• PSC – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Software Delevoper Full-Stack ambito IoT

Pubblicato il 22/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Statistica, Matematica e Fisica

PSC S.p.A. società leader nel settore dell’impiantistica tecnologica con sede in Italia e all’Estero, ricerca per la propria struttura una risorsa da inserire come Software Delevoper Full-Stack ambito IoT.

Scopo formativo dello stage sarà lo sviluppo di competenze professionali in diverse aree di business tra cui Retail, Manufacturing, Consulting & Digital, Energy, Public Administration & Telco.

Il candidato affiancherà uno o più responsabili nell’esecuzione dei loro compiti, nell’ottica di conoscere le varie aree dell’azienda, acquisendo competenze organizzative.

La risorsa fornirà supporto operativo alle seguenti attività:

  • Analisi e sviluppo software di soluzioni IoT, principalmente nei segmenti Telco ed Energy;
  • Seguire tutte le fasi di progetto, dall’analisi architetturale alla scrittura del codice di Front End e Back End, fino al test applicativo;

Sviluppare competenze in ambito Java, J2EE, Python, NodeJS, C e C++, database SQL e noSQL, protocolli MQTT, AMQP, HTTP e WebSocket, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular ed in generale tecnologie legate al mondo IoT;

  • Analisi dei requisiti e funzionale;
  • Sviluppo software;
  • Test funzionali;
  • Redazione documentazione di progetto;

È richiesta Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Statistica, Matematica e Fisica oppure essere neodiplomato come Perito Informatico.

Completano il profilo ottime capacità di lavorare per obiettivi e forte attitudine al problem solving, spiccate doti comunicative e relazionali, entusiasmo ed elevata motivazione alla crescita professionale, naturale propensione al lavoro di gruppo.

Lo stage avrà una durata di 6 mesi e si svolgerà presso gli uffici di Roma.

  • Data di inizio: il prima possibile
  • È previsto un rimborso spese di 800€
  • Riferimento: Stage IT
  • Indirizzo email: ufficiopersonale@psc.it

I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future garantendo i diritti ai sensi del Dlgs. 196/03.

• Innovery – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Senior Network Security Engineer - Tempo Indeterminato, Milano

Pubblicato il 08/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria informatica specializzazione in networking, ICT & Internet Engineering o similari

INNOVERY S.p.A., società multinazionale nata nel 2001 in Italia, opera con successo nell’ambito delle Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), offrendo servizi di integrazione di sistemi, di progettazione e di realizzazione di nuove soluzioni a sostegno dello sviluppo e della crescita di medie e grandi Aziende. Il suo focus in Cybersecurity la rende una leader tecnologica in questo settore ICT, essendo Business Partner dei principali attori del mondo dell’Information Security e vantando un personale titolare delle più importanti ed elevate certificazioni del settore.


Requisiti del candidato: Senior Network Security Engineer, con esperienza, all’interno del team dedicato a progetti e prodotti specifici nella Business Unit Network Security.

Il/la candidato/a ideale ha

  • Attitudine al problem solving;
  • Propensione alle relazioni interpersonali ed al lavoro in team;
  • Approccio consulenziale al cliente, spirito di iniziativa;
  • Buona comunicazione scritta e verbale;
  • Capacità di interpretazione dei log di sicurezza;
  • attitudine alla gestione del cliente e passione per l’innovazione.

Sono richiesti:

  • Solido background sulle tematiche di networking e network security;
  • Ottima conoscenza dei sistemi di firewalling Fortinet, Palo Alto
  • Gradita conoscenza dei sistemi Web Application Firewall (F5, FortiWeb, Citrix);
  • Gradita conoscenza dei sistemi IPS, URL Filtering, Antivirus, SSL Decryption, DDoS, NAC
  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata;
  • Almeno 5+ anni di esperienza sulle tematiche di networking e security
  • Conoscenze approfondita di Infrastrutture di rete de telecomunicazione e architetture di rete e sicurezza con particolare riferimento all’ambito TCP/IP, e protocolli di Routing
  • Laurea in area tecnica con specializzazione networking (Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Informatica con specializzazione in networking, etc.)

Caratteristiche personali:

  • Disponibilità ad occasionali trasferte su territorio nazionale

Saranno titoli preferenziali:

  • Competenza su più ambiti e la presenza di certificazioni tecniche;
  • Buona conoscenza dei prodotti FortiManager, FortiAnalyzer, FortiAuthenticator, Panorama
  • Conoscenza di dei prodotti FortiSIEM, FortiNAC e certificazioni NSE4/NSE6/NSE7/NSE8
  • Conoscenza di dei prodotti Traps, WildFire, Global Protect e certificazioni PCNSA/PCNSE/PCNSC
  • Conoscenza Firewall Forcepoint e certificazione NGFW Administrator
  • Network Functions Virtualization (vRouter, vFirewall, vLoad Balancer, vWaaS):
  • OS: Windows, Linux (RHEL, Suse Enterprise?)
  • Virtualizzazione: KVM, VMware, Hyper-V
  • Software Defined Networks (WAN e LAN)

Tipo di contratto: tempo indeterminato

Sede di lavoro: Milano

PER CANDIDARSI allegare il CV aggiornato con l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali come da Reg. EU 2016/679 nella sezione “Lavora con Noi” su https://innovery.net/it/lavora-con-noi/; e-mail: hr@innovery.net

Per prendere visione dell’Informativa della Privacy INNOVERY: https://innovery.net/it/privacy-policy/

Il presente annuncio si rivolge ai candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77).

Junior Java Developer - Tempo Indeterminato, Roma

Pubblicato il 08/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o similari

INNOVERY S.p.A., società multinazionale nata nel 2001 in Italia, opera con successo nell’ambito delle Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), offrendo servizi di integrazione di sistemi, di progettazione e di realizzazione di nuove soluzioni a sostegno dello sviluppo e della crescita di medie e grandi Aziende. Il suo focus in Cybersecurity la rende una leader tecnologica in questo settore ICT, essendo Business Partner dei principali attori del mondo dell’Information Security e vantando un personale titolare delle più importanti ed elevate certificazioni del settore.

Posizione ricercata: Java Developer

Requisiti del candidato: Il/la candidato/a, inserito all’interno del team dedicato a progetti e prodotti specifici nella Business Unit Ricerca e Sviluppo: lavorerà all’analisi, allo sviluppo evolutivo e mantenimento delle applicazioni aziendali rispondendo al PM di progetto. In particolare, le sue principali responsabilità saranno:

  • Sviluppo SW in tecnologia Java;
  • Progettazione ed esecuzione di Test Unitari;
  • Manutenzione correttiva evolutiva, adeguativa in linguaggio Java;
  • Gestione dei task assegnati, supportando il PM del progetto e il resto del Team dislocato sul territorio italiano e presso il cliente.

Il candidato ideale ha attitudine alla comunicazione e al lavoro in team, attitudine alla gestione del cliente e passione per l’innovazione.

Sono richiesti:

  • Conoscenza di Java e tool ecosistema Java (principalmente Maven, Eclipse)
  • Conoscenza delle tematiche e delle metodologie relative alla progettazione di basi di dati
  • Conoscenza di base di HTML/Javascript/CSS/XML
  • Esperienza anche minima con almeno uno dei seguenti DBMS: Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Saranno titoli preferenziali:

  • Laurea in Informatica o Ingegneria informatica
  • Buona conoscenza dell’inglese scritto e parlato (B1)
  • Buona conoscenza del framework Spring o Angular costituisce un titolo preferenziale
  • Almeno un anno di sviluppo di applicazioni su tecnologia Java
  • Conoscenza di DB relazionali e non
  • Attitudine alla comunicazione e al lavoro in team
  • Attitudine alla gestione del cliente
  • Passione per l’innovazione

Tipo di contratto: tempo indeterminato

Compenso: da definire

Sede di lavoro: Roma

PER CANDIDARSI allegare il CV aggiornato con l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali come da Reg. EU 2016/679 nella sezione “Lavora con Noi” su https://innovery.net/it/lavora-con-noi/; e-mail: hr@innovery.net

Per prendere visione dell’Informativa della Privacy INNOVERY: https://innovery.net/it/privacy-policy/

Il presente annuncio si rivolge ai candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77).

• RGI – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Junior Java Developer

Pubblicato il 08/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o similari

RGI S.p.A.  ricerca un/una:


Cosa farai?

Parteciperai attivamente alla definizione delle specifiche di programmazione di parti del progetto, sulla base delle analisi fornitegli dal capo progetto e dall’analista funzionale.

Ti occuperai dell’implementazione di componenti software, utilizzando la tecnologia Java, che verranno inseriti all’interno delle applicazioni Web Enterprise.

Quali saranno le tue aree di responsabilità?

Sarai protagonista del cambiamento dei processi aziendali in chiave Agile

Troverai nuove soluzioni di implementazione dei framework declinati secondo questa metodologia.

Parteciperai al cambiamento aziendale facendoti portavoce dell’Agile Methodology dimostrandone e interpretandone i valori e i principi

Farai in modo che ogni iniziativa di trasformazione possa avere un esito positivo sulla base di obiettivi specifici, misurabili e condivisi

Quali esperienze lavorative devi avere?

  • Provenienza da settori informatici, preferibilmente di applicazioni web con l’utilizzo di tecnologie quali AngularJS.
  • Costituisce un plus l’esperienza di lavoro in un team organizzato secondo metodologia Agile.

Quali competenze devi avere?

  • Conoscenza dei Framework AngularJS, HTML5 e CSS3, Twitter bootstrap, Modernizer
  • Conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione Java a oggetti
  • Conoscenza ed utilizzo delle API REST
  • Scripting e mark-up: Html, Java Script, CSS, JQuery
  • Conoscenza degli strumenti: NodeJS, Grunt, Maven, GIT
  • Conoscenza ed utilizzo di Database relazionali (Oracle, Db2, MySql)
  • Office: MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Word, Open Office
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese a livello scritto e parlato

Quali caratteristiche personali devi avere?

  • Ottima capacità di relazionarsi con i componenti del team
  • Proattività
  • Gestione dello stress
  • Problem solving
  • Attitudine all’apprendimento continuo e attenzione ai dettagli
  • Flessibilità e disponibilità
  • Predisposizione a lavorare per obiettivi

Quale titolo di studio cerchiamo?

  • Diploma di perito Informatico
  • Laurea informatica/ingegneria informatica o cultura equivalente

Dati organizzativi

Tipologia di contratto: da definire in sede di colloquio

Mail per ricezione candidature


Descrizione dell’ Azienda

RGI è un Software Vendor indipendente, leader in Europa nella trasformazione digitale delle Compagnie assicurative.

Opera da 30 anni come solido punto di riferimento per lo sviluppo e implementazione di sistemi dedicati per Compagnie, Bancassurance, Agenti, Broker, Promotori finanziari.

Con un team di 800 professionisti specializzati in IT e Business assicurativo su 12 sedi in Italia, Irlanda, Francia, Germania, Tunisia e Lussemburgo, RGI ha digitalizzato il business di oltre 95 compagnie assicurative e 300 broker in EMEA

Da sempre RGI dedica un’attenzione particolare all’evoluzione tecnologica e alla qualità degli strumenti che propone, per garantire non solo alte prestazioni, ma anche velocità di implementazione, tempi di rilascio contenuti e servizi di assistenza rapidi ed efficaci.

Vogliamo essere un Partner Affidabile e una delle realtà più innovative e influenti della industry assicurativa, in grado di affiancare il cliente in tutte le fasi del processo di innovazione tecnologica organizzativa e nell’evoluzione ai cambiamenti che il mercato impone oggi.

RGI ha un focus esclusivo verticale sulla industry assicurativa ed è specializzata nello sviluppo e implementazione di soluzioni assicurative modulari di Policy Administration System per tutti i canali distributivi e tutte le linee di business.

Il forte orientamento all’innovazione tecnologica e il focus esclusivo sull’industry assicurativa sono le basi che hanno permesso a RGI di sviluppare e diversificare la propria offerta, raggiungendo eccellenti livelli qualitativi nella proposta di soluzioni e di servizi ad alto valore aggiunto.

Il presente annuncio si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (L.903/77 e D.Lgs n. 98/2006, art 27). L’interessato è invitato a inviare la propria candidatura rilasciando specifico consenso al trattamento dei dati personali, ai sensi della nuova Normativa Europea sulla Privacy, conforme agli artt. 13 e 14 del GDPR (Regolamento (UE), 27 aprile 2016, n. 2016/679).

• Huawei – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Junior Project Manager - Graduate Program (Tempo Indeterminato)

Pubblicato il 06/04/2020

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale): Economia, Ingegneria Gestionale, Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica

Company Description

We are a multinational company and a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer and innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields.

Our vision is to enrich life through communication. By leveraging our experience and expertise in the ICT sector, we help bridge the digital divide by providing opportunities to enjoy broadband services, regardless of geographic location.

Job Description

Junior Project Manager. La risorsà verrà inserita all’interno del dipartimento Delivery&Service a supporto del Team Project Management nel coordinamento, organizzazione e  monitoraggio dei diversi progetti gestiti da Huawei, occupandosi di verifica dei KPI, analisi finanziarie.

The role will be working under System Integration Service Department having the opportunity to participate in daily managerial and operational activities not only from PMO but also from different working streams with a complex project content, which will provide a fast professional growth.

Main responsibilities

  • Organize and coordinate project weekly meeting, update the weekly reports and report to different managerial levels on weekly basis
  • Monitor and report various project delivery activities and tasks
  • Support in PR/PO management and monitoring the PR/PO submission, acceptance and invoice process
  • Support in project financial analysis
  • Plan and execute PMO communication
  • Support in different project delivery working streams on demand
  • Support in project digitalization: sharepoint management, dashboard or supporting tool development
  • Plan and organize Team Building activities


  • At least Bachelor Degree in Economics/Statistics/Computer Science or Management Engineering
  • Experience with MS office (MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook)
  • Experience with MS Project and Power BI Software is an advantage
  • Team player with good communication skills
  • Willingness to learn new things
  • English and Italian language (spoken and written) are mandatory
  • Chinese language is a plus

Place of work: Rome, Via Laurentina 449/ Tower E, 00142


Technical Engineer - Graduate Program (Tempo Indeterminato)

Pubblicato il 25/06/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Informatica o similari

We are a multinational company and a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer and innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields.

Our vision is to enrich life through communication. By leveraging our experience and expertise in the ICT sector, we help bridge the digital divide by providing opportunities to enjoy broadband services, regardless of geographic location.

Job Description

Key job responsibilities include providing optimization and global technical support for projects on fixed networks fields , i.e. transport, access and datacom technologies. The job requires to be inserted inside the Huawei Fixed-Network team providing post-sale services to all Italian and many international Huawei customers. The candidate should have excellent communication, presentation and technology skills. The other job responsibilities include keeping under control the KPIs status based on the SLA stipulated with the customers and performing optimization activities for network develops.

For this role, we expect the candidate to have deep understanding of cross-domain, between the transport network, i.e. WDM, microwave and SDH equipments, the access network, i.e., FTTH and FTTC equipments, the datacom network, i.e. switches and routers.


  • Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering, Information Technologies Engineering or Computer Science Engineering;
  • Graduated from no more than 1;
  • Good English knowledge;
  • Willingness to learn, excellent communication and problem solving skills.

We offer:

  • Permanent contract;
  • Competitive salary;
  • Specific and cross trainings;
  • Perks include also an innovative and friendly environment.

Location: Milan, Via Lorenteggio 240 Tower A, 20147 / Rome, Via Laurentina, 449/ Tower E, 00142

Contact info: cristina.cifatte@huawei.com

• EY – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Sviluppatore IT - Apprendistato o Stage

Pubblicato il 16/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria, Informatica, Matematica, Fisica, Statistica o equivalenti

Chi siamo

EY è un network fondato nel 1989 attraverso la fusione di Ernst & Whinney e Arthur Young & Co. Oggi il network EY occupa oltre 260 mila professionisti in oltre 150 Paesi nel mondo, con un fatturato mondiale di 31,5 miliardi di dollari e oltre 200.000 clienti.

EY ha negli ultimi anni ricevuto AwaRdS per il miglior tasso di assunzioni dirette di giovani, per il miglior tasso di assunzione post-stage e anche l’AwaRdS “Speciale donne al lavoro”.

Attualmente, siamo alla ricerca di profili di “Sviluppatore IT” da inserire all’interno del team di sviluppo applicativi e software.


La risorsa si occuperà in prima persona delle seguenti attività:

  • Sviluppo di applicativi/software
  • Gestione dei sistemi ICT

Formazione ed esperienza

  • Requisito minimo: laurea triennale in Ingegneria, Informatica, Matematica, Fisica, Statistica o equivalenti
  • Max 2 anni di esperienza in ruoli analoghi

Requisiti e conoscenze richieste

  • Linguaggi di programmazione con focus su Microsoft o tecnologie .NET (VB.Net; C#);
  • Linguaggi front end (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript) e framework front-end / back-end (MVC, Entity Framework);
  • Conoscenza dei Database relazionali (SQLServer)
  • Uso dei principali modelli di progettazione e conoscenza della metodologia Agile;

Cosa offriamo

  • Contratto di apprendistato / stage curriculare
  • Formazione continua on the job

Sede di lavoro: Roma, EUR presso il cliente / Via Lombardia, 31

Per inviare le candidature è necessario scrivere una mail all’indirizzo seguente: Chiara.Barone@it.ey.com, con allegato il vostro Curriculum

• Amazon – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Lettere, Scienze

Business Analysis Internship SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 09/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields


Job title: Business Analysis Internship
Location: Italy
Duration: 4 to 6 months

About us:
Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company; from providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon embraces invention and progressive thinking. Amazon is continually evolving; it’s a place where motivated employees thrive, and ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: we pioneer.

With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe. Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience and this includes business analysts in all functions.

About these internships:
Whatever your background, if you love gathering massive amounts of data and finding out the exact trend that can be acted upon to reduce cost and/or improve efficiency, reporting, forecasting and building KPI dashboards that will support an entire business in their decision making process, improving accuracy and automating tools and processes to contribute in making your team extremely reliable and efficient; and if you are motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth, we’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt quickly to all the changes around you, and we encourage you to try new things.

Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic students to join our unique world as interns. An Amazon EU internship will provide you with an unforgettable experience in a fast-paced, dynamic and international environment; it will boost your resume and will provide a superb introduction to our activities.

As an Operations Business Analyst intern you could join one of the following teams: supply chain, network planning, inventory placement, transportation, last mile, finance, planning & analysis (FP&A) or finance & controlling.

You will put your analytical and technical skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that team provides to our customers. This could include:

  • Learning how to partner across multiple teams and geographies
  • Developing and executing upon some of the world’s most complex data analyses which will in turn, drive the correct business decisions
  • Helping identify process improvement opportunities to build streamlined and scalable solutions
  • Partnering with the team to perform deep root cause analyses when facing problems
  • Assisting in the development of business cases for new programs and services
  • Participating in the development, delivering, maintenance and improvement of performance metrics dashboards
  • Becoming part of a team of trusted advisors throughout an entire business unit.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields
  • Fluency in Microsoft Excel and basic knowledge in MySQL and/or SQL
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for
  • Attention to detail, ability to do in-depth data mining, methodical approach to work while also seeking to understand the big picture
  • You will be results driven with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Familiar with Oracle and/or any AWS products (Redshift, EMR, etc.)
  • Any additional technical skills such as coding (python, R, Django, etc.), data visualization (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerPivot, Microstrategy) or operations research can be a bonus.
  • Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.

How to apply

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

EU Pathways Operations Manager 2020

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria, Scienze


EU Pathways Operations Manager

Opportunities available in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom – Please specify your location preferences when applying but note that your location preference will be subject to availability. Note: Candidates must speak the language of the country to which they apply at minimum B2 level.

Amazon is seeking high potential graduates to join the Pathways Program and become Amazon’s next generation of leaders.

About the Pathways Leadership Development Program
The Pathways Leadership Program is a five year program designed to fast-track your leadership capabilities and career within Customer Fulfillment. For over 10 years, the Amazon Pathways program has attracted innovative, talented individuals who are now highly influential senior leaders across Amazon’s global network.

As a Pathways, you will begin as a frontline Area Manager in one of our Fulfillment Centres in Europe. Right away, you will lead a team of 50-100 people and take on progressive assignments specifically designed to test your analytical skills and leadership potential. You will be involved in continuous improvement projects in order to increase efficiency and productivity in your assigned area of responsibility.

After 12-18 months, you will progress into the more strategic role of Operations Manager, with the opportunity to work in a different FC or country and face new challenges.

After a further 12-18 months you will graduate from the Pathways Program as a Senior Operations Manager where you will report directly to the General Manager and have responsibility for inbound or outbound operations at your site.

To support your leadership development, you will receive mentoring and have regular meetings with the General Manager. There are also annual meetings with all other Pathways candidates where together you can discuss your projects, challenges and success stories throughout the program.

How to apply
Please apply via the link provided: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/906246/pathways-operations-manager-2020


Basic requirements:

  • You are currently enrolled in, or you are a recent graduate of, an MBA, PhD or MSc tertiary-level course in logistics, science, engineering or a similar field.
  • If an MBA/MSc graduate, you have gained professional experience in busy operational logistics, supply chain, manufacturing or transportation environments.
  • Demonstrable decision-making skills, enabling you to use sound reasoning as and when required; you can consult others in achieving consensus.
  • Solid analytical skills, a sound business judgment and strong oral and written communication.
  • You are flexible to relocate for the position.
  • You are willing to work in non-traditional shift pattern which may include nights and weekends.
  • You are fluent in English and the local language of your requested location.


Bonus skills:

  • You have gained previous experience in setting, monitoring and improving KPIs, as well as similar metrics.
  • Successful track record in supporting customers, both internally and externally.
  • Knowledge of lean, six sigma and kaizen techniques and methodologies would be advantageous.

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.

Amazon takes your personal data protection seriously and respects EU and local data protection laws. Unless you express otherwise, by submitting your CV you authorize the hiring Amazon company to store your personal data in the electronic database maintained by Amazon Corporate LLC. in the USA or one of its affiliates for the purpose of assessing your suitability for this and future job vacancies and to pursue your recruiting process.

If at any time you want your personal data to be deleted, you simply need to notify the hiring Amazon company. Amazon will not share your personal data with any third party without your prior consent. As part of your interview process with Amazon you may be asked to authorize the hiring Amazon company to separately verify your application data and personal background through a third party service provider.

Pathways Operations Manager Internship - Summer 2020

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria, Scienze


Pathways Operations Manager Internship

Opportunities available in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom – Please specify your location preferences when applying but note that your location preference will be subject to availability. Note: Candidates must speak the language of the country to which they apply at a minimum B2 level.

The Pathways Operations Manager Internship
As a Pathways Intern, you will be based for 10-12 weeks in an Amazon Fulfilment Centre where you will complete a high-priority project with a view to delivering significant impact to our operations.

Your project will include the design of a new process or strategy and will require you to deep dive into data in order to test and implement your solution and ensure its scalability across our larger network. In order to achieve this, you will be collaborating with senior leaders, technology development teams, data warehouse experts, and front line associates. Leveraging the various skills and knowledge of our network will enable you to think broadly about viable solutions to the most complex challenges we face in Customer Fulfilment.

Your 10-12 week internship will culminate in a presentation to management of any new innovative solutions and recommendations that you have based on your observations and analytical research.

Should your Internship project have a significant and positive impact to our operations, you could be offered a full-time position on the Pathways Program for you to begin once you’ve graduated.

How to apply
Please apply via the link provided: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/906084/pathways-operations-manager-internship-summer-2020


Basic qualifications:

  • You are currently enrolled in, or you’re a recent graduate of, an MBA, PhD or MSc tertiary-level course in logistics, science, engineering or a similar field.
  •  If an MBA/MSc graduate, you’ve gained professional experience in busy operational logistics, supply chain, manufacturing or transportation environments.
  • Demonstrable decision-making skills, enabling you to use sound reasoning as and when required; you can consult others in achieving consensus.
  • Solid analytical skills, a sound business judgment and strong oral and written communication.
  • You are fluent in English and the local language of your requested Internship location.


Bonus skills:

  • You have gained previous experience in setting, monitoring and improving KPIs, as well as similar metrics.
  • Successful track record in supporting customers, both internally and externally.
  • Knowledge of lean, six sigma and kaizen techniques and methodologies would be advantageous.

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.

Amazon takes your personal data protection seriously and respects EU and local data protection laws. Unless you express otherwise, by submitting your CV you authorize the hiring Amazon company to store your personal data in the electronic database maintained by Amazon Corporate LLC. in the USA or one of its affiliates for the purpose of assessing your suitability for this and future job vacancies and to pursue your recruiting process.

If at any time you want your personal data to be deleted, you simply need to notify the hiring Amazon company. Amazon will not share your personal data with any third party without your prior consent. As part of your interview process with Amazon you may be asked to authorize the hiring Amazon company to separately verify your application data and personal background through a third party service provider.

Business Analysis Internship SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis


Job title: Business Analysis Internship
Location: Italy
Duration: 4 to 6 months

About us:
Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company; from providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon embraces invention and progressive thinking. Amazon is continually evolving; it’s a place where motivated employees thrive, and ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: we pioneer.

With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe. Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience and this includes business analysts in all functions.

About these internships:
Whatever your background, if you love gathering massive amounts of data and finding out the exact trend that can be acted upon to reduce cost and/or improve efficiency, reporting, forecasting and building KPI dashboards that will support an entire business in their decision making process, improving accuracy and automating tools and processes to contribute in making your team extremely reliable and efficient; and if you are motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth, we’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt quickly to all the changes around you, and we encourage you to try new things.

Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic students to join our unique world as interns. An Amazon EU internship will provide you with an unforgettable experience in a fast-paced, dynamic and international environment; it will boost your resume and will provide a superb introduction to our activities.

As an Operations Business Analyst intern you could join one of the following teams: supply chain, network planning, inventory placement, transportation, last mile, finance, planning & analysis (FP&A) or finance & controlling.

You will put your analytical and technical skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that team provides to our customers. This could include:

  • Learning how to partner across multiple teams and geographies
  • Developing and executing upon some of the world’s most complex data analyses which will in turn, drive the correct business decisions
  • Helping identify process improvement opportunities to build streamlined and scalable solutions
  • Partnering with the team to perform deep root cause analyses when facing problems
  • Assisting in the development of business cases for new programs and services
  • Participating in the development, delivering, maintenance and improvement of performance metrics dashboards
  • Becoming part of a team of trusted advisors throughout an entire business unit.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields
  • Fluency in Microsoft Excel and basic knowledge in MySQL and/or SQL
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for
  • Attention to detail, ability to do in-depth data mining, methodical approach to work while also seeking to understand the big picture
  • You will be results driven with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Familiar with Oracle and/or any AWS products (Redshift, EMR, etc.)
  • Any additional technical skills such as coding (python, R, Django, etc.), data visualization (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerPivot, Microstrategy) or operations research can be a bonus.
  • Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.

How to apply

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

Robotics Internship

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical/Electrical or Electronics engineering, Robotics, Computer Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Science or a related field.


Job title: Robotics Internship
Location: Italy
Duration: 3 to 6 months

Amazon Robotics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon.com, empowers a smarter, faster, more consistent customer experience through automation.

Are you inspired by invention? Is problem solving through teamwork in your DNA? Do you like the idea of seeing how your work impacts the bigger picture? Answer yes to any of these and you’ll fit right in here at Amazon Robotics. We are a smart team of doers that work passionately to apply cutting edge advances in robotics and software to solve real-world challenges that will transform our customers’ experiences in ways we can’t even image yet. We invent new improvements every day. We are Amazon Robotics and we will give you the tools and support you need to invent with us in ways that are rewarding, fulfilling and fun.

Amazon Robotics is seeking a talented and motivated software engineering student to assist with development of internal and external tools for monitoring associates and robot performance. The ideal candidate will have had experience with and interest in database development, web applications, and data visualization, possess good communication skills, and enjoy problem solving both independently and in team settings. This position reports directly to the International Launch and Performance team.
The Computer Engineer/Computer Science Co-op will be responsible for:

  • Assisting in development of web based tools for analyzing robot performance data such as wireless signal strength and failure analysis
  • Assisting in the architecture, design, and implementation of databases to store trending data for analysis
  • Designing visual games for testing associate performance
  • Computer vision problems including 2D and 3D cameras, laser scanners, and MoCap systems
  • Having an understanding of and interest in the technical principles, theories, and concepts in software development
  • Assisting an interdisciplinary team of engineers in the execution of product designs from concept to production including design, prototyping, validation, testing, and certification


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ year’s university degree in Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical/Electrical or Electronics engineering, Robotics, Computer Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Science or a related field.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
  • Experience in the design and debugging of large scale software applications
  • Proficiency in two or more programming languages such as Java, PHP, Python, C, MySQL, etc.
  • Classroom and/or project experience in programming, firmware, and/or system level design
  • Experience implementing third party APIs
  • Commitment to rigorous testing practices
  • You are results-driven with analytical skills and the ability to innovate and simplify current processes and practices.
  • You should have strong decision-making skills, that use sound reasoning and when required use consultation to achieve consensus.
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Ability to work successfully in an ambiguous environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or full- time role; if it’s in a people- or customer-facing environment, even better.

How to apply
Please apply via the link provided: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/940132/robotics-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

Project Management Internship SELEZIONE CHIUSA

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: Engineering, Mathematics, Business Administration or other quantitative areas or related fields.


Job title: Project Management Internship
Location: Italy
Duration: 4 to 6 months

About us:
An internship at Amazon will provide you with an unforgettable working experience in a fast-paced, flexible and international environment with unique opportunities to learn from the best! It will boost your resume and you will stand out as a candidate in all your future job searches.
Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company; from providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon embraces invention and progressive thinking. Amazon is continually evolving; it’s a place where motivated employees thrive, and ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: we pioneer.

With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe. Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience and this includes business analysts in all functions.

About this internship:
The Amazon European Operations teams are a fast-growing international group. We are looking for a passionate, versatile and curious Project Management Interns (m/f) to work with us on improvement and innovation projects to support the growth of our European network. We want to give our Customers in Europe the best experience possible!

As a Project Management Intern, you are a passionate advocate to drive operational efficiency with strong analytics and have excellent organizational and inter-personal skills. You must be an effective communicator, have a high sense of (internal) customer service and be able to work with cross-functional teams including Fulfillment Center Operations, Execution teams, Analysts and Senior Management.

As a Project Management intern you could join one of the following teams: Transportation, Operations Engineering, Operations Construction, Sustainability, Compliance, Prime Now, Amazon Logistics (AMZL), Amazon Transportation Services (ATS) or Environmental, Health, and Safety Programs (EHS).

Key responsibilities

  • You will support the project managers in one or several projects by supporting them in tracking open actions, conducting ad hoc deep dives to provide data insights useful for decision making, analyzing processes to identify critical points and improvement opportunities and anticipating for risks.
  • You will support the team in recommending and executing network improvements.
  • You will work with the team to identify process improvement or standardization opportunities for the European network.

Key learning objectives:

  • Data Analytics
    At the end of this internship, you will have developed skills to extract and manipulate large and complex dataset using Oracle SQL, will be given insights on simulation models and will have learnt to master the usage of analytics for driving business decisions and change.
  • Project management
    You will have learnt key success factors to project implementation and stakeholder management in a complex and international environment. You will have used advanced project management tools and will be able to successfully provide project members with support. You will have learnt to anticipate for and mitigate risks.
  •  Soft skills
    You will have learnt how to communicate results and status updates to stakeholders and Senior Management. You will have interacted with a wide range of people with very diverse roles, from Fulfilment Centers Managers to Research Scientists.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Business Administration or other quantitative areas or related fields.
  • Excellent analytical skills, preferably with advanced level in Excel.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
  • Problem solving mindset, proactive issue resolution skills and ability to manage multiple priorities.
  • You are able to demonstrate curiosity and pro-activity, which will allow you to gain greater autonomy in the course of the internship and make the most of your time with us to fully achieve your learning and development goals.
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous working knowledge of project management tools (Gantt charts, document sharing etc.) is a plus.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or fulltime role; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.
  • Students enrolled or recently graduated from an MBA are also welcome to apply.

How to apply

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies

IT Internship

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: IT ,Computer science, Engineering or other tech fields


Job title: IT Internship
Location: Castel San Giovanni/Vercelli/Passo Corese
Duration: 4 to 6 months

At Amazon, we strive to be Earth’s most customer-centric company where people can find and discover anything they want to buy online. We hire the world’s brightest minds, offering them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for customers. Innovation and creativity are the DNA of the company and are encouraged at all levels of employment. Every day we solve complex technical and business problems with ingenuity and simplicity. We are making history and the good news is we have only just begun!

Amazon Ops Tech IT teams keep Amazon’s operations running smoothly by resolving complex hardware, software, server and infrastructure issues, supported by both on-site and remote Support teams spread across our fulfilment centers network.

As an Ops tech IT Intern you will report to the IT Manager in your home site and will be engaged in the local IT team for providing highly reactive technical support to operations in order to guaranty to our customers the quality and reliability that made Amazon’s reputation.
Besides your day-to-day activities, you will be involved in projects and innovations. You will be a key part of a multinational team, focused on delivering high-quality results, and always be on the lookout for improvements.

Amazon intership program goal is to create a pool of experienced technicians and engineers able to apply on the permanent positions opened to support the huge numbers of new buildings we launch every year.
Amazon is the perfect place to start your career; we intend to hire people who have a passion for learning, innovation and hard nights of strong job. Amazon will provide you the skills and support to unlock your potential.


  • Candidate should be currently pursuing degree in IT / Computer science / Engineering or other tech fields.
  • Knowledge in deployment, upgrade, troubleshooting, parts replacement, system upgrades on client devices.
  • Knowledge in Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows server operating system.
  • LAN/WAN Networking skills
  • Able to comprehend and follow verbal and written technical instructions.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively in team environment.
  • Strong verbal and written communication (local language).
  • Basic verbal and written communication in Italian and in English.


  • Previous experience in IT support teams.
  • Skills in other European languages.
  • Certification in system administration and/or networking.
  • Web development skills.
  • Scripting skills.

How to apply
Please apply via the link provided: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/963981/it-internship

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.

Human Resources Internship 2020

Pubblicato il 07/01/2020

Tipo di Laurea: HR, Economics, Computer/Data Science, Marketing, social sciences, humanities, or a related field


Job title: Human Resources and Social Sciences Internship
Location: Torrazza (Torino) or Vercelli
Duration: 4 to 6 months

About us:
Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company; from providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon embraces invention and progressive thinking. Amazon is continually evolving; it’s a place where motivated employees thrive, and ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: we pioneer.

With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe. Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries, our Operations teams rely on support from a variety of human resources teams to meet the growing needs of Amazonians across Europe.

About these internships:
Whatever your background, if you love learning what it takes to hire and develop the best, enjoy building plans to attract, retain, develop, and support growing teams, effectively communicating across diverse teams in multiple countries, Amazon is a great place to be. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth, we’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt to changes quickly and we encourage you to try new things.

Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic students to join our fast paced world as interns. An Amazon EU internship will provide you with an unforgettable experience in a fast-paced, dynamic and international environment; it will boost your resume and will provide a superb introduction to our activities.

These internships are project-based educational opportunities where you’ll be exposed to a large range of business cases as well as design, develop and implement solutions that will help our operations sustain fast growth and build the best operational company in the world.

As an intern you could join one of the following teams: Human Resources, Talent Acquisition (Recruitment), Employee Relations, Internal Communications, HR Project Management Office, HR ACES, and more.

You will put your analytical and technical skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will teach you about the human resources function, as well as contribute to the team’s success (and ultimately our customers). This could include:

  • Helping develop strategies to attract potential new Amazonians to learn about opportunities within operations
  • Implementing programs to engage potential new Amazonians at university campuses and beyond
  • Support with planning and logistics for events, such as recruitment events, leadership trainings, and more.
  • Development of new tools to support automation of reporting across the EUFC HR network.
  • Taking part in process reviews, identifying opportunities to simplify and automate process steps wherever possible.
  • Learning about the HR functions within a fast-paced and ever-growing fulfilment centre
  • Assisting with internal communication efforts to align all teams across multiple countries
  • Helping with the development of training plans and materials to answer the development needs of various teams


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.

  • You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in HR, Economics, Computer/Data Science, Marketing, social sciences, humanities, or a related field.
  • You have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
  • You will be able demonstrate excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • You will be results driven with analytical capability and the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices.
  • You should have strong decision making skills and use sound reasoning to communicate
  • Evidence of leadership skills, working effectively with a team – perhaps you are president of a sporting or social club at university or took the lead in charity work or a group project.
  • The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Ability to work successfully in an ambiguous environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
  • Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or full- time role; if it’s in a people- or customer-facing environment, even better.

How to apply
Please apply via the link provided: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/964298/human-resources-internship-2020

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decision based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.
By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon to transmit and store your information in the Amazon group of companies’ world-wide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.


• Vodafone Discover Program – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria

Vodafone IT Discover Program

Pubblicato il 18/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria

Vodafone Discover Program is a journey for talented graduates that allows you to experience a cross-functional development path and fulfil a long-term role with a permanent contract. 

The first part of this program includes a 5-month period of job rotations, divided into 2 assignments:

  1. During the first 2 months you will explore our customer touch-points and digital channels, to better understand the digital market and our company culture;
  2. The next 3 months will allow you to be part of a team within your department to challenge yourself, grow your skillset and develop a broader view of the field of your interest. 

After this experience, you will be Ready to start your career path in your role for the next 18 months!

 Who are we looking for?

We are looking for tech-addicted geeks, someone who embraces new technologies and a continuously learning approach.

To join our Discover Graduate Program you must have recently graduated in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or related courses (within the last 6 months or planning to graduate by this autumn. Our qualifying requirements are:

  • Top academic performance
  • Previous experience in another company (within 1 year)
  • Proficiency in English 
  • International Experience

 You will also have to demonstrate:

  • Intellectual curiosity and hunger for development
  • Entrepreneurship, digital attitude, passion for technology
  • Lateral thinking skills and analytic mind-set

 As Discover IT you will work multi-disciplinarily with coders, designers and analysts to create prototypes, design and build modules and solutions in an iterative agile cycles. You will deliver great quality software into services in order to guarantee a great experience to our customers around the world. 

You will have the chance to join our Artificial Intelligence team, or dealing with Robotic Process Automation topics; you will help design & deploy our MyVodafone App or contribute in the development of TOBi – our digital assistant. 

As we move more towards becoming a digital company, software engineering is becoming a critical skill in driving us forwards, whether we are buying in quality solutions, building our own unique customer journeys or inventing the future of communications.

 What’s in for you?

Working for an industry leading company that spans across different countries around the world, you will have the chance to invest in your personal development, experiment and innovate at pace. In Vodafone, you will find a fresh and dynamic environment with flexible working hours and top tech equipment. You will be part of a global community of graduates and will have the chance to confront yourself with top experts as well as participating to coaching & training classes. You will have business exposure and accountability from day one and you will work to deliver world-leading technology to empower both Enterprise and Consumer customers around the world to build our digital future. In addition, at Vodafone Village you will find smart spaces equipped with foosball, ping-pong and video games and you will enjoy your place even more hosting the main Italian digital events and meet-up.

 Type of contract: Permanent contract with competitive salary.

Start date:  Autumn 2019

Send your CV: Claudia.Raponi@consultant.vodafoneomnitel.it

 What are you waiting for? Let’s apply!

Vodafone Discover Program-Finance

Pubblicato il 18/11/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia (Corporate Finance, Accounting, Financial Management and Control), Ingegneria Gestionale

Vodafone Discover Program is a journey for talented graduates that allows you to experience a cross-functional development path and fulfil a long-term role with a permanent contract. 

The first part of this program includes a 5-month period of job rotations, divided into 2 assignments:

  1. During the first 2 months you will explore our customer touch-points and digital channels, to better understand the digital market and our company culture;
  2. The next 3 months will allow you to be part of a team within your department to challenge yourself, grow your skillset and develop a broader view of the field of your interest. 

After this experience, you will be Ready to start your career path in your role for the next 18 months!

 Who are we looking for?

We are looking for tech-addicted geeks, someone who embraces new technologies and a continuously learning approach.

To join our Discover Graduate Program you must have recently graduated in Corporate Finance, Accounting, Financial Management and Control, Management engineering (within the last 6 months or planning to graduate by this autumn). 

Our qualifying requirements are:

  • Top academic performance
  • Previous experience in another company (within 1 year)
  • Proficiency in English 
  • International Experience

 You will also have to demonstrate:

  • Intellectual curiosity and hunger for development
  • Entrepreneurship, digital attitude, passion for technology
  • Lateral thinking skills and analytic mind-set

 What’s in for you?

Working for an industry leading company that spans across different countries around the world, you will have the chance to invest in your personal development, experiment and innovate at pace. In Vodafone, you will find a fresh and dynamic environment with flexible working hours and top tech equipment. You will be part of a global community of graduates and will have the chance to confront yourself with top experts as well as participating to coaching & training classes. You will have business exposure and accountability from day one and you will work to deliver world-leading technology to empower both Enterprise and Consumer customers around the world to build our digital future. In addition, at Vodafone Village you will find smart spaces equipped with foosball, ping-pong and video games and you will enjoy your place even more hosting the main Italian digital events and meet-up.

 Type of contract: Permanent contract with competitive salary.

Start date:  Autumn 2019

Send your CV: Claudia.Raponi@consultant.vodafoneomnitel.it

What are you waiting for? Let’s apply!

• Sogei – Laureati in Economia, Ingegneria, Scienze

Personale neolaureato: CORPORATE

Pubblicato il 25/10/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Economia e Management, Ingegneria Gestionale


Sogei – Società Generale d’Informatica S.p.A. – è la società di Information Technology 100% del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e opera sulla base del modello organizzativo dell’in house providing.

Partner tecnologico unico del MEF, Sogei ha progettato e realizzato il Sistema informativo della fiscalità, del quale segue conduzione ed evoluzione e sviluppa sistemi, applicazioni e servizi per le esigenze di automazione e informatizzazione dei processi operativi e gestionali del Ministero, Corte dei conti, Agenzie fiscali e altre Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

Sogei coopera con i propri clienti istituzionali in settori altamente strategici e ricopre un ruolo centrale nel processo di digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione, attraverso lo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative per la semplificazione delle procedure amministrative e una sempre più ampia integrazione tra le Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

Sogei ricerca fino ad un massimo di n. 20 neolaureati, da assumere con contratto di apprendistato professionalizzante (contratto a tempo indeterminato e durata del periodo formativo pari a 30 mesi), inquadramento in 5° categoria impiegati del CCNL Industria Metalmeccanica Privata e della Installazione di Impianti. Il contratto di lavoro di apprendistato professionalizzante, potrà essere stipulato esclusivamente con soggetti che, alla data di stipula del contratto, non abbiano compiuto il trentesimo anno di età, come previsto dalla vigente normativa.

La selezione è effettuata nel rispetto dei principi e della normativa in materia di parità di genere.

Le sedi di lavoro sono a Roma.

Principali Attività:

  • Budgeting & Controlling;
  • Contabilità e Bilancio;
  • Gestione Approvvigionamenti;
  • Organizzazione;
  • Risorse Umane;
  • Comunicazione.

Lauree Magistrali: LM77 – Scienze Economico-Aziendali, LM31 – Ingegneria Gestionale

Voto minimo: 110/110

Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è alle ore 12.00 dell’11 novembre 2019.

:: Bando completo in pdf

:: Link per candidarsi

Personale neolaureato: IT

Pubblicato il 25/10/2019

Lauree Triennali: L08 – Ingegneria dell’Informazione, L09 – Ingegneria Industriale, L30 – Scienze e Tecnologie Fisiche, L31 – Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche, L35 – Scienze Matematiche, L41 – Statistica

Lauree Magistrali: LM17 – Fisica, LM18 – Informatica, LM20 – Ingegneria aerospaziale e astronautica, LM25 – Ingegneria dell’Automazione, LM27 – Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, LM28 – Ingegneria elettrica, LM29 – Ingegneria Elettronica, LM30 – Ingegneria energetica e nucleare, LM32 – Ingegneria Informatica, LM33 – Ingegneria meccanica, LM40 – Matematica, LM56 – Scienze dell’Economia, LM66 – Sicurezza Informatica, LM82 – Scienze Statistiche, LM83 – Scienze Statistiche Attuariali e Finanziarie


Sogei – Società Generale d’Informatica S.p.A. – è la società di Information Technology 100% del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e opera sulla base del modello organizzativo dell’in house providing.

Partner tecnologico unico del MEF, Sogei ha progettato e realizzato il Sistema informativo della fiscalità, del quale segue conduzione ed evoluzione e sviluppa sistemi, applicazioni e servizi per le esigenze di automazione e informatizzazione dei processi operativi e gestionali del Ministero, Corte dei conti, Agenzie fiscali e altre Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

Sogei coopera con i propri clienti istituzionali in settori altamente strategici e ricopre un ruolo centrale nel processo di digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione, attraverso lo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative per la semplificazione delle procedure amministrative e una sempre più ampia integrazione tra le Pubbliche Amministrazioni.

Sogei ricerca fino ad un massimo di n. 80 neolaureati, da assumere con contratto di apprendistato professionalizzante (contratto a tempo indeterminato e durata del periodo formativo pari a 30 mesi), inquadramento in 5° categoria impiegati del CCNL Industria Metalmeccanica Privata e della Installazione di Impianti. Il contratto di lavoro di apprendistato professionalizzante, potrà essere stipulato esclusivamente con soggetti che, alla data di stipula del contratto, non abbiano compiuto il trentesimo anno di età, come previsto dalla vigente normativa.

La selezione è effettuata nel rispetto dei principi e della normativa in materia di parità di genere.

Le sedi di lavoro sono a Roma.

n.80 posizioni IT da inserire nelle aree tecniche

Gli ambiti di inserimento sono molto variegati e consentono l’utilizzo di tecnologie evolute. Le principali attività del mondo applicativo sulle quali le persone sono coinvolte riguardano l’analisi, la progettazione, lo sviluppo, il testing di soluzioni e servizi IT. Vi sono, inoltre, le attività di progettazione di modelli architetturali ed infrastrutture, di servizi di cybersecurity di nuova generazione, di sviluppo di sistemi di data management e business intelligence, di progettazione e manutenzione di impianti tecnologici. Ulteriori ambiti di inserimento sono relativi alla consulenza/gestione di progetti IT e allo sviluppo di modelli macroeconometrici. Ad ogni neoassunto l’azienda offre un percorso di “on boarding” finalizzato allo sviluppo di specifiche competenze tecniche e soft, utili ad un rapido ed efficace inserimento nel contesto organizzativo.

Voto minimo laurea triennale: 105/110

Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è alle ore 12.00 dell’11 novembre 2019.

:: Bando completo in pdf

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• TSI – Laureati in Ingegneria, Scienze

Corso di formazione gratuita Programmatore .Net finalizzato all'inserimento

Pubblicato il 25/07/2019

Tipo di Laurea (triennale o magistrale):  Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica

T.S.I. srl, azienda di sviluppo software e consulenza informatica, seleziona giovani neo diplomati in materie tecniche e universitari/neolaureati in informatica, ingegneria informatica o matematica, per partecipare al corso di formazione gratuito per Programmatore.Net.

L’obiettivo del corso è fornire le competenze necessarie sulle quali costruire il proprio background per operare nell’ambito della programmazione e rappresenta una valida opportunità ai fini dell’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro.

Al termine del corso, infatti, le risorse più valide saranno inserite in azienda con contratto di tirocinio formativo retribuito della durata di 6 mesi e successivamente assunte a tempo indeterminato presso la nostra società.

Il corso in partenza a Roma il 3 Settembre 2019, presso la sede di Viale Palmiro Togliatti, ha una durata di 360 ore, full-time (dal lunedì al venerdì) e prevede lezioni frontali in aula, sia di teoria che di pratica. 


Il corso è destinato a giovani neo diplomati in discipline tecniche e a neolaureati o studenti universitari di informatica, ingegneria informatica e matematica. Ricerchiamo ragazzi/e con un reale interesse e passione per l’informatica. Si richiedono dinamicità, flessibilità e capacità di problem solving. Indispensabile la motivazione a crescere professionalmente nel settore!

Modalità di partecipazione

I candidati interessati possono inviare il proprio CV aggiornato in formato europeo all’indirizzo: selezione.candidati@tsi-srl.it, riportando il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali.

Sito Web: Tsi-srl.it

Pagine Social:

La ricerca è rivolta a candidati di entrambi i sessi (Legge 903/77).I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente ai fini della presente o di future selezioni, garantendo i diritti di cui all’art. 13 Dlgs 196/03.

• Huawei – Laureati in Ingegneria

Technical Engineer - Graduate Program (Tempo Indeterminato)

Pubblicato il 25/06/2019

Tipo di Laurea: Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria di Internet, ICT & Internet Engineering, Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni

Founded in 1988, Huawei Technologies is one of the fastest growing telecommunication and network solutions providers in the world. It is one of the worldwide leading suppliers in the field of Broadband Network (NGN, DSL, MSAN), Mobile Network (GSM/GPRS, UMTS, CDMA), Optical Network, Data Communication, Software and Applications (Intelligent Network). Huawei Technologies experienced a fast growth in the last decade with offices in more than 50 countries in the world and supplied its diversified products and solutions to more than 60 countries including UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, Sweden, USA, Russia, Brazil, Peru, Egypt, South Korea, Australia, Thailand and China, etc. We sincerely invite professionals who have rich working experience in IT/Telecom companies to join us and develop together with Huawei. For further information, please visit us now at http://www.huawei.com

Technical Engineer

Job location: Milan Lorenteggio  / Rome

Main Responsibilities:

Key job responsibilities include providing optimization and global technical support for projects on fixed networks fields , i.e. transport, access and datacom technologies. The job requires to be inserted inside the Huawei Fixed-Network Maintenance team providing post-sale services to all Italian and many international Huawei customers. The candidate should have excellent communication, presentation and technology skills. The other job responsibilities include keeping under control the KPIs status based on the SLA stipulated with the customers and performing optimization activities for network develops.

For this role, we expect the candidate to have deep understanding of cross-domain, between the transport network, i.e. WDM, microwave and SDH equipments, the access network, i.e., FTTH and FTTC equipments, the datacom network, i.e. switches and routers.


  • Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering, Information Technologies Engineering or Computer Science Engineering
  • Graduated from no more than 1 year
  • Good English knowledge

What we offer:  permanent contract

Contact info: alessandra.ciampitti@huawei.com