6 marzo 2019, Amazon @ Tor Vergata: Info & Coaching Session

March 6th, 2019
h 11am-1pm, Room TL – Ground Floor Building A
Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

On March 6th, Amazon will come to our University and meet our students and recent graduates to present job opportunities both for internships and full time jobs!

If you are a student/recent graduate from one of the following Faculties/Courses apply writing to placement@uniroma2.it (subject: “Amazon @ Tor Vergata”) and don’t miss this date!

  • Engineering
  • Business Administration (Supply Chain)
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Computer Science

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• Cementir Holding – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Junior S&M Analyst

Pubblicato il: 05/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Business Administration, Economia

Cementir is an Italian multinational Group which produces and distributes grey and white cement, ready-mixed concrete, aggregates and concrete products.

Over the years Cementir has grown organically and through acquisitions investing since 2001 over €1.7 billion worldwide in M&A to strengthen geographical and product diversification. Cementir is the largest manufacturer and exporter of white cement worldwide, with a total production capacity of more than 3.3 million tons in Denmark, Egypt, China, Malaysia and the United States. The company also ships white cement to over 70 countries.


For our Corporate Sales, Marketing and Commercial Development (SMCD) Department, an international team with members based in Italy, Denmark and China, we are looking for an Intern who will report directly to our Market Intelligence Senior Analyst. Corporate SMCD Department leads and coordinates marketing and commercial development activities at
Group level for the whole range of products in Cementir scope, including (not limited to) market and
competitive Intelligence, business scouting in new/adjacent markets, product innovation and new
business modelling, etc.

As a member of the Team, in particular he/she will be dedicated to the following activities:

  •           Support all the analytical tasks, specifically for market intel databases;
  •           Geo-reference mapping database updates,
  •           Web searches and basic competitor assessment, commercial assessments, data sourcing and crunching, etc.;
  •           Preparing ad hoc analysis, support commercial and business development projects, preparation of presentations and reports, etc.
  •           Possible assignment as resource to specific projects, even focused abroad, within SMCD team.

Key Requirements: 

  •           Proficient at English;
  •           Master’s degree in Business Administration/Strategic Marketing or student in white semester period, or Postgraduate Master’s degree in Business Administration’s related topics.
  •           Solid knowledge of Excel and Power Point;
  •           Knowledge about financials, web marketing analysis tools, familiarity with Statistics and Big Data Management.

What we offer: 

  •  6 months internship
  • An interesting experience in the HQ of an international multinational company;
  • Participation in Training initiatives (on the job, online, in classroom)
  • Monthly reimbursement of 800 € + daily ticket restaurant.

Indirizzo email a cui inviare il CV : a.placella@cementirholding.it

Global Procurement Internship

Pubblicato il: 05/02/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale

Cementir is an Italian multinational Group which produces and distributes grey and white cement, ready-mixed concrete, aggregates and concrete products. Over the years Cementir has grown organically and through acquisitions investing since 2001 over €1.7 billion worldwide in M&A to strengthen geographical and product diversification. Cementir is the largest manufacturer and exporter of white cement worldwide, with a total production capacity of more than 3.3 million tons in Denmark, Egypt, China, Malaysia and the United States. The company also ships white cement to over 70 countries.

For our Global Procurement Department we are looking for an Intern who will refere directly to our Senior Trader. The person will be involved in the whole trading processes.

In particular he/she will be dedicated to the following tasks:

  •  Contract Management, including drafting of contracts;
  •  Offer Analysis;
  •  Follow up and expediting.


  • Master’s degree in Economics/ Management Engineering;
  • Knowledge of the main Trading and negotiation methods;
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office tools;
  • Outstanding English.

What we offer:

  • An interesting experience in the HQ of an international multinational company (18 countries);
  •  Participation in Training initiatives (on the job, online, in classroom)

What are you waiting for? Apply!

Period : 6 Months
Location : ROME
Reimbursment : 800 €
Facilities : Restaurant Ticket

Indirizzo email a cui inviare il CV : a.placella@cementirholding.it

• Merck – Laureati in Economia

Customer Care Representative Intern – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Pubblicato il 21/01/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Merck is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Around 40,000 employees in 66 countries work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life – from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions.

Your role: In this position you are responsible for the after sales service of the order processed, from the moment that the order is shipped to taking care of after sales service. You guarantee the quality of our supply chain and you are therefore in contact with key accounts, sales colleagues and manufacturing sites. An eye for detail and passion for the job make you the best at your work. You’re always looking for a way to optimize Merck’s service and like to share these ideas with your team.

Who you are

  • An (educational) background in Business
  • Customer service experience in a similar international environment is a plus.
  • Experience with SAP and Oracle systems is a plus
  • Fluency in Italian both conversational and written plus fluent English. Speaking Spanish would be a plus.
  • A positive outlook on dealing with customers and know how to organize/prioritize your work.
  • Enjoy working in an international team.
  • Driven to provide outstanding customer service.
  • Flexible – open to change and able to adjust accordingly.

What we offer: Your possibilities to develop in our growing company are just as manifold as our product portfolio. We offer a modern and international working environment to unleash your innovative potential in diverse teams, and take responsibility for our employees, products, the environment and society.

Location: Merck Chemicals Amsterdam Office

If interested send your CV to: enrico.verdolotti@merckgroup.com and in c.c.: enricoverdolotti.ev@gmail.com

• IVASS – Laureati in Economia, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Scienze

20 tirocini formativi e di orientamento in convenzione con l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Tipo di Laurea (magistrale): Business Administration, Economia e Management, Economia dei Mercati e degli Intermediari Finanziari, Economics, Finance and Banking, Giurisprudenza, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Informatica, Matematica Pura e Applicata, Scienze dell’Informazione della Comunicazione e dell’Editoria


:: Graduatoria preliminare sulla base di Voto, Media Voto, Età

Inizio termine invio candidature: 27 novembre 2018

Scadenza invio candidature: 12 dicembre 2018

:: Domanda di ammissione in pdf


L’iniziativa intende favorire l’integrazione delle competenze maturate dai tirocinanti nei percorsi di studio universitario con una concreta esperienza presso l’IVASS, Istituzione caratterizzata da un’elevata complessità di funzioni e di organizzazione.

I tirocinanti saranno coinvolti in una o più delle attività svolte dalle seguenti Strutture dell’Istituto presso le quali si svolgeranno i tirocini:

Servizio Vigilanza prudenziale: supervisione sulla gestione operativa dei gruppi e delle imprese del mercato assicurativo e riassicurativo e degli altri soggetti che per loro conto gestiscono processi e funzioni inerenti al ciclo industriale assicurativo e riassicurativo e sulle forme previdenziali.  Il Servizio si articola in 4 Divisioni (Divisioni Gruppi assicurativi I, II e III e Divisione Analisi Rischi).

Servizio Sanzioni: predisposizione degli atti conclusivi dei procedimenti sanzionatori pecuniari, cura degli adempimenti e delle valutazioni connesse e formulazione della proposta di applicazione della sanzione o di archiviazione.

Servizio Liquidazioni: adempimenti relativi alla nomina, alla revoca e alla sostituzione degli organi delle procedure liquidatorie e  vigilanza sulle stesse, attraverso il controllo del regolare svolgimento delle attività di accertamento del passivo, di liquidazione dell’attivo e di distribuzione dei riparti.

Servizio Normativa e politiche di vigilanza: produzione della normativa esterna di competenza dell’Istituto, cura dei rapporti con le istituzioni comunitarie e internazionali e con le Autorità di vigilanza europee, analisi del mercato finanziario e assicurativo. Il Servizio si articola in 3 Divisioni (Divisione Normativa, Divisione Cooperazione internazionale, Divisione Analisi macroprudenziale).

Servizio Tutela del consumatore: vigilanza sulla correttezza dei comportamenti delle imprese e sulla trasparenza dei prodotti assicurativi, cura delle attività relative all’esercizio dell’assicurazione in regime di stabilimento e/o di libera prestazione di servizi da parte di imprese estere. Il Servizio si articola in 3 Divisioni (Divisione Gestione reclami, Divisione Imprese estere, Divisione Prodotti e pratiche di vendita).

Servizio Studi e gestione dati: attività di studio delle problematiche assicurative, raccolta, controllo e gestione dei dati afferenti le basi istituzionali e diffusione dei dati certificati, cura del contrasto delle frodi nei confronti delle imprese di assicurazione e coordinamento della predisposizione delle relazioni annuali dell’Istituto. Il Servizio si articola in 3 Divisioni (Divisione Antifrode, Divisione Studi e analisi statistiche, Divisione Rilevazione e gestione delle informazioni).

Servizio Gestione risorse: gestione del personale, elaborazione della disciplina regolamentare del rapporto di lavoro nonché delle linee di sviluppo organizzativo dell’Istituto. Cura della gestione amministrativa, contabile e finanziaria, del controllo economico di gestione e delle procedure di affidamento per l’acquisizione di beni, servizi e lavori. Progettazione e realizzazione delle reti e delle applicazioni informatiche ed erogazione dei servizi informatici. Il Servizio si articola in 4 Divisioni (Divisione Gestione Risorse Umane, Divisione Contabilità e bilancio, Divisione Pianificazione organizzativa e gestionale, Divisione Tecnologie e sistemi). All’interno del Servizio è presente il Settore Gare, appalti e contratti.

Ufficio Segreteria di Presidenza e del Consiglio: attività di assistenza e segreteria per gli organi di vertice, cura della comunicazione istituzionale e attività di promozione e coordinamento volte a valorizzare l’immagine dell’Istituto.

Servizio Vigilanza intermediari: vigilanza sull’operato degli intermediari assicurativi –  sotto il profilo della regolarità del comportamento degli intermediari stessi e dei loro collaboratori e della conformità alla normativa di settore – e gestione del Registro unico degli intermediari (RUI). Il Servizio si articola in 2 Divisioni (Divisione Vigilanza intermediari e Divisione Gestione RUI).



È previsto l’avvio di 20 tirocini che si svolgeranno a Roma presso le sedi dell’IVASS di via del Quirinale 21- Via delle Quattro Fontane 147 – via Due Macelli 73, così suddivisi:

  • Servizio Vigilanza prudenziale:
    • 2 tirocini per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale.
  • Servizio Sanzioni:
    • 1 tirocinio per laureati in giurisprudenza.
  • Servizio Liquidazioni:
    • 1 tirocinio per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale.
  • Servizio Normativa e politiche di vigilanza:
    1. 1 tirocinio per laureati in giurisprudenza;
    2. 1 tirocinio per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale;
    3. 1 tirocinio per laureati discipline con orientamento statistico-quantitativo.
  • Servizio Tutela del consumatore:
    1. 3 tirocini per laureati in giurisprudenza;
    2. 1 tirocinio per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale.
  • Servizio Studi e gestione dati:
    • 3 tirocini per laureati in varie discipline (orientamento economico-aziendale, orientamento statistico-quantitativo, ingegneria gestionale);
  • Servizio Gestione risorse:
    1. 1 tirocinio per laureati in giurisprudenza;
    2. 2 tirocini per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale o ingegneria gestionale;
    3. 1 tirocinio per laureati in ingegneria informatica o informatica.
  • Ufficio Segreteria di Presidenza e del Consiglio:
    • 1 tirocinio per laureati in scienze della comunicazione.
  • Servizio Vigilanza intermediari:
    • 1 tirocinio per laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale.

Il dettaglio dei codici delle classi di laurea ammesse per la partecipazione alla selezione è riportato nella tabella allegata al presente bando.

L’IVASS si riserva la facoltà di non assegnare i tirocini ove la procedura di selezione non consenta di individuare profili coerenti con le finalità dell’iniziativa e di interrompere anticipatamente i tirocini per gravi e giustificati motivi quali, ad esempio, la mancata osservanza da parte dell’interessato delle modalità di svolgimento dello stage.



Le esperienze avranno la durata di 6 mesi e saranno avviate, orientativamente, entro il primo trimestre 2019.



Le attività di tirocinio saranno svolte durante tutti i giorni feriali, dal lunedì al venerdì, e comporteranno un impegno medio giornaliero non inferiore alle 6 ore.



Ai tirocinanti sarà riconosciuta un’indennità di partecipazione pari a 800,00 euro lordi mensili, previa verifica del rispetto degli obblighi di assiduità (art.15 deliberazione Giunta Regionale Lazio n. 533/2017). Ai partecipanti sarà riconosciuto altresì un buono pasto dell’importo di 7,00 euro in caso di presenza giornaliera pari ad almeno 6 ore.

L’indennità non è cumulabile con altre forme di finanziamento assimilabili, quali assegni di ricerca, borse di dottorato di ricerca ovvero altre borse di studio. I candidati assegnatari dei tirocini, pertanto, saranno invitati a rinunciare agli altri finanziamenti per il periodo coperto dall’indennità stessa.



  1. laurea magistrale/specialistica, conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” a decorrere dal 1° marzo 2018, in: giurisprudenza; discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale; discipline con orientamento statistico-quantitativo; ingegneria informatica o informatica; ingegneria gestionale; scienze della comunicazione (cfr. dettaglio dei codici delle classi di laurea ammesse riportato nella tabella allegata);
  2. voto di laurea non inferiore a 105/110;
  3. età inferiore a 29 anni alla scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle candidature.



Le candidature dovranno essere inviate all’indirizzo email cv@placement.uniroma2.it (oggetto della mail: “Candidatura Tirocini Ivass 2018”) dal 27 novembre 2018 al 12 dicembre 2018 in un unico file pdf provviste di:

  1. domanda di ammissione alla selezione e dichiarazione sottoscritta ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 (come da facsimile allegato);
  2. curriculum vitae in formato europeo;
  3. un abstract della tesi di laurea in non più di 400 parole;
  4. fotocopia di un documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità ovvero recante la dichiarazione che i dati contenuti nel documento non hanno subito variazioni dalla data del rilascio.

L’IVASS si riserva di verificare l’effettivo possesso da parte dei candidati dei requisiti e dei titoli dichiarati e di disporre l’esclusione dalla selezione o l’interruzione dello stage nei confronti dei soggetti che risultino sprovvisti di uno o più requisiti o titoli.

Ai sensi dell’art. 5, comma 8, della Delibera della Giunta Regionale del Lazio n. 533/2017, non sono attivabili tirocini in favore di professionisti abilitati o qualificati all’esercizio di professioni regolamentate per attività tipiche ovvero riservate alla professione.



L’Università acquisirà le candidature esclusivamente dai propri laureati, verificherà il possesso dei requisiti di partecipazione e curerà la preselezione delle candidature sulla base della votazione riportata nell’esame finale della laurea specialistica/magistrale; a parità di votazione, farà riferimento alla media dei voti, autodichiarata dai candidati nella domanda di ammissione, riportati dai candidati negli esami relativi alla laurea triennale e specialistica/magistrale oppure magistrale a ciclo unico approssimata al 2° decimale; a parità di votazione media selezionerà i candidati anagraficamente più giovani.

A seguito di tale preselezione, l’Università trasmetterà all’IVASS – Servizio Gestione risorse – Divisione Gestione Risorse umane:

  1. 10 candidature di laureati in giurisprudenza;
  2. 10 candidature di laureati in discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale;
  3. 10 candidature di laureati in discipline con orientamento statistico-quantitativo;
  4. 4 candidature di laureati in informatica o in ingegneria informatica;
  5. 3 candidature di laureati in scienze della comunicazione;
  6. 3 candidature di laureati in ingegneria gestionale.

Ove l’Università segnali un numero di candidature superiore a quello richiesto, l’IVASS si riserva la facoltà di redigere una graduatoria dei candidati dell’Ateneo, sulla base dei criteri indicati, in esito alla quale individuerà i candidati da ammettere alla seconda fase della selezione.



I candidati preselezionati dall’Università saranno invitati a sostenere un colloquio con una Commissione interna nominata dall’IVASS. Il colloquio verterà sulle competenze necessarie allo svolgimento dello stage e sulle motivazioni alla partecipazione. Nel corso del colloquio la Commissione apprezzerà nell’ordine  i seguenti elementi:

  1. l’andamento del colloquio stesso;
  2. il voto di laurea;
  3. l’attinenza dell’argomento della tesi di laurea e del percorso universitario svolto con gli obiettivi del tirocinio e il settore di attività delle Strutture presso le quali il tirocinio avrà luogo;
  4. gli eventuali progetti e/o le pubblicazioni (paper, tesine, articoli) su argomenti inerenti gli obiettivi del tirocinio e il settore di attività delle Strutture presso le quali il tirocinio avrà luogo;
  5. eventuali ulteriori esperienze professionali e/o di studio.

I colloqui si terranno a Roma presso la sede dell’IVASS di via del Quirinale 21.

La Commissione, all’esito dei colloqui, individuerà le persone alle quali assegnare i tirocini e definirà una graduatoria di “idonei” alla quale attingere in caso di rinuncia da parte degli assegnatari o per avviare ulteriori stage della specie.



Ai sensi del D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 e s.m.i., in materia di protezione dei dati personali, si informa che i dati forniti dai candidati sono raccolti presso l’IVASS – Servizio Gestione Risorse per le finalità di gestione della selezione e dell’eventuale tirocinio e sono, altresì, trattati in forma automatizzata. Il conferimento di tali dati è obbligatorio, a pena di esclusione dalla selezione. I dati idonei a rivelare lo stato di salute dei candidati sono trattati per l’adempimento degli obblighi previsti dalle leggi vigenti. I suddetti dati possono essere comunicati ad altre amministrazioni pubbliche ai fini di verifica di quanto dichiarato dai candidati ovvero negli altri casi previsti da leggi e regolamenti. È possibile esercitare nei confronti del Titolare del trattamento (IVASS, Via del Quirinale 21, 00187 Roma), il diritto di accesso ai dati personali e gli altri diritti previsti dalla legge, tra i quali  sono compresi il diritto di conoscere l’origine dei dati nonché le finalità e le modalità del trattamento, il diritto di fare aggiornare, rettificare o integrare i dati nonché di ottenere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco di quelli trattati in violazione di legge, il diritto di opporsi in tutto o in parte per motivi legittimi al trattamento. Possono venire a conoscenza dei dati il Capo del Servizio Gestione Risorse, delegato del Titolare del trattamento, e gli incaricati dei suddetti adempimenti. Il Responsabile della protezione dei dati (DPO) per l’IVASS è il dott. Massimo Francescangeli, Via del Quirinale 21, 00187 Roma.


Discipline con orientamento economico-aziendale LM-77



Discipline con orientamento statistico- quantitativo LM-82





Ingegneria gestionale


Informatica/Ingegneria informatica LM-18


Scienze della comunicazione




[1] Fatte salve equiparazioni ai sensi di legge.

• Amazon – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Graduate: Responsabile di Produzione - Area Manager - Leadership program - Italy PERMANENT CONTRACT

Pubblicato il 03/12/2018

Tipo di Laurea: preferibilmente Business Administration, Economia e Management, Ingegneria Gestionale


Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company.

Every day across the world we develop the ideas, the services and the products that make life easier for tens of millions of customers. From providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon is a place of invention and progressive thinking.

Amazon is continually evolving and is a place where motivated employees thrive and employee ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History.
With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe.
Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience. These range from business analysis and inventory management, to team leadership, engineering, transportation and retail. Our network of Fulfilment Centres is supported by Operations Managers, Support Managers, Senior Operations Managers and Team Managers. Between them they take responsibility for the receipt and stowing of inventory, picking, packing and shipping, to ensure that our customers receive what they want, when they want it.
Whatever your background or current area of expertise, if you’re motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. We’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt to changes quickly and we encourage you to try new things and take your career down different paths. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth.

About the Graduate role:
Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic graduates to join the fast paced world of Logistics in Italian Operations as a Graduate Area/Shift Manager. This will be a permanent role from day one with structured onboarding and plenty of training and support.

An Area/Shift Manager is a manager with a bias for action. You will manage day-to-day operations in one of the segments from inbound to outbound (receiving, stowing, picking, packing, and shipping) and liaise with other departments to ensure a smooth flow of operations. Through your work, you will continuously improve the functionality and level of service that the Fulfilment centre provides to our customers.

In this role you will lead and develop a team of associates to their full potential, ensuring your team meets performance objectives in order to fulfill and exceed our customers’ expectations. You will learn to carry out a manager’s responsibilities in accordance with Amazon’s policies and procedures; ensuring that standards of discipline are maintained and infringements are handled appropriately.

Furthermore, you will be responsible for measuring, evaluating and improving the processes in the areas of Transportation, Supply Chain and Logistics, obtaining and reporting on key metrics data and driving production within your area.


You will be managing aspects of output in your area: people management, metrics, productivity targets, and process improvements. The extent of your duties will include:

  • Maintain health and safety standards within your area and promote a positive health and safety culture on site.
  • Lead, manage and mentor a large and diverse team of associates in a specified department within a very fast-paced and high-volume environment.

The result is a learning environment that’s quite unlike any other. You’ll have the chance to work alongside experienced leaders, giving you a unique insight into our business and the skills you need to excel within it.


About you:

We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You will be able demonstrate strong leadership ability and excellent communications skills across all levels within a diverse culture.
  • You will be results driven with analytical capability, with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices.
  • You should have strong decision making skills, that use sound reasoning and when required use consultation to achieve consensus.
  • You will be willing to work to flexible schedules / shifts hours (could be nights) and commit the time required to get the job done


Preferred Qualifications:

  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or full- time role; if it’s in an operations or customer-facing environment so much the better
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

Analyst Internship (Business Analysis)

Pubblicato il 03/12/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia e Finanza, Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica

Location: Our internship opportunities are located in various sites across our EU countries: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/location
You will be asked to be flexible on location.

About us:
Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company; from providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon embraces invention and progressive thinking. Amazon is continually evolving; it’s a place where motivated employees thrive, and ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: we pioneer.

With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe. Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience and this includes business analysts in all functions.

About these internships:
Whatever your background, if you love gathering massive amounts of data and finding out the exact trend that can be acted upon to reduce cost and/or improve efficiency, reporting, forecasting and building KPI dashboards that will support an entire business in their decision making process, improving accuracy and automating tools and processes to contribute in making your team extremely reliable and efficient; and if you are motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth, we’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt quickly to all the changes around you, and we encourage you to try new things.

Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic students to join our unique world as interns. An Amazon EU internship will provide you with an unforgettable experience in a fast-paced, dynamic and international environment; it will boost your resume and will provide a superb introduction to our activities.

As an Operations Business Analyst intern you could join one of the following teams: supply chain, network planning, inventory placement, transportation, last mile, finance, planning & analysis (FP&A) or finance & controlling.

You will put your analytical and technical skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that team provides to our customers. This could include:

  • Learning how to partner across multiple teams and geographies
  • Developing and executing upon some of the world’s most complex data analyses which will in turn, drive the correct business decisions
  • Helping identify process improvement opportunities to build streamlined and scalable solutions
  • Partnering with the team to perform deep root cause analyses when facing problems
  • Assisting in the development of business cases for new programs and services
  • Participating in the development, delivering, maintenance and improvement of performance metrics dashboards
  • Becoming part of a team of trusted advisors throughout an entire business unit.


Basic Qualifications:

We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields.
  • Fluency in Microsoft Excel and basic knowledge in MySQL and/or SQL.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English (and local language where applicable).
  • You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
  • Attention to detail, ability to do in-depth data mining, methodical approach to work while also seeking to understand the big picture
  • You will be results driven with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices.
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


Preferred Qualifications:

  • Familiar with Oracle and/or any AWS products (Redshift, EMR, etc.)
  • Any additional technical skills such as coding (python, R, Django, etc.), data visualization (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerPivot, Microstrategy) or operations research can be a bonus.
  • Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or fulltime role; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

• Aptar Group – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Inspire Me - Aptar Italia Graduate Program

Pubblicato il 03/12/2018

Tipo Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria Infromatica, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Meccanica, Matematica

Location: Aptar Chieti (1161), 0, IT

Company: Aptar Group

Aptar Italia is pleased to introduce the II edition of the Graduate Program “Inspire Me”.

Inspire Me is a 6+6 months program that combines work experience and training for undergraduate or graduate students.

Check out the launching video of this program clicking here.

To be admitted to the program, candidates need to apply for one of the projects listed by Aptar Italia. After the recruiting process, selected candidates will join the Company to work on a specific project.

At the end of the first semester all candidates will have the opportunity to present their work to the Aptar Italia Management Committee for a review and feedback.
Aptar Italia will continuously check the progress status of each project and will agree with candidates to move to another department or switch to another project at the end of the first semester.
A mentor will follow the intern for the entire duration of the program.

Project fields:

  • Manufacturing
  • Quality
  • Sustainability
  • Supply Chain
  • Operations
  • Engineering
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology

Check here for the the complete list and projects’ details!

To get more information, click on the following links:

  1. Aptar: Who we are
  2. Insipire Me – Aptar Italia Graduate Program
  3. Inspire Me – How to Apply
  4. Poster of Inspire Me

Apply at https://jobs.aptar.com/job/Aptar-Chieti-%281161%29-Inspire-Me-Aptar-Italia-Graduate-Program-0/505445001/.

We are very much looking forward to knowing you!

• ExxonMobil – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Quality Assurance Analyst - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Accounts Payable department

ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded energy company in the world. We are known for integrity, technological leadership and world class workforce.

Accounts Payables’ objective is to process payment documents in a timely, accurate and cost efficient manner in a well-controlled environment. If you have analytical skills, you are spotting every detail and you are passionate about customers, this could be the job for you!


with English (& Spanish)

Your tasks

  • Responsible for processing of invoices from SAP system.
  • Solve and follow up on pending documents/invoices
  • Communicate daily with clients and vendors
  • Take client inquiries as part of Accounts Payable’s help desk and resolve complex issues
  • Monitor pending invoices and their timely payment
  • Work with various tools/databases to follow up on complex invoices
  • Look for process improvements to maximize efficiencies

Your profile

  • Fluent in English and Spanish
  • Able to work afternoon (two weeks per month the working hours are between 1.30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. / 3:30 p.m. and 12:00 p.m.)
  • Advanced analytical capability and numeracy
  • Organized and able to prioritize
  • Knowledge of SAP FI- / MM- module (is an advantage)
  • Knowledge of Basic accounting or have Academic qualification in accounting (is an advantage)

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ staff from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, working from home, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

This position is defined as entry-level and is suitable for you at early stage of your career.

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Quality Assurance” in the subject line).

Vendor Master Analyst - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Accounts Payable department

ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded energy company in the world. We are known for integrity, technological leadership and world class workforce.

Do you enjoy daily communication in foreign languages, and are you thrilled to be in the middle of the business process, where you can bring valuable solutions? Grow professionally and build your career in a multinational organization. Join the Vendor Master team in Accounts Payable.


with English (& Spanish)

As a Vendor Master Analyst, you will communicate with vendors, banks, other institutions on a daily basis.

You will be responsible for verification, set up and changes of various companies in a controlled way, to facilitate timely and accurate payment. Your portfolio might contain several countries within EAME and Americas region, and operating in several financial systems (SAP, other).

Your profile

  • Fluent in English and Spanish
  • Accurate and detailed at your work
  • Communicative
  • Willing to learn
  • A Team player
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Able to work afternoon (12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ staff from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, working from home, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

This position is defined as entry-level and is suitable for you at early stage of your career.

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Vendor Analyst” in the subject line).

Procurement Associate - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Procurement department

ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded energy company in the world. Today we operate in most of the world’s countries and are best known by our familiar brand names: Exxon, Esso and Mobil. We make the products that drive modern transportation, power cities, lubricate industry and provide petrochemical building blocks that lead to thousands of consumer goods.

We are known for integrity, technological leadership and world class workforce. Visit our company website and explore the world of ExxonMobil.


with English

You will

  • Develop and maintain Procurement contracts to purchase goods and/or services for various sites and business lines.
  • Own a portfolio of agreements and has a very close interaction with internal business clients, external suppliers and internal Procurement colleagues.
  • Interact with internal business clients to clarify requirements, agree on procurement tactic, address queries and issues
  • Interact with external suppliers to negotiate and award term-agreements and spot contracts – own portfolio & agreement execution in support of global / regional strategies
  • Negotiate Terms & Conditions
  • Develop Procurement Plans – procurement tactic
  • Prepare tenders, request for quotations, sealed bids, conducting reverse auction events and related duties
  • Develop contract and commercial terms
  • Contract design and input in ERP systems to promote high transaction management efficiency (i.e. ordering, payment)
  • Conduct functional reviews as required with Tax, Law, and other functions
  • Contract administration i.e. assembly, copying, mailing, filing, file maintenance
  • Prepare and execute amendments, change orders (changes, extensions, renewals)
  • Execute procurement strategies developed by Category Specialist and interact with Regional Procurement groups as needed
  • Maintain supplier relationship management within portfolio, including, monitoring, evaluating and reporting suppliers conformance with contract metrics where applicable
  • Identify opportunities to reduce spot orders and / or consolidate contracts
  • Perform other related duties as assigned

Your profile

  • Bachelor’s degree or High School, preferably Engineering or Economics, to be specified in recruitment form
  • Either fresh graduates or candidates with minimal 1 year of work experience in relevant position and/or market segment, and with relevant education
  • Fluent in English language
  • Microsoft Office proficiency (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ staff from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, working from home, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Procurement Associate” in the subject line).

Payable Troubleshooter - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Accounts Payable department

ExxonMobil is the largest publicly traded energy company in the world. We are known for integrity, technological leadership and world class workforce.

Accounts Payables’ objective is to process payment documents in a timely, accurate and cost efficient manner in a well-controlled environment. If you have analytical skills, you are spotting every detail and you are passionate about customers, this could be the job for you!


Your tasks

  • Responsible for processing of invoices from SAP system
  • Solve and follow up on pending documents/invoices
  • Daily communication with clients and vendors
  • Take client inquiries as part of Accounts Payable’s help desk and resolve complex issues
  • Monitoring pending invoices and their timely payment
  • Working with various tools/databases to follow up on complex invoices
  • Look for process improvements to maximize efficiencies

Your profile

  • Fluent in English and other European language
  • Analytical thinking
  • Good experience of MS Excel
  • Multi-tasking
  • Stress-resistant
  • Enjoying administration
  • Spotting every detail and focused on customers
  • Communicative and proactive person
  • Knowledge of SAP is advantage. Experience from finance and administration area is an advantage.

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ staff from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, working from home, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

This position is defined as entry-level and is suitable for you at early stage of your career.

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Payable Troubleshooter” in the subject line).

Buying Associate - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Procurement department

If you are passionate about making deals and you have negotiation skills, this position in the Procurement department of ExxonMobil could be the job for you!


with English (& Dutch, Italian)

You will

  • Be in charge of purchasing goods and services on spot basis for various production sites and business lines across Europe, Africa and Middle East.
  • Tender and negotiate for the best price, closely cooperate with our internal clients for the right materials and services, and assure the deliveries arrive at the right time and the right place.
  • Interact extensively with external suppliers to agree on terms and conditions on spot basis and maintain a long term supplier relationship for future purchases.
  • Be the main facilitator throughout the purchase-to-pay cycle and maintain smooth operations by communicating externally with Suppliers and internally with Clients, Category management, Inventory management, Payables and Law departments.
  • Enhance your procurement skills by applying different sourcing strategies, broaden your commodity knowledge from different categories and develop ERP skills by handling purchase transactions in SAP.

Your profile

  • Bachelor’s or High school graduate, preferably Engineering or Economics
  • Fresh graduates or candidates with minimal 1 year of work experience in relevant position and/or market segment, and with relevant education
  • Strong communication, problem solving and negotiation skills
  • Team player with positive attitude
  • Good analytical and organizational skills
  • Preferably SAP knowledge or able to learn computer programs quickly
  • Microsoft Office proficiency (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Fluent in English and Dutch/Italian

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ staff from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, home-office, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Buying Associate” in the subject line).

Credit Analyst - Tempo indeterminato, Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Pubblicato il 21/11/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia

Treasurer’s Credit department

Why not pursue a career in the largest Credit department of ExxonMobil, which analyses and manages financial risk of ExxonMobil customers in Europe and globally?

If you’re a highly analytical and yet enjoy contact with people, this could be the job for you!


with English (& French, German, Italian, Russian)

Your tasks

  • Responsible for Credit Management of a designated ExxonMobil customer portfolio in Europe and globally
  • Perform financial analysis of ExxonMobil customers
  • Understand macroeconomics and market realities and their impact on a customer portfolio
  • Determine risk category and assign credit limits
  • Liaise with Sales Business Lines to understand the importance and attractiveness of customer contracts
  • Be a valuable advisor to our Businesses – help secure profitable deals while balancing credit risk
  • Work on risk mitigation for customers (including financial security instruments), as warranted
  • Interact with clients & colleagues from around the world on a daily basis

Your profile

  • Master´s degree in Business Administration/Accounting/Finance/ International Trade OR
  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration/ accounting/finance/technical degree with 1+ years of relevant finance/accounting work experience
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Strong analytical skills, intellectual capability
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Drive, independence and perseverance
  • Fluent in English, other European languages an advantage (French, German, Italian, Russian)

What awaits you…

A diverse, multinational and friendly environment – we proudly employ talents from 68 nationalities. Great opportunities for personal and professional career development via job-rotations, trainings, free language courses twice a week and collaboration on international projects. A wide range of benefits including an annual bonus, flexible working hours, working from home, lunch allowance, programs for parents, in-house Family Advisor, wellness programs (e.g. free in-house massages, fit-stops, refreshments), short-term and long-term savings with employee and company contributions, 25 vacation days plus floating days for bank holidays, relocation assistance for candidates from abroad and much more!

Please apply sending your cv to fabio.pedroncelli@exxonmobil.com (“Exxonmobil Credit Analyst” in the subject line).

• Bulgari – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Internship - Omnichannel Adoption and Operations

Pubblicato il 18/10/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Business Administration – Scienze Matematiche e Statistiche, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Economia

 Descrizione azienda

Founded in 1884 by Sotirio Bulgari as a single jewellery shop in the capital city of Rome, Bulgari’s name has today become emblematic of Italian excellence. Creating a highly distinctive style that celebrates its rich Roman history, Bulgari is able to blend modernity with classicism.

The original pioneering spirit of the Bulgari family helped to evolve the company into a successful and global Maison, while its roots in jewellery and watches have grown into new expressions of accessories, perfumes and luxury resorts. Becoming a Bulgari team member means being part of an authentic, passionate work environment, while working for a brand of worldwide renown. Though aesthetic beauty is at its very heart, Bulgari’s people are its soul, the living part of our brand.

Bulgari offers a multitude of positions and activities around the world. Innumerable possibilities and dynamic career opportunities are accessible for both experienced professionals and recent graduates within Bulgari or the LVMH Group. As well, there are always a variety of pathways between these various departments, countries and activities. At Bulgari, you are encouraged to demonstrate your potential by pursuing the career direction that suits your natural talents.

Descrizione annuncio


Within the WW Bulgari Omnichannel department, we are searching for young and motivated candidates for a new stage opportunity.
OMNICHANNEL VISION: Redesign the customer purchasing path, exploiting omnichannel capabilities, to execute our «Cliens Rex» motto and develop a unique and irresistible omnichannel experience across all our products and service categories.
OMNICHANNEL ADOPTION & OPERATIONS MISSION: Support the development of the Omni-channel strategy; responsible to lead and implement the Omni-channel operations culture and retail transformation, ensuring continuous business and store operations improvement, maintaining focus on consistency and excellence in all boutique operation

The candidate will support the Omnichannel Adoption and Operations team In the following main activities:

  • assessment and evolution activities of the e-commerce user experience; in-store app development and integration with in-store processes & systems, providing input to improve Retail digital competences
  • local introduction of new tools /technology/process in the store, maintaining focus and engagement, both at local and central lever, monitoring and collecting users’ feedback and partnering with all involved actors
  • measure, optimize, amplify, and address consistency in store processes
  • collect boutique needs regarding processes, tools, information; contribute to the acceleration of the digital mindset change

All tasks will be carried out according to the guidelines provided by the line manager.

Profilo ricercato

Professional Capabilities

  • Bachelor Degree in Business Administration – Scienze Matematiche e Statistiche, Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Economia
  • Project management
  • Strong written and verbal communication in English is essential
  • Office computing: Competent with figures and reporting both with visual elements than numerical one is essential
  • Business Awareness
  • Client Orientation
  • Ability to work with autonomy, in a fast-paced environment with multiple priorities Personal Competencies
  • Team building
  • Planning & Organization
  • Positive approach/attitude
  • Multitasking capabilities
  • Flexibility
  • Communication skills
  • Digital mindset

Similar experience within a Luxury Retail environment is desired.


Per candidarsi a questa posizione inviare il proprio CV, autorizzando il trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/2003), all’indirizzo e-mail: recruiting@bulgari.com

• Fendi – Laureati triennali in Economia

Internship HR Compensation & Benefits

Pubblicato il 29/08/2018

Tipo di Laurea: Economia (triennale)


The HR Compensation & Benefits intern will support in the payroll cost controlling and forecasting at regional level, and in the reporting activities to meet the company standards and provide timely analysis on business.

Main activities:

  • Carry out constant internal/external compensation and benefits benchmarking and provide analysis to the Regional HRD to meet Company needs and business objectives
  • Prepare and submit LVMH monthly HR reporting coordinating local HRMs activities
  • Support local Retail team in the definition of sales force incentives structure & management of the monthly payout


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Economics
  • Fluent English is a must
  • Ability to use MS Office (especially Excel)
  • Excellent analytical skills

To applyhttps://careers.fendi.com/it/job-opportunities (position code: FEND00804)

• Hertz – Laureati in Ingegneria

Stage analisi e controllo flotta aziendale

Pubblicato il 29/08/2018

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Ingegneria Gestionale

Hertz, società leader nel mondo per l’autonoleggio, offre  un’esperienza altamente formativa in un settore internazionale e l’inserimento in un team motivato e dinamico.

Ricerchiamo per la nostra sede di Roma, un tirocinante con Laurea specialistica o Triennale in  Ingegneria Gestionale o similare.

Il tirocinio, di durata semestrale, riguarderà attività di analisi e controllo della flotta aziendale 24/7 nei sistemi IT interni. Il candidato verrà coinvolto in attività di pianificazione e supervisione della logistica, gestirà la reportistica della flotta da remoto e sarà di supporto alle procedure di attivazione di software e gestionali 24/7.

Il percorso di formazione on-the-job permetterà al tirocinante di acquisire conoscenze dei sistemi informatici aziendali e sviluppare capacità analitiche e di controllo. Il tirocinante gestirà la comunicazione verso l’interno e l’esterno dell’azienda, sviluppando competenze di team work e problem solving.

Il tirocinio permettera’ alla risorsa di formarsi sulle seguenti attivita’

Sviluppo value proposition commerciale per il mercato B2B e B2B2C

Sviluppo partnerships attarverso attivita’ di Co-Marketing+

Sviluppo offering attraverso un’attivita’ di pricing  analisys  nei mercati  B2B, B2C e B2B2C

Requisiti e caratteristiche richiesti:

  • Laurea specialistica o Master in Ingegneria Gestionale o similari
  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Ottima conoscenza dei principali supporti informatici
  • Excel avanzato, Power Point Avanzato
  • Ottime capacità di analisi dei dati, pianificazione e gestione delle priorità
  • Forte orientamento al risultato
  • Capacità di comunicazione e relazione
  • Autonomia e teamwork

Durata e facilitazioni previste:

Lo stage avrà una durata di sei mesi full-time.

E’ previsto un rimborso spese + ticket restaurant giornalieri.

Inviare cv a roberta.passa@hertz.com