locations in 8 European companies, UBIS is the provider for all technological and organisational solutions..

Function description

The Real Estate Service Line offers commercial, technical and administrative real estate services for the Group; it supports the lead group in the management and optimisation of the portfolio of property owned for strategic and non-strategic assets; it manages and optimises the Real Estate budget in terms of cost and investments and promotes and controls property transactions and projects carried out by the other Legal Entities of the Group.
In particular, the Service Line is responsible for defining a global strategy of expansion, investment and disinvestment for the properties of the Group in order to generate value from the assets in the managed portfolio and coordinate the global property strategy, ensuring that it is applied to the expansion and investment initiatives of all the Legal Entities.
The Service Line is further responsible for the planning and provision of facility management services with the aim of maintaining the efficiency and operative continuity of the property assets and provides administration services for the properties.
Finally the Service Line is responsible for planning, defining, executing and monitoring all the activities required by Legislative Decree No. 81 at Group level, with regard to the protection of worker health and safety.

Job description

Main activities:

  • Verify and oversee the activities of both regular maintenance contractors (for buildings and plants) as well as contractors tasked with specific services (janitorial, etc.);
  • Carry out the planning, budgeting and coordination of the execution of non-routine maintenance activities, with particular reference to the properties owned by the Group;
  • Supervise the execution of the activities required by laws and regulations and the proper management of the documentation relating to each property managed;
  • Plan and execute various activities related to transformation or implementation of projects requested by clients in properties managed by the Group;
  • Actively collaborate in initiatives (data collection, monitoring, plant settings, etc.) aimed at saving energy and reducing energy consumption;
  • Collaborate in any activities related to the valorization (sales, active leasing, etc.) of assets owned by the Group;
  • Analyze the potential of the properties under Group management in order to maximize the value and plan any potential activity related to sales/leasing/income generation etc.

In particular, the candidate:

  • will act as the final interface for users of properties under Group management. In this capacity, he/she must play an active role in the identification/prevention of possible problems, in the identification of possible solutions, and in the identification of initiatives designed to reduce operational costs;
  • will coordinate real estate projects related to emergency maintenance or transformation, including complex situations which may involve multiple sites;
  • will be required, regardless of professional background, to provide support and work training for his/her team.

What we expect from you

  • Collaboration and team work aptitude
  • Efficiently communicate verbally and writing
  • Fluent English (written and spoken)
  • Good knowledge of MS Office suite
  • Problem solving
  • Degree in Engineering
  • At least two years of experience in Facility Management

What we offer to you

If you are looking for an international career in the Technology sector, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions is the right place for you! You will be challenged with an unique experienced to foster your charisma and creativity, technical competences but also team spirit and continuous learning attitude.

  • Entry date: 30/06/2016
  • Contract Type: Permanent Contract

Gli interessati alla posizione possono candidarsi direttamente sul Sito UniCredit, al seguente link: https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?company=Unicredit.


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